Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sample Thankyou Notes For Condolences

Meeting with the mayors: it's the right time?

Highway Broni - Pavia - Mortara: opinions compared

Very important meeting where for the first time meet with the mayors and citizens' associations, having managed the entire process of approval of project without bothering to inform the population and involving in decision making.

Organized by: Liberta 'Justice - Circle of Pavia

Saturday, June 28 at 21.15 - the City Hall auditorium Bressana Bottarone

The meeting are invited the Mayors, the Province of Pavia, the Lombard Park of Ticino, the Committees and Associations of Citizens.

We wait and we invite you to promuvere initiative

FOLLOWING appointment:

letter to newspapers:
"Participation and comparison: the Broni Mortara preach good and evil scratching"

Dear Director, the Circle of Freedom Pavia and Justice organized a Bressana Bottarone Saturday, June 28, a public meeting to create a place of confrontation between citizens and administrators of the municipalities crossed by the planned highway Broni-Pavia-Mortara.A us the Coordination of Committees and Associations against Pavia-Broni-Mortara this seemed a good opportunity to compare ourselves with politics, which always complains about the distance from the citizens, not without reason.
Unfortunately it was a missed opportunity. Absent the province, the Parco del Ticino absent, absent politicians, absent local administrators. The only exceptions are the mayor and a councilor of High St. Martino Siccomario, not surprisingly representatives of municipalities against work. As Cava and Pinarolo who sent a written note. Nothing more clearly in words who says that requires "participation" and "comparison" is then difficult to put into practice those same principles.
Where were those in favor? Unavoidable commitments, it seems, of all types and severity.
If this highway is a good thing would be the case that someone asserted publicly the reasons for the stampede suggests that there is something wrong, something that might embarrass.
Meanwhile the process of the work goes on and objections (environmental, health, landscape, economic) are ignored, instead of being refuted in substance. This seems to us a clear symptom of weak intellectual and political argument. It confirms the lack of respect that our trustees for citizens, sometimes it is worth remembering that they are not holding our representatives and professional services.

Coordination of Committees and Associations against Pavia-Broni-Mortara

Ap Bio Lab 8 Population Genetics And Evolution

June 2008, many new

Press Release of June, because there has been a particularly rich Document delivery Studio Technical Environmental deposited 6 at the county and forwarded the mayors and the fact that the envelopes were opened (economic part) of the tender for the construction of the highway. The English consortium SiS are in the lead.

The main argument of this stage is that the spa (company of the Lombardy region) presented a general study ambientele (attached) instead of a VAS to which it committed to do in the service pack in February 2007 .
fondamentael The appearance of a SEA Committee bypassing that here at all is the "participation" of all stakeholders, from government associations, the holders of common interest to individual citizens.

The paradox is that a work the genus (the largest infrastructure prvincia of Pavia) would never evaluate a third party, this study is that an EIA be carried out on the final draft prepared by the proponents are in fact ...

While some communities express doubts growing stronger (San Martino Siccomario, Cava Manara) committees no (constructive) embeds two significant political processes that support dell'Italai of Values \u200b\u200band the Democratic Left (current PD). Meanwhile

3600 signatures are delivered to the Region of Lombardy, it is the self-petition for annulment of the process design of Pavia Broni Mortara.

Provincia Pavese Tuesday, June 24, 2008

see Saturday

Highway Thin it to Bressana

Bressan. Broni-Mortara a motorway which is discussed. Next Saturday at 21.15 at the auditorium of Town Hall Bressana Bottarone will hold a meeting on the draft of the future highway. To organize the club Freedom and Justice of Pavia who invited the mayors of the affected areas over the provincial administration, the Lombard Park of Ticino, associations and citizens' committees. Favirevoli and antonyms will confront the question stradale.
Si affronteranno le questioni economiche e ambientali.

Provincia Pavese MARTEDÌ, 24 GIUGNO 2008


Sinistra democratica attacca la Provincia

PAVIA. Sull'autostrada Sinistra democratica lancia un affondo alla giunta Poma schierandosi dalla parte delle associazioni, i cittadini e i Comuni che chiedono «di poter partecipare alla determinazione degli atti». «La partecipazione del pubblico, requisito fondante di una Vas, è stata negata - Said Antonio Bengiovanni, provincial coordinator of the Democratic Left - as evidenced by the fact that the documentation produced as a result of Vas was not published on the website of the Province of Pavia. So that made the Vas is not that the municipality of Pavia, together with other municipalities, had requested in February 2007. Democratic Left has asked the mayor that the council of Pavia does not lend itself to this strategy: it was the Municipality of Pavia to promote the demand for Vas and is therefore the same municipality to intervene. We also asked the mayor to intervene in that region or province to ensure that the issues raised by the summary assessment are the subject of a confrontation with the citizens before taking any other step.

