Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Can't Print The Veet Coupon

The Court of Auditors is the fleas in Lombardy Infrastructure: lack of transparency and cost undocumented

that the action of Infrastructure Lombarde SpA will cost dear to the Lombardy region in support of the day which led to this blog. That the award-winning firm had an "unconventional" and "creative" in the proceedings, as well Just think of the masterpiece of "environmental assessment summary .
Today we discover, thanks to the relationship of the Court of Auditors, which even the regional administration knows what he's doing Infrastructure Lombardy and the need for a constant monitoring of the expenditure related to IL SpA.

Formigoni, interviewed, defends himself in Sanskrit: " compared to positive operating results and realizable and well identified by the evaluations of the Court, is already 'working to set up a reporting of costs that is based on the verification of expenditure actually incurred against a validated preliminary budgeting. "

(ANSA) - MILAN, Dec. 15 -''Do not think of everything that the current set of agreements between the Lombardy Region and the operating entity for the construction Lombarda Spa Resort works for the mobilization'''. This was stated by the Court of Auditors in Lombardia in its annual report on the infrastructure sector. An improved system of information flow between the Lombardy Region and the company 'fully owned''could be a useful opportunity to assess - the report continues the Court of Auditors - both the obligations put forward in the Convention is the persistence of' agreement of custody to companies '' in house 'as a means' of achieving the chosen.'' According to the judges,''it is also necessary to constantly monitor the expenditure on the action of Lombardy Spa Resort for the functions of the grantor (the same relief can 'claim in relation to the role of the contracting, design and supervision) on behalf of the Lombardy Region in relation to human resources, financial and equipment used by the companies' operations.'' The ECA regional municipality''about the different articulation of benefits deducted in the Convention relating to the construction of two highways (the Stradella-Broni-Mortara, Pavia, Cremona and Mantova) while bearing in mind the particular characteristics of the two infrastructure, raises some concerns'''. ''As far as the evaluation of the operation of the company '' in house 'Lombarde Spa Resort - said in his speech before the Court of Auditors Lombardy regional president Roberto Formigoni - compared to positive operating results and realizable and well identified by the evaluations of the Court, is already 'working to set up a reporting of costs that is based on the verification of actual costs compared to a budgeting pre-validated.'' Also in the field of infrastructure, the president of Lombardia''and adds that 'shared the importance of an ongoing collaborative dialogue between the different levels of territorial government. The signature of the Institutional and Program of the general framework between Lombardy and the state is exactly in this direction, but this collaboration will 'be effective only if such agreements will be fulfilled in a more 'accurate so far and to what' happened, mainly due to lack of government financial resources or stretching of procedural delays in various ministerial bodies,''concludes Formigoni. (ANSA)

Photo: Panorama.it