Saturday, May 22, 2010

How To Makemetal Core Wheel



SELL A EURO 9000.00 negotiable.

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7 gokart COMPLETE COVERAGE IN FIBERGLASS (honda engine displacement 200, 6.5 hp, model gs), the last type.

Together with gokart add new spare parts, valued at approximately € 4,100.00.

SELL ALL FOR EURO 9000.00 negotiable.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Funny Invitation Wording Wedding

The rides andrea miniature

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Parker Pm20 Vs Pm20pro

My my go kart ride amusement park

History of Go Kart


The karting è la più semplice forma di automobilismo sportivo, corso con minivetture dal telaio in tubolare d'acciaio privo di sospensioni e dotate di motore a scoppio . Le vetture sono dette kart o go-kart .
Nato come hobby, il karting è ora il primo passo obbligato per i giovani e giovanissimi che vogliano iniziare una carriera da pilota. I più grandi piloti di Formula 1 degli ultimi anni ( Michael Schumacher , Ayrton Senna , Alain Prost , Fernando Alonso , Kimi Räikkönen , Giancarlo Fisichella , Jarno Trulli , Jenson Button , just to name a few) were some world class kart drivers who do not disdain occasionally to attempt yet in this category of motor racing. Eloquent in this regard has been the participation in the 2001 of 7 times world champion Michael Schumacher F1 a final world championship karting 100 cc class Formula Super A "won occasion from Italian Vitantonio Liuzzi now F1 driver too.


It can be said with good approximation that the kart was officially born overseas in 1956 and dissemination, also due to resonance with the press was so quick to impress even the pioneers of this discipline. By the time racing cars became more expensive, the number of participants was narrowing and the cost of the ticket races steadily increased; karting had the merit of healing, at least in part, in this situation, requiring much smaller and the costs less commitment to leadership, while giving very close to those feelings of racing cars. In the early sixties
also arrived in Italy in the wake of news that came from the USA. It has already spent nearly half a century since the first kart built by hand by the fans began ad inanellare giri sulla Pista d'Oro di Roma e sulla Pista Rossa di Milano .
In questo periodo relativamente lungo se rapportato agli sport motoristici i kart hanno subito un affinamento tecnologico: i materiali si sono evoluti, le forme si sono affinate, le lavorazioni meccaniche hanno innalzato il livello di precisione, carburanti e lubrificanti hanno aumentato il loro livello di protezione e prestazioni, gli pneumatici hanno innalzato enormemente il loro livello di tenuta. Una cosa però il kart non ha subito: lo stravolgimento dell'idea iniziale che ispirò le prime realizzazioni; la filosofia dell'essenziale è rimasta essenzialmente invariata: un telaio nudo in tubi, un motore dalla semplicità assoluta, 4 ruote, le posteriori prive di differenziale, totale assenza di qualunque sistema di sospensioni. A distanza di 50 anni il kart è ancora tutto questo.



Swollen Lip Due To Infection

my go kart rides amusement park (amusement park rides)

I kart sono costituiti essenzialmente da un telaio tubolare in acciaio, privo di sospensioni e da un motore di piccola cilindrata che trasferisce il moto ad un assale rigido posteriore privo di differenziale. L'acciaio utilizzato è comunemente al Cromo-Molibdeno and the tube has a section between 28 mm and 32 mm. The tubes forming the frame are welded to the wire. The design of the frame can be moved and used more or less tubular different section in order to improve the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle and adjust the type of tires used. Commonly frames made of small diameter tubes are best suited to the soft compound tires, tubular back frames consist of large diameter tires to fit better under-performing.

The braking system varies depending on the type of kart: those marches have three disks, one at the rear and two for each of the front, the single speed has a single rear brake ma, negli ultimi anni, alcuni mezzi hanno anche dei piccoli freni anteriori ad azionamento manuale (molto utile per le staccate al limite). Attualmente i telai moderni offrono un numero consistente di regolazioni che permettono di modificarne il comportamento in pista. Le principali regolazioni, presenti su tutti i telai tranne su quelli destinati al noleggio, sono: la larghezza delle carreggiate (max 140 cm al posteriore), l'altezza dal suolo, gli angoli caratteristici dell'avantreno (convergenza, camber, caster), durezza dell'assale posteriore e lunghezza dei mozzi (anteriori e posteriori). Alcuni telai offrono altresì la possibilità di aggiungere e rimuovere delle barre (volgarmente delle barre di torsione) che permettono di variarne rigidity.

Italy is the home of karting, you can see by looking at the most important manufacturers and the most famous team of the World, located mostly in the north, Tony Kart, Zanardi, CRG, Maranello, Parolin , PCR, Birel, Intrepid. Engines and transmission

The first differentiation between various types of karting can be done according to the engine: 4 stroke industrial-derived 2-stroke 100cc racing, racing 2-stroke 125cc, 2 stroke 125cc TaG.

4T-derived industrial motors deliver a limited power (depending on usage, less than 12 hp) and are used solely for rental to amateurs with no experience and for some categories endurance races with teams of long duration (up to 24 hours). They are equipped with centrifugal clutch, automatic transmission and are often combined with reinforced frames adapted to the stress resulting from heavy use.