Page 32-a - National

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Highway, 3,600 signatures against

committees: "Cancelled the process of Pavia-Broni-Mortara "

PAVIA. "The application has been totally rejected." Raise their voices committees and environmental groups against the highway-Broni-Mortara Pavia, for which these days is identifying the dealer for the preparation and the consequent realization of the project. And to be even more credible in the region have filed an application for annulment of the process of proceedings of the highway, request signed by 3,600 citizens.
"In recent days, the mayors have received over a thousand pages of numbers, tables, and various reports contained in the document prepared by Infrastructure Lombard on the draft of Pavia-Broni-Mortara, but have no chance to have their say because the games are made - explains the coordination against the Pavia-Broni-Mortara -. Mayors, citizens and interest groups will not have common time and opportunity to examine and discuss the problems that emerged following the work of the technical panel established in the Province, since infrastructure Lombardy Region and the Province have decided that these problems can be overcome. "
"The decision is final, will not be questioned - continued coordination -. This is demonstrated by the fact that the process of awarding the project started with the evaluation of tenders. In February 2007, the Conference of Mayors in services, a majority of adopting the preliminary draft, make their decision to conduct a Strategic Environmental Assessment. " The coordination
adhere Italy Nostra, WWF, Legambiente, Lipu, Association "La Rondine," Slow food, Friends of Beppe Grillo, in addition to the committees: for Farmers the protection of the territory, the Cava Manara, Alagna, Barbianello, Bressana Bottarone, Dornoch, Gropello Cairoli, Lungavilla, Pavia, Pinarolo Po, Santa Juliet, High, S. Martin and Zinasco. (Dz)

NOTE: The following article is misleading, the victory is on the English economy of the race, the overall score will emerge after the technical evaluation of projects, it is assumed in July

Thursday, June 19, 2008


New Highway, on the English win field

Consortium Sis arrives first at the race, but competitors can appeal

The other two companies involved are Sabrom Gavio group that has placed second and Coopsette Bologna finished third

PAVIA. The highway to the Spaniards. E 'tops the list provisionally drawn to locate the dealers of the Broni-Mortara, Pavia, Sis the Consortium, the Association of Italian-English joint venture which has submitted its offer to realize the great infrastructure. With Sis, entered the race two other competitors: Sabrom (group Gavio) second, and Coopsette of Bologna, in the third. Now Infrastructure Lombard will have two weeks to verify the adequacy of the supply of Sis with the business plan, and then confirm the winner.
The provisional classification was created by the opening of financial offers, compare, without questioning its validity. The next step explains Antonio Rognoni, Director of Infrastructure Lombardi. "Our duty is to verify the adequacy of the offered respect to the Plan to be implemented," he says. No easy task given that the offer is made up of different parts: for example, light vehicles and heavy toll rate, the duration of the concession, construction time, the fee payable under the administration building. Task even more complex when one considers that the three bids are very competitive. "That the Consortium is better Sis only 0.6 points out of a hundred - said Rognoni - If you expect it? I would say that we had anticipated competitive offerings, this is a real race. "
Within two weeks, then you will have the confirmation sull'aggiudicatario provisional, for what the law requires a final 60-day period during which other candidates can appeal. The game is important because the dealer has to draw up the final draft, then the Executive to proceed with expropriation, then the establishment and operation of the motorway: a package worth about one billion euro.
The fact that the ambitious project is to find "family", there is great attention. And you spend feedback.
"I do not care who will build the highway, I am interested that you face." Giancarlo Abelli, a former deputy regional minister hours, and on-Pavia Broni-Mortara has invested much of his energy, read this incident in a positive light. "Times have been complied with - emphasizes -. I have always believed that it is an important thing. There was a discussion a bit 'confusing, but I think there will be the maximum respect for the environment, as has happened so far. Municipalities have been consulted then we must proceed. "
"It seems that so far the procedure has been followed seriously - says Charles Porcari, a regional councilor Pd -. Now we need this work, conducted by experts on the strategic assessment is involved: you need to let mayors and representatives of interests, what they should think and Infrastructure Lombardy Province confronting town by town. We must recover the participatory deficit and this document, commissioned by the municipalities, must be shared. Everyone should have the opportunity to evaluate. " Finally
operative Provincial President, Victor Poma. Stressing: "I am pleased that the process is being concluded on schedule by Infrastructure Lombard and that it is placed into the technical-scientific study delivered to the mayors. In this respect there is the commitment of the Province because before you win the award is taken into a meeting later this month with all the municipalities for collecting comments and assess together the results of the study. "

NB The position of the mayors of Cava and Pinarolo is not as clear as it seems for no ... if they are playing politically. Possible internal dynamics of the PD provincial

