Friday, April 27, 2007

Grounding A Portable Generator In A Truck

Agave Bistrot Library

Work in Progress Event

to meet the authors of the project
"Work in Progress", in the Closing Party of

April 28, 2007, from 21.30 until

pictures: Andrea Appolloni, Matteo Bianchi Fasani, Cinzia De Nigro, Claudia Ferri, Alessandro Imbriaco, Maccotta Lorenzo, Ciro Meggiolaro, Francesco Millefiori, Saul Palma, Giorgio Palmera, Lorenzo Perpignani, Emanuela Scarpa, Alis Thieck-Alami .

The project "Work in Progress" is visible at a contemporary art gallery and eight scattered bookbar nella città ed è stato curato da C.A.O.S. CulturalArtistsOpenSpace Contemporary Art, la rivista “il maleppeggio - storie di lavori”, periodico mensile patrocinato dall’Assessorato al Lavoro, Pari opportunità e Politiche giovanili della Regione Lazio, e Agave Bistrot Libreria ed è inserito nella VI edizione di FotoGrafia-Festival Internazionale di Roma.

Dance Floor elettronico a cura dei djs del Blueroom
Rialtosantambrogio - via Sant'Ambrogio, 4 - Roma
Ingresso: 5 euro

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Adult Film Industry Vancouver

nell’ambito del circuito Work in progress del Festival di FotoGrafia (type in the banner look for work in progress) involving 13 photographers in the exhibition spaces 9 (8 bookbar and a gallery), developed by Chaos , Maleppeggio The stories work http: / / , and Agave Bistrot Library
dedicated to my grandfather, Fortunato Saulini, machinist, and my uncles craft do the same thing ...

Agave Bistrot
Library is pleased to invite
inauguration of the photographic exhibition
FRIDAY 'April 20, 2007 at 18:30

photographs Alis Thieck-Alami
to 21, reading
Elena Stancanelli
taken from "The Dead Man"
(The Maleppeggio, November 2006)

Shaping the sixth edition of
FotoGrafia-Festival Internazionale di Roma

"Dead Man", or VACM, a safety device. Measure the attention of the driver and is located on each train, each car in place of the second driver. A story that begins at night, following the turn of the driver of a train, from four to eleven. A story without faces, made of hands, gestures, habits, in a silence that screams a thousand words. Why are the "drivers are serious and silent, bear the responsibility with pride, but also have the chrism of anarchy, as in the song Guccini [1] .
The photo exhibition will be inaugurated within the project "Work in Progress", carried out by CHAOS CulturalArtistsOpenSpace Contemporary Art, the magazine "the maleppeggio - stories of work, monthly magazine sponsored by the Department of Labor, Gender and Youth Policies Lazio Region, Agave Bistrot Library and eight independent libraries scattered throughout the city, not just bookbar libraries or coffee.
"Work in Progress" is primarily a group that brings together thirteen photographers of various age and professional experience very different: successful professionals who publish books and reports and young people just out by institutions or schools, photographers on the rise, looking for a own recognizable style, its own history.
artists are "Work in Progress": Andrea Appolloni, Matteo Bianchi Fasani, Cinzia de Nigro, Claudia Ferri, Alessandro Imbriaco, Maccotta Lorenzo, Ciro Meggiolaro, Francesco Millefiori, Saul Palma, Giorgio Palmera, Lorenzo Perpignani, Emanuela Scarpa, Alis-Thieck Alami.

Alis Thieck
-Alami was born in Gold Beach, Oregon in 1979. He graduated in 2006 in Communication Sciences in Rome with a thesis on the evolution of information law in the Moroccan press from its origins to the present. Origins of the Franco-Italian-Moroccan, Morocco Alis grows up to 18 years. Then travels between the U.S. and Europe to settle in Italy in 2000. Self-taught photographer, he became interested in photography in 2003 and made his first report in Morocco on display in various exhibitions in Rome. From 2003 to 2005 worked with news agencies in Rome and published his photographs of the news in newspapers. Contributes to various magazines in Morocco publishes its social reports. Porta forward on a photographic processes in social change in Morocco and the Moroccan society in general, characterized by a strong and dynamic diversity. In Rome, working with the magazine "the maleppeggio" as a photographer and as responsible for coordinating of photographers.

The photo exhibition will remain open until 11 May 2007
On May 12, 2007, always at 18:30, in the same circuit, to open a photo exhibition Agave WORK IN PROGRESS - "precarious state" of Alexander Imbriaco and Francesco Millefiori. The exhibition will remain open until May 31, 2007

[1] Elena Stancanelli, "The dead man," "The maleppeggio, November 2006

Genital Warts On Lips

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