Thursday, July 10, 2008

Craigslist Butterfly Sailboat

President Poma, SEA, EIA, the mayors and the pretending not to understand. LOGISTICS AND HIGHWAY

From Provincia Pavese Jun 28, 2008

Highway, Poma brakes mayors
"They pretend not to understand, the Vas will be the definitive '

PAVIA. Fifty councilors accuse him of not keeping the promise of the SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) sul progetto di autostrada Broni-Pavia-Mortara. Vittorio Poma non ci sta a e rimanda le accuse al mittente: «Non c´è peggior sordo di chi non vuol sentire - sottolinea -. Non solo la Provincia ha mantenuto i suoi impegni, ma ha fatto di più. Invece qualcuno preferisce fare guerra di terminologia dei nomi». Poma mercoledì scorso ha incontrato insieme a Infrastrutture Lombarde i Comuni interessati all´autostrada. Il tema autostrada surriscalda gli animi. Pure quello del presidente della Provincia. «Alla Conferenza dei servizi sul progetto preliminare, Provincia e Regione avevano segnalato che la Vas non si applica ai progetti ma solo ai piani e ai programmi: così prevede la direttiva comunitaria 42/2001 - spiega Poma -. Una vas sul preliminare has no meaning because the level of detail is such that it does not make it practicable. Instead, the final sense, because the technical details can check its impact on the environment. When we tried to explain that someone has pretended not to understand. " "Instead of terminological quibble on the issue would be better to acknowledge that the study of Infrastructure Lombard was able to take significant steps to help bring forward the final design - continues Poma -. So much so that the technical secretariat has prepared a document indicating what the dealer will do just about final. In the meeting of Wednesday, we collected a series of observations: Several municipalities have told to go ahead, while others, such as Pavia and Cava Manara, highlighted issues on which we must return to the final phase. " The president of the province insists: "Today we have a scientific-technical document that gives us more background information than even a few years ago. The study of Infrastructure Lombard says there are some issues to resolve: the completion of the A26, a commitment that must be formalized with the Piedmont region, some environmental issues related to compensation, and in this regard, the technical secretariat is offered as an interlocutor, and the preoccupation the land use of areas around the route of. We need a plan area: Call the municipalities at a table because you agree to abide by certain rules of land management. " (Dz)


President Poma, SEA, EIA, mayors and those who pretend not to understand.

The President has issued to the Province of Pavia-day interview on Broni-Mortara in which once again seems to play to confuse the reader - certainly the common readers, but also many mayors who have not a lot of experience in environmental procedures. Poma's interview comes at the end of a period of more or less official statements of the mayors and councilors Failure to SEA (strategic environmental assessment). It 's very easy to muddy the waters on an issue such as the VAS. However it is not difficult - as long as you want - to clarify what happened and what had to happen.

1) is not true that the VAS should be made on the final draft. The President of Poma (is) confused with the EIA. It 's amazing that after two years at least we talk about these problems still confuses two very different procedures. It is not a question of terminology: the SEA is an assessment to be made at the decision-making process of a work order to decide on the strategic, that is, the utility, and the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) other hand, is obviously made on the final draft to assess and absorb the impact of unsustainable state or final project. It 'not acceptable that there is clarity on this point.

2) The SEA must be made so early that the Italian legal system - which has transposed the European level - says it's made up "plans and programs which include the work in question. This is the contradiction that the reader might have found the interview with Poma. Before the president says that the SEA on the project should not be done precisely because it must be made on plans and programs, but then says it is done on the final draft. Hence, as already underlined by the fact that confuses Poma SEA and EIA. Conclusion: why we still talk about the SEA if it does not really done on the project? Because the project was created in the absence of a plan that includes. So was not carried out an SEA on the "container" for this project because there is no planning! At European level there is already a precedent similar: work on a motorway in Poland have been blocked by the European Commission for lack of VAS. The Pavia-Broni-Mortara is not part of any plan or program that has been made on a VAS.

3) There is a third very important element. Poma sometimes forget that there was a conference Service February 7, 2007. On that occasion, after the session, including some local administrators certainly representatives of Pavia, and San Martino Siccomario Cava Manara (and others) have sought and received by the President Poma's commitment to achieve a VAS on the highway project. Poma and Eng. Rognoni (Infrastructure Lombardy) had accepted the proposal, in fact, the Province of Pavia 08.02.2007, page. 15 shows the following statement: "'Over the next nine months will proceed with the SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment), the outcome of which will be crucial for the realization of the race," he assured Rognoni. Some municipalities, including Pavia, made their assent to that commitment. The SEA procedure was opened immediately, it was already quite late. Instead he opened a ballet in which worthless instead of a real VAS Infrastructure Lombard proposed a Synthetic Environmental Assessment - which is not foreseen by any law because they invented - also then supplanted the more unworthy of this study, which has nothing to do with the SEA.

Dear President, this is not a matter of "words", but given word, respect of commitments formally recorded in a year and a half ago, the relationship with local communities, Community Law, capacity planning and compliance quality of life, responsibility the fate of a province, our.
The reasons why we are fighting for what has been decided to be respected by you should not need to be clarified. It should however be primarily responsible for an applicant and obtain a commitment to fight to enforce it, not for political expediency, for fans of the game, which we and the vast majority of citizens, we are exhausted. If politics is this, the time of his end is closer than you think. Sorry you do not realize it.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Melbourne Gay Cruising Area