Cava Manara E Pinarolo

Ed is still no highway

Siamo due sindaci che hanno detto no al progetto preliminare dell'Autostrada Broni-Mortara e che hanno proposto un percorso al termine del quale fosse possibile dare un giudizio sulla sostenibilità dell'opera.
Ricordiamo che a tal fine l'ordine del giorno presentato dal Comune di Pavia e votato all'unanimità dai sindaci presenti alla Conferenza di Servizi (e quindi votato anche da chi aveva espresso parere favorevole al Progetto) richiama la necessità che «la predisposizione del progetto definitivo debba essere subordinata:
- all'esito positivo della Valutazione Ambientale Strategica, che stimi la sostenibilità dell'insieme dei progetti alla luce del carico ambientale già presente;
- all'impegno che il progetto includa la realizzazione del collegamento con la A26 e di tutte le opere complementari utili al territorio provinciale;
- al miglioramento di alcune soluzioni progettuali, con particolare riferimento alla riduzione e alla mitigazione degli impatti di alcuni svincoli e di alcuni manufatti, ad una particolare attenzione nei confronti delle aree agricole interessate e delle attività che vi si svolgono, alla piena considerazione di alcuni valori architettonici e ambientali locali;
- all'impegno ad individuare da parte di Regione, Provincia e Comuni nell'ambito dei proprio strumenti di pianificazione territoriale, adeguate misure di contenimento e di ordinato sviluppo di nuovi strumenti urbanistici;
- alla messa a point of all necessary steps to facilitate the definition of tariffs is the use of highway by the local utilities. "
and hopes that "the successive phases of work also because of the sensitivity of the local landscapes and social sensitivity expressed are marked by large and involved a comparison that can integrate and correct the project, receiving guidance and suggestions from institutions, actors and local communities. "
the light also of this agenda, the Province was a technical secretariat with two sets of objectives: to work together to formulate and evaluate the required documentation and be a bridge between Lombardy Resort Spa and Local Authorities to to incorporate new observations and directions.
In light of the work done and delivered to the municipalities, we first express the following considerations: it seems to us especially that we have missed an important opportunity for comparison with local authorities while the work was in progress. That the bulk of the material produced put the municipalities (especially smaller ones without adequate technical facilities) in great difficulty in expressing an opinion quickly accomplished.
In any case, an initial examination although still superficial, seems to emerge (and it can be determined from the summary that contains questions and answers, the technical secretary of Lombardia Spa Resort) that the fundamental question (the verification of sustainability through the SEA) has not been answered. Instead of Vas it was decided to undertake a technical study on the environmental sustainability and territorial work which, while important in some ways, refers to the final project (and thus identified a dealer) a series of discussions and decisions that in our opinion should and must precede any expectations.
Specifically, with regard to our two communities, we believe that the absence of reliable data on many aspects of environmental work on the one hand and yet very general proposals (mitigation and decide that you do not know cost, area plans, averaging corridor agro-energy agenda of actions, etc.) on the other, purtroppo, non fanno fare passi avanti nel rimuovere le perplessità e le contrarietà che ci hanno portato in conferenza di servizio ad esprimere senza preconcetti un parere motivatamente negativo.
Pensando che le nostre preoccupazioni possano essere condivise da altri colleghi riteniamo opportuno che la Provincia si faccia carico di ulteriori momenti di confronto sia con gli Enti locali sia con le organizzazioni, le associazioni ed i comitati territoriali sullo studio effettuato richiedendo che le procedure di gara vengano attuate eventualmente solo dopo risposte precise alle problematiche sollevate.
Claudia Montagna sindaco di Cava Manara Giuseppe Villani sindaco di Pinarolo Po

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cava Manara, doubts on the highway

Mountain Mayor distanced himself from the project Broni-Mortara

Cava Manara. Doubts and also many. Cava Manara has distanced itself from the motorway project Broni - Mortara. Talk of "covenants not respected" and now, after the photocopied materials in the possession and handing him over to the leaders, entrusted to the next city council discussion on the project. The technical-scientific delivered a few days ago to local governments by the Province, the considerations on the work done by the secretariat technology concerning environmental effects and land on the preliminary draft also are in the hands of the minority. The desire of the Mayor, Claudia Mountain, is to arrive at a comparison in assembly room. Discussion to be held June 30. The mayor expressed doubts and misgivings on the course so far done. "Much of the data requested by us, in particular relating to environmental impact, have been sent the final draft and then took to tender for the search of the dealer. This mode of operation is inconsistent with the commitments we had made - says the mayor -. Along with other directors had proposed a route by which time it was possible to judge the sustainability of the work. " According to Mountain, and his opinion is also supported by the provincial secretary DS (as well as mayor of Pinarolo Po), Giuseppe Villani, has lost an opportunity to compare with local authorities while the work was still ongoing. The amount of material placed in the hands of administrators makes it difficult for them the task of expressing an opinion quickly. "From a first glance - Claudia Mountain continues - it is easy to note however that there was no verification of sustainability through Vas, instead of which there is a technical study that refers to the final draft." The lack of certain elements is therefore favor Cava Manara (and this is what will also Pinarolo Po) to express an opinion negative about the project. "I think my position and the Mayor Villani is also shared by other directors - end -. Maybe you should ask the province to intervene and, above all other moments of confrontation that comes to the race of custody proceedings only after responding to the demands of unions. "
Raffaella Costa