2T 100cc racing engines deliver an output of over 27 CV carburetor with throttle 24 mm (over 30 CV carburetor slide with 29 mm) and can reach speeds close to 20,000 rpm. Are not equipped nor centrifugal clutch or gear-changing and have a fixed gear ratio. The admission may be laminated or through valve rotating disk. Despite the absolute power limited due to its low weight (in order of race, kart and driver: about 155 kg) and the wide range of engine operation (8000 rpm - 20000 rpm) that allows the use of very short transmission ratios, the performance of these media are extremely interesting. There are also 2 stroke engine 100cc racing with admission controlled by the piston dedicated to teenagers, with similar features but with power of 20 HP, equipped with centrifugal clutch and lower minimum weight.

racing 125cc 2 stroke engines deliver power of well over 40 hp at 14,000 rpm or so. They are equipped with manual transmission and clutch sequential 6-speed motorcycle-type. Even for these engines admission may be laminated or through rotary valve. The appreciable power a disposizione, il cambio meccanico ed il peso comunque limitato (in ordine di gara, kart e pilota 170Kg per la 125 Icc; 175Kg per la 125 Club) permettono a questi mezzi prestazioni assolute di tutto rispetto, addirittura nelle accelerazioni brevi paragonabili a quelle delle moderne F1. Basti pensare che un 125 passa da 0 a 100 km/h in meno di 3 secondi, mettendosi alle spalle mezzi di ben altra cavalleria.

I motori 2T 125cc TaG erogano una potenza di circa 30 CV (ma alcune versioni più recenti superano i 35CV) ma raggiungono un regime generalmente limitato elettronicamente per aumentare affidabilità e durata. Sono dotati di rapporto di trasmissione fisso (tranne alcune recenti versioni dotate di 2 rapporti) come i motori 2T 100cc racing; but unlike them are equipped with centrifugal clutch and electric start for ease of use (hence the name tags: Touch and Go, in Italian "crushes and parties"). Admission is commonly laminated. The performance of the kart powered by these engines are slightly lower than the common 2 stroke engines 100cc Racing. The stated purpose of the TAG, in addition to ease of use, is a limitation of the maintenance costs have become too common on racing 100cc and 125cc 2 stroke engines, the fact that many drivers away from the amateur national races.

In 2007, introduces the new 125cc engine category for single speed class (KF1, KF2, KF3), which will to replace in coming years, including at the national level 100cc classes. This is to reduce maintenance costs, and facilitate the use and management of even a hobby. In fact, by regulation, such engines must be equipped with a centrifugal clutch and electric starter, integrated water pump and balancing countershaft, exhaust valve (not on KF3, intended for younger drivers), and rev limiter set for each category. That is an architecture similar to that commonly used by the now classic 125cc TaG who have had much success thanks to its brand.

Categories KF have taken the following designations compared to previous seasons:

KF1 (formerly FA 100> 15 years, 125 cc, 30 mm carburetor, exhaust valve and limiter to 16,000 rpm)

KF2 (ex 100 ICA> 15 years, 125 cc, 24 mm carburetor, valve Drain and limiter to 15,000 rpm)

KF3 (ex 100 JUNIOR 12-14 years, 125 cc, 20 mm carburetor limiter to 14,000 rpm)

The major international houses of karting engines are among the most important Italian and find:-IAME Parilla, TM Racing, Vortex, and PCR.


Karts use slick tires (a slick) wide 7.1 or 6.5 (rear, for the last Junior/KF3) and 4.5-inch (front) mounted on wheels 5 inch in diameter. The circles can be made of aluminum or magnesium material with which the circle is made affects the temperature of the tires. The large tires, low weight in running order and the special oil used to confer means traveling speed curves and high lateral accelerations. The second crucial difference between categories is based on its tires: The higher the level of seal offered by these higher the level of difficulty and then the prestige categories. In the international categories are used performance tires so as to allow lateral accelerations exceeding 2 g (in optimum track conditions often border on the 3 g) and duration just sufficient to cover the distance of a race (about 22-25 km). In wet conditions the karts are fitted with rain tires in size and similar characteristics.

Another factor that has alienated many drivers from racing was the use, even in national categories for non-professionals, high-performance tires that require both a physical and cheap too. Because of the considerable physical accelerations that the pilot is required to bear the economic as these tires have a very limited time and a fairly high cost, however.

The largest producer of tires for karts is once again located in Italian territory, and the Vega SpA Saronno (VA). In Italy is also home to the smaller Le Conte SpA, known mostly for being a supplier of certain categories of national amateur level. In international competitions, in addition to the aforementioned Vega, we are reaffirming the best known in the automotive Bridgestone and Dunlop, but also the American Maxxis. Performance and

Motors 125cc marches latest evolution allow these vehicles to exceed 160 km / h in the race but by changing the ratio, you can reach even higher speeds (even over 200 km / h). The accelerations are worthy of a Formula 1 car: it accelerates from 0 to 100 km / h in less than 3 seconds. In karting has been calculated that the acceleration lateral and longitudinal peaks can reach close to 3g.

* source

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()()()()() ANDREA-Criscenti ()()()()()

I own the go kart, I'm very proud to have a carousel and all true to myself.
Although there is only one for me is like having a big carnival.
I remember when I bought the go-cart, as if a part of my dream come true at a time in my life.
amusement park rides, rides in miniature, dream of an Italian, are part of my life.