Friday, September 14, 2007

Vioxx Stroke Settlement Jan 2010

from 24 September 27, 2007, from 16 to 24 hours
will present a book sale at :
Romapoesia-Festival of the Word,
September 8 - 1 October 2007
draft Nanni Balestrini and Luigi Cinque

New Coliseum Theatre /
-theater and directed by Simon Carey Ulisse-Benedetti
Via Capo d'Africa 29 / A
The word and the other by
Andrea Cortellessa

I Think I Have Genital Warts Canada


Agave Bistrot Library
is pleased to invite

WEDNESDAY 'September 19, 2007, 19:30

reads passages from her latest book

Siam then people sensitive
Bologna Parma, ninety kilometers
(Yale University Press, 2007)

Then Bologna, which is the center of the city Bologna Modena Parma, Reggio Emilia, Bologna write a guide to staying in suburban Parma perhaps not so absurd.
"I like the theater that does not seem to theater, I like films that do not seem to film. Even the marriages, the only marriage that I liked, among those who have gone, had a marriage that did not seem a wedding. I like novels that do not seem to novels, the writers do not seem to writers. Perhaps for that, I write guides that do not appear to city guides that do not appear to town. "

This is not about trying to write a guide to no avail, here we do not even try, because it happened the other.

Paolo Nori was born in Parma in 1963. He has published novels, the second is called tuba there (DeriveApprodi 1999), the penultimate We'll make revenge (Feltrinelli 2006).