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

NB The proposal of the mayor of San Martino "to deal directly with the contractor" is a pipe dream, has no chance

Highway, S. Martino another "no route to

The mayor in council now plays the last card "will deal with a contractor who will win the contract"

SAN MARTINO Siccomario. The highway Broni-Mortara turn back the souls in the city council. To ignite the fuse has been an agenda presented by the directors of the minority Democratic Party. Abbiati has asked the minority to be united, but the opposition has made it clear to the first citizen to be late and now have little chance to be able to adjust the path. San Martino Siccomario will be in the area, the country most touched by the passage of the highway. Abbiati will open a dialogue with those who have the job of creating the path, the 'entrepreneur who will win the contract. "Only he can understand the economic advantage of an alternative solution," says the mayor. The current design proposal includes the transfer of the motorway, with a bridge of over 1000 meters in the suburbs south of the country and the construction of a bypass for the benefit especially of Cava Manara.
Mayor Conference services said "no" to this idea by proposing an alternative of the same design: to integrate a stretch of highway with the ring. Cava Manara is opposed to this solution, according to the mayor of San Martino, instead likely to be accepted by the entrepreneur who put the money to build infrastructure.
"A true entrepreneur - said yesterday in assembly room - can not fail to realize the economic benefit of doing a road, instead of two, to expropriate an area, instead of two, not to make a bridge." Among other things, pointed out Abbiati, his idea not to weigh the territory finds comfort in the words of the experts Infrastructure Lombardi has identified a number of critical issues about the impact of the work in the area. The critical issues relate to transport, noise, land use and covers parts of hydrogeological, landscape, the 'agriculture, local development.
"The study - points out the Democratic Party - in particular shows that the model of development for San Martino Siccomario, already critical uncoordinated policies of this administration, it could be with" negative effects on the ecological network. " The question presented by the directors
Cupello, Nai, Amodio and Maini wanted to know "if the mayor saw fit to propose changes to the planned route, compared to step artery of communication within the local authority and find out the reasons for not has decided to convene a special commission to council set up specifically to discuss the evolution of the bureaucratic procedures of the highway. Commission that has never been called. "
Abbiati defended himself saying that the committee has not met because there was nothing they could do real, demanding "a common struggle to prevent the devastation of the territory." Adding: "All together we have greater strength for a goal that I think you can get." The opposition, however, is not convinced: "The mayor's words proves to be against the highway and then in fact does nothing - says -. Rather, it acts not to oppose its motorway, contradicting himself. On the criticality of the development of San Martino, which we have always denounced the Democratic Party, we now have the negative evaluation of supra-institutions impartial. All that certifies the failed policies of the junta. "
The technical-scientific and environmental effects of future regional highway Broni-Mortara, Pavia on a large scale was presented last week by "Infrastructure Lombard," the company for the great works of the Lombardy region in twenty mayors convened by Province of Pavia.
Raffaella Costa

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Highway, questions still unanswered

Open Letter to the President of the Province.
Gentile dott. Poma,
dopo aver letto la Sua dichiarazione sulla Vas (valutazione ambientale strategica) per l'autostrada Broni-Mortara sulla Provincia Pavese del 15 giugno Le chiedo un attimo di attenzione.
Il tracciato autostradale passa probabilmente ad una distanza inferiore ai 100 metri dalla mia abitazione e accanto a una fabbrica che in passato ha avuto qualche «problemino ambientale» non ancora concluso.
Visto che la Vas presuppone la partecipazione dei cittadini coinvolti, Le chiedo gentilmente di essere convocata da Lei perché mi spieghi attraverso i suoi collaboratori esattamente cosa accadrà accanto a casa mia, alla qualità di vita mia e dei miei cari, al deprezzamento eventuale della mia abitazione, all'impatto environment that will be, my health and that there will be consequences on the environment surrounding me.
Do not tell me to inspect the entire Vas because I could not understand the technical terms, I would like some practical terms. Besides, I think each of us is paid to the singularity of their work and I'm ignorant on the charts, and flow projections.
Since I knew, by chance, not because informed by the institutional bodies of this highway, I participated in any discussion on the subject, but I only had a few responses from the groups, never by those in charge at work. I just signed a letter from the Director General of Infrastructure Lombard SPA Giulio Antonio Rognoni, which states which is available for any clarification, but I do not know who to call and all my search was in vain.
For this I turn to you as a citizen involved in this work to get accurate answers. I come from Broni and I think that you surely know what happened in my country for Fibronit, because of which I'm more of a relative.
I believe that you would not have peace of mind for his family if he could not think of a peaceful future, or at least know or had no answers to give to their children about the goodness of the institutions that truly enjoy a moment of confidence, but who are planning the their future.
Marisa Morini San Martino Siccomario


L'Italia dei Valori si schiera con i comitati

«Vogliamo dare voce ai contrari all'autostrada e alla logistica»

PAVIA. L'Italia dei valori al fianco dei comitati per lavorare sul territorio. Con una lettera indirizzata ai sindaci di Bastida Pancarana, Bressana Bottarone, Cava Manara, Casatisma, Pinarolo Po e Rea Po l'Italia dei Valori esprime il suo "no" all'autostrada Broni-Mortara e al polo logistico di Bressana, ribadito in un incontro con associazioni e comitati. «Abbiamo organized this day - explained Claudio Radori, provincial coordinator IDV - because we understand that there is a land use, not because it is needed, but because there is some interest in building works. Although on some things we do not agree with you - he said addressing the representatives of farmers Land Protection Committee, committee chairs, our Italy, Association and Friends of the swallow Beppe Grillo - we are committed to be available to lend a hand '. On the Broni-Mortara case and have spoken Bressana components of Italia dei Valori. "The aspiration is not dell'Oltrepo Logistics - commented Francesco Rubiconto, dean of the School of Media Plan Voghera - Se il problema è fare in modo che si velocizzi il collegamento Oltrepo-Pavia, a cosa serve la Broni-Mortara? Noi diciamo no a monte al di là dell'impatto sul territorio. Bisogna migliorare l'asse nord-sud, non est-ovest». «Abbiamo dimenticato la possibilità di usare al meglio le strade attraverso la riqualificazione - ha spiegato Vincenzo Laurenzano, consigliere comunale di Casorate Primo - Se allargassimo di un metro una strada o se facessimo manutenzione, riusciremmo a raggiungere l'obbiettivo con un risparmio. Il territorio non è una risorsa infinita». Sulla Broni-Mortara Vincenzo Vigna, chirurgo del San Matteo, ha ricordato i precedenti: «Questo progetto era stato bocciato dai tecnici della regione quando si erano considered various routes for the corridor 5 Lisbon-Kiev. " Andrea intervention of dew, a practicing lawyer, "If the Livorno-Mortara will cost € 2.50 if those who can afford it? We must recover the notion of public interest. "
Marianna Bruschi

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Broni-Mortara, is Vas


S writes the VAS but it reads' Strategic Environmental Assessment "and is one of the many profitable rules that Europe has entered into our ordinamenento. In fact, with the European directive 42/2001/CE, LR 12/2005, has introduced a requirement to accompany all plans connected with the organization of the territory, including the Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan, the Strategic Environmental Assessment .
on page 13)

Just the site of the Province of Pavia says that the "SEA procedure is to have a report on the impact on the environment (environmental report ), following the implementation plan be drawn up also by carrying out consultations and the provision of information. "
And rightly points out always by the Provincia di Pavia, such as the heart of the SEA is' participation, the comparison between the Administration and the people who represent various interests in the territory. "
The projected highway Broni-Mortara, Pavia, the most substantial work planned over the next decade in the province, is obviously the test for the VAS. Not by chance in the conference services in February 2007 the mayors of the municipalities involved have decided that an agenda committed Infrastructure Lombardy and the Lombardy Region ad avviare una Valutazione Ambientale Strategica, una VAS appunto, dell'opera.
Adesso a poche settimane dall'assegnazione, che dovrebbe avvenire a luglio, della progettazione esecutiva dell'autostrada, è stato consegnato ai sindaci il ponderoso dossier che contiene lo «studio tecnico-scientifico sugli effetti ambientali e territoriali dell'autostrada Broni-Pavia-Mortara». Per chi non è un addetto ai lavori, difficile comprendere se questo documento rappresenti la VAS, prevista dalla normativa europea e di cui parla il sito provinciale, o invece ne costituisca una sorta di interpretazione secondo il rito ambrosiano officiato dalla Regione Lombardia, sotto forma di una Valutazione Ambientale Sintetica - chiamiamola VAS bis - introdotta dal Pirellone and to which reference is made in Lombardy Infrastructure present his extensive study carried out by a plurality of weight and authoritative experts.
A study that appears to show how "the criticicità be overcome" and then we can proceed expeditiously. By external observers, we can not say that as now, with this matter, the ball is passed to the mayors who, presumably, they will be turning round and round the hundreds of pages of the paper asks, hopefully, how to treasure it. On the one hand should have, before the mobilization of skills and expertise deployed by Infrastructure Lombard, a scientific and appropriate analytical counterweight to verify from their point of view, that all has been objectively analyzed and evaluated. Second, realistically, we know the resources of the municipalities, especially smaller ones, may provide.
The comparison would be desirable to orchestrate this issue on the environmental and territorial highway of the future is therefore likely to be a dialogue between the dwarves without a voice opposed to a giant stentorian capacity. This asymmetry, and a very short time available, might therefore undermine that desired to participate - that is the heart of the SEA, understood as the Strategic Environmental Assessment - it is not clear if that beats in the heart of a VAS. Synthetic or Environmental Assessment.
The fear is that the 'summary' in questo caso si traduca - se non viene declinata anche in partecipazione effettiva - in un tagliar corto, nel tacitare suggerimenti, nello stoppare alternative che magari sarebbe proficuo per tutti soppesare. Compito dei sindaci coinvolti e soprattutto dell'Amministrazione Provinciale e del suo presidente è dimostrare a questo punto, con una mirata ed efficace opera di comunicazione verso i cittadini, che non è così. Le prossime settimane consentiranno di capire se questa, della partecipazione è la strada scelta. O se invece, pressati dalla fretta, ci si è incamminati su un altro viottolo.
Dimentichi del proverbio secondo cui «da soli si va veloci. In compagnia si va lontano».

DOMENICA, June 15, 2008

Highway, smog and impact test

Paper presented to the mayors. A development plan against wild

in July will begin in January 2009 for the grant is planned to develop the final draft


PAVIA. A decrease in the flow of traffic to Pavia and Milan, but an increasing trend of pollution, faster connections, but the risk of proliferation of buildings and not a pleasant impact on the territory. The study by Lombard Infrastructure and delivered to the mayors in the presence of the province, puts the future highway-Broni-Mortara Pavia under the magnifying glass. At the end of the delivery of the pass to enter the territory, but under certain conditions.
The race for the grant is ending, the award is provisionally scheduled for late June, while the start of the motorway concession will come into being in July 2008. The development of the project and the final environmental impact study will be complete in January 2009, will follow the national procedure of EIA (environmental impact) and the Conference of Regional Services for approval of the project which will end in spring 2010. The final design will be developed in three months, work will begin in autumn 2010, the site will last 36 months and will open to traffic on the fall 2013. The framework
roadway. The Pavia-Broni-Mortara (with link to Stroppiana Piedmont), inserted positioned in supra-regional motorway networks, represents a segment of the itinerary of Mantova-Nogales-Adriatic Sea, which connects with the A13 between Bologna and Padua (A1- A4) of the Cremona-Mantua interconnection with the A22 (Mantua) and the A21 (Cremona); of the existing A21 from Cremona in Broni, Broni and that A21 joins the A26, A5 and A4 Santhià. The overall development of the network at the regional level is 713 km, of which about 13% in the province of Pavia. The highway will allow a strong connection to the logistics hub of Mortara, now 25 km from the removal / exit.
daily traffic. It is expected that will travel by Broni Mortara 14 thousand light vehicles and 4,800 trucks per day (equivalent to 26 thousand vehicles) in the stretch-Broni instead Stroppiana 17 thousand light vehicles and heavy 8,200 per day (equivalent to 37 thousand).
associated works . It is planned as a variant solution strengthening and the villages concerned. The variant of Bressana Bottarone (3.3 km) is expected to strengthen the sp 113 and the connection to the state 35, the variation of Cava Manara (4.4 km) scheduled a variant of the SS 35 to the south with access to the bypass surgery of Pavia for connecting the ring road of Pavia (4.4 km) will be implemented in a variant part of the City of St. Martino, for the variant of Agogna Castle (2.7 km) variant is expected to ss 494 and the upgrading of the same until access to the new logistics of Mortara.
Agriculture. The Pavia-Broni-Mortara could create negative impacts in some areas, the study identifies areas where more than "disruptive effect of the roadway," even the wild construction along the road directly at toll stations. It 's the case of Mortara and Cergnago with Castello d'Agogna and Ottobiano; of Tromello Garlasco and to a lesser extent, with the involvement of even marginal Alagna; from the territory of the axis that passes through the exit Gropello Villanova, Carbonara al Ticino and St. Martin. Finally the Supreme might be interested, and Zinasco Santa Giulietta. To eliminate the negative effects are proposed, inter alia, "the naturalization of the banks of Terdoppio, the recovery of abandoned quarries and the Santa Giulietta Pinarolo and solutions that provide appropriate protection of the oak woods and hills of San Giorgio Cergnago Lomellina. In addition, the intervention of the great forest of plain Travacò. In the western zone includes the maintenance and strengthening of heronries. To avoid the reckless will be created a special area plan.
the landscape. The transition will affect sensitive areas of the motorway, close to the path of the Po, Cava Manara in area and Bressani. Also a concern the prediction of the path in the vicinity of the only backs to the identity of Lomellina characteristic landscape of the area (Cergnago). Finally, there is attention to the City of St. Martin and the system of existing farms and farms (axis-Tromello Garlasco-Cava Manara). To give new breath to the landscape enters the proposal to implement a "green corridor".
noise and smog. For the first is not expected nor an improvement on the local network, because the reductions traffic are not likely to reduce the levels of noise, or a deterioration along the highway, because it grows in areas lacking receptors. Compared to Chapter smog, the study indicates the 'increase in complexity of many pollutants. " The problem in the municipalities through which the Broni-Mortara, Pavia, but also related to the junctions of access roads.

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Sunday, June 15, 2008


"The Vas? Unfulfilled promise "

PAVIA. called it "a joke". Because, says Legambiente Pavia, "in the face of solemn promises not kept, there is no Vas highway. The speaker is the provincial coordinator Gianluigi Old and Renato Bertoglio, workgroup Territory. Explaining: "The mayors of the municipalities affected by the route of the motorway project Pavia-Broni-Mortara have received a copy of the scientific and technical studies relating to environmental and spatial effects of the intervention on a large scale. Recall that February 7, 2007, at the Conference of the services called for the approval of the preliminary draft of the Broni-Mortara, Pavia, municipalities and the Province agreed unanimously an agenda in which, among other things, called for the preparation of the final draft is subject to a successful outcome of the Strategic Environmental Assessment to estimate the sustainability of all projects in the light of the environmental burden already present. " "In the interpretation of ILspa (Infrastructure Lombard) and the Province, the study would be carried out the Vas - Old and continuing Bertoglio -. But this study, defined science and technology, in our opinion has little scientific: it uses much the SWOT analysis, but also does not include public consultation, the territorial and the provision of information. The municipalities then ask: is this the Vas with the order sought day of February 7, 2007? "
Legambiente concludes:" Knowing at which perspectives of soil erosion and distortion of reality would Pavia territorial highway, the study proposes and refers to the solution of certain aspects of an Area Plan. A proposal that is not new and that will not help even the evaluation of Pgt. (Dz)

Page 19-c - news

Sunday, June 15, 2008


'E 'just an excuse to avoid work'

PAVIA. We're hearing about SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) denied. Victor Poma, President of the Provincial, welcomes the study of replication and Infrastructure Lombard dried Legambiente Pavia, which is why instead of non-Vas intensely critical to the project. "As for us we had the opportunity to accompany the beginning phase that led from the opening of the Conference of the services granted to a study that could have the characteristics of the environmental assessment - says Poma - Legambiente know that you can Vas only make up plans and programs, and projects can only operate the Way (Impact Assessment environment). " "So the province would also have not been able to accept the proposal to proceed with the study - says Poma -. Instead, we intended to follow the idea put forward by the Municipality of Pavia, namely to seek further scientific-technical element to accompany the award of the concession. It seems to me that the work is valid. Of course, some problems are highlighted that must be resolved in the definition phase of the project, and for that we will load. Poma then thrust a spear: "I am of the opinion that Legambiente is playing with words because he knows what has been asked and also what has been given. If we are not convinced of the findings on the technical merits of the work I'm ready to ascoltare. Ma bisogna parlar chiaro: si vuole dimostrare che questa autostrada può essere realizzata ed è sostenibile, oppure si cerca il minimo pretesto per non farla? Io dichiaro la mia disponibilità solo nel primo caso. Perciò ritengo che sia giusto pretendere le misure che accompagnino questo studio, lavoro che un importante impatto sul territorio». (d. z.)

http://circolopasolini.splinder .com/post/17412481/Verso+la +Broni-Mortara+a+pieni

Verso la Broni-Mortara a pieni polmoni

Irene Campari

E 'summary of the contents of a document in support of the Environmental Impact Assessment for Highway Broni-Mortara published in recent days. The events that led to the approval of the highway project, its classification in a development program related to logistics, the interests which revolve around the major inter-regional infrastructure, and their proponents comprehensive list of companies and car dealers can be found in the investigation
"iron teeth". The offer document contains comments on the work of the Technical Secretariat, established last year. We did not know the names of those who belonged, now we find them as signatories to this report. For Pavia is part of the architect collars, assistant architect. Praderio, manager of the planning of the City. There is also the dr. Malcevschi, commissioned by the City for the SEA report on the new plan of government of the territory. I was right then, when last fall, during a city council, alderman Balzano said that certainly the dr. Malcevschi one would be interested also Broni-Mortara, she said that "absolutely, deny that the dr. Malcevschi had assignments for Vas motorway Broni-Mortara." Damn, now we learn that even the technical secretariat was already in! Councillor Balzano, because it tells such things as the Directors? What the commissioner has argued in that case is registered, and ask for the registration. Why denied? The commissioner had told him not Sacchi Green and Sustainable Development of alderman its own council? Or maybe she felt bad that appeared that the nominee for the Vas of the PGT was the same person of the technical secretariat responsible for following the process of Vas to the highway? However clarify this in the appropriate fora. Alderman and ask them what Vas you think about this, since in the meeting of the Board stated that if it was not congenial to them, "Pavia would review its position until get to say No! the project. "We will ask also to what they have in the Council Chamber applauded when they heard that Milan had won the Expo2015: the theme is to feed the planet, we contribute to the highways and the destruction of agricultural land.

The Vas Infrastructure was conducted by the company of the Lombardy Region of Lombardy, the director is Carlo Rognoni. The Secretariat, in this document, the same interview Rognoni, who welcomes every aspect of the highway project: there will be no increase in emissions, so that traffic which is (sic), the highway will create a network of roads of different categories that will serve the "development" and the regional economy. This network we know it, and will be implemented by 2015. Meanwhile, people dress to penguins, and so it behooves us to do a damn elegant stroll from parts of the site of the Broni-Mortara , alias Sabrom spa, 85% of the Group Sina-Bold , the same as the third passage, the Turin-Piacenza, Turin-Milan, the Tyrrhenian. The Technical Secretariat evaluates all right.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

We are destroying our agriculture

who does not Lombard through the streets, those in the province of Pavia, is not aware of how many fields there are more, to make way for roads, some even needed, but especially in logistics. I believe that many do not know the meaning of these "logistics." These are large expanses of prefabricated to house all types of goods for distribution. We see everywhere. They take endless expanses. They are full of goods, often competitive with those of our country. Who benefits? Not consumers. Fortunately it is increasing, even by us, the discourse of the purchase of food by the manufacturer. The prices are almost unrealistic. Buy by the producers, who are now organizing for sale result, is becoming a real necessity. I'm talking about fresh goods, fruit, meat, vegetables. The logistical full of toilet paper, clothes and detergent or snacks do not meet the needs of basic necessities and deprive farmland.
We should realize, and you can not forget that one of the few treasures of our country, in addition to tourism, and agriculture. International relations say that the cost of food will continue to grow, and has already grown considerably in the last. And we record with cement reduce our only natural resource. If we continue, then, to steal land for agriculture to the highways (such as the Broni-Stradella, who did not understand what interest could cause beyond the logistics - even in the paper the logistic center of the village Bottarone Bressana - Logistics, Mortara, already in effect), dry ports (also referred to more than one million square meters for the Bottarone, as I read on this same paper), the future of our country is at risk.
Letter signed Pavia

Page 17 - Chronicle

Infrastructure Lombard gave to the mayors in the meeting with the Province

Highway, here is the study

Analyze the environmental effects. Poma: "Critical overcome"

PAVIA. The technical-scientific and environmental effects of future regional highway Broni-Mortara, Pavia on a large scale was given last night by "Infrastructure Lombardi summoned a dozen mayors from the province. The objective of the meeting, chaired by Victor Poma, which was attended by the President of Infrastructure Lombard Antonio Rognoni, with its engineers, was to present the study as agreed at the Conference of services before reaching the final draft.
The work took six months. The experts from "Infrastructure Lombard" have been accompanied by the technical secretariat-provincial, whose creation was requested by local authorities while making certain technical and scientific testing. This includes areas for Public Works, Environment, Land, Agriculture, the two consortia East Sesia and the Ticino Valley, two experts: one on the environment, Sergio Malcevschi, and a landscape architect, the architect Luigi Bariani. Finally it is also the architect Simona ribs, indicated by the Municipality of Pavia in representation of local authorities.
Along with the study was also given a final document of the work by the secretariat.
"In conclusion, the study of" Lombard Infrastructure "identifies a number of critical issues is mitigated or offset, in the final planning stage - says Poma -. "Infrastructure Lombard" ensures that even in the light of those findings, will be determined measures to be implemented to ensure the environmental work. "
The critical cover, for example transport (need to link with the A26 from Piedmont), noise, land use and hydrogeological components, landscape and agriculture, local development. The study will be forwarded to the dealership as a reference document for the development of environmental impact study. In addition the work presented to the mayors proposed that the development of the area following the completion of the motorway is governed by an Area Plan.
The process provides for the highway by the end of July, the end of the race for the start of the motorway concession, the development of the project and the final environmental impact study by January 2009, by spring 2010 the initiation of the national environmental impact assessment and the Conference of Regional Services for approval of the project. The work is expected to start in the autumn of 2010, the opening of the motorway by autumn 2013.