Sunday, May 13, 2007

Montreal Typical Foods

the upcoming events of Agave / June 2007

AGAVE / presentations
Thursday, June 7, 2007, at 19
Leonardo Colombo
shall, together with the author of the book
Marco Candida,
The craze for the Alphabet
(Sironi 2007)

AGAVE / presentations
Thursday, June 14, 2007, 19:30
Lidia Riviello and Igiaba Scego
Igiaba Scego and Ingy Mubiayi
When birth is a roulette
Young children of immigrants are told
(Terre di mezzo Publisher 2007)
Seven boys and girls of African origin explain what it means to be born to foreign parents in Rome (or be reached by children): school, relationships with family and peers, religion, racism, sogni.Il Italy's future will be increasingly drawn from stories like Adil, who wants to be a journalist, George and his rap group, or even, like that of Imam, active in the association of Young Muslims of Italy.

AGAVE / presentations
Monday, June 18, 2007, at 21
presentation of the first edition of Agave Artist Book
Diamonds Elizabeth / Thomas Ottonieri
Island all alone
(Agave Editions 2007)

Diamonds Elizabeth's work will be presented by a video of Leonardo Carrano
Elizabeth Diamond's book, which contiene un haiku di Tommaso Ottonieri partecipa alla 8° Rassegna Internazionale di Libro d’Artista Isole/Islands/Islas, organizzata dalla Ass. Cult. La Tana, Spazio dal 1999 a cura di Stefania Missio ( )

Conoscere Penelope..
di Paolo Tomassi

L’Arte al femminile, la nobiltà di un’attesa che sceglie tra scoglio ed arcolaio: Circe o Penelope..
L’Una, maritata alla natura, sinuosa e melliflua, esercita i suoi poteri su uno scoglio, in attesa che il Tempo trasformi i propri Esseri a Metà; l’Altra che, a seconda delle ore scelte nel Tempo Day or night, for half of the skilled hands of the womb and the combined rating LAN, creates and undoes a text (textus) likewise made of canvas or words, hub or prevarication.
Island's coastline defines the pulpit and beat you two different stories, two different feminine ..
Elizabeth Diamond weaves his choice solasola Island, a series of art books published by Agave Bookbar that, making us a glimpse of the blue which turns the witch, show us the rooms of Penelope, the able weaver, of her , apparently still in a gallery made of empty and full of color and physical spaces, it focuses stable Homer without a compass that does not exist and would not make sense alcun Ulisse.

ideazione e regia di Leonardo Carrano
testo di Gianluca Murasecchi
musica di Stefano Panunzi
martedì 19 giugno 2007, ore 19.30
Emanuele Trevi
presenta, insieme all’autore del libro
Mauro Covacich,
Storia di pazzi e di normali
(Laterza 2007)

«Erica e Mario sono due pazzi, penso. Sono pazzi come tutti quelli che, un po’ ovunque nella città, vengono riconosciuti come gente da manicomio. Pazzi che vivono di diritto negli stessi ambienti urbani della gente normale. Ma che tipo di convivenza è questa tra normali e pazzi? Com’è, dov’è il luogo della loro differenza?»«Questo libro è uscito per la prima volta nel 1993, è il mio primo libro. Prima di internet, prima dei cellulari, prima dei reality show. C’erano ancora i gettoni del telefono, c’era ancora l’Usl. Sembra trascorsa un’intera era geologica a guardarla così (...) Forse la mia gita di oggi viene dal bisogno segreto di verificare se anche a Villa Bisutti il futuro ha disatteso le aspettative o se invece, in total contrast, has met expectations, assuming the features of a positive presentation of a present presentable. "In a new edition completely revised, this is the fictional diary of the past six months at the Department of Mental Health in Pordenone.

AGAVE / presentations / POETRY
Wednesday, June 20, 2007, at 21
poetry readings of
Laura Pugno
The color gold

(Letters 2007) and

Sara Ventroni
In Gasometro
(Letters 2006)
together with the authors speak
Andrea Cortellessa
director of the series of texts by contemporary Italian Outside Format for Letters Editions
AGAVE / Expo
Elio Mazzacane
author of the book of photos Laura Pugno The color gold, to Agave exhibit the photographs.
The exhibition will remain visible until 11 July 2007

Furthermore, it is still visible, until 19 June, the mosra Photo
Francesco Alaimo
photographic works on Caravaggio and regendering.
The exhibition is presented by a written Sara Ventroni
observations on the cycle of photographs "I" by Francesca Alaimo
of Sara Ventroni
"I Tiresias, though blind, throbbing Between two lives, Old man with wrinkled female breasts ..."
is blind, is old, has her breasts. Tiresias pulses between two lives: it is both man and woman, and visionary. In that masterpiece that founded the modern poem, The Waste Land, the old soothsayer appears disguised as a stunt double of the poet: Tiresias / Eliot has already anticipated this in squalor and degradation. Speak, but is not believed. He lives in a limbo, looks helpless as he already knew would happen. His identity is uncertain: the metamorphosis is never complete and is not intended to be fulfilled because the seer has the conviction (or privilege?) to look at things from every point of view, so can not be conditioned by a single gender identity. More than a metamorphosis, what happens to Tiresias seems to be the result of a mutation that gives it permanently in place that "something more" necessary to the vision, though the latter, in the modern, that is little more than a certificate of insanity. For this, more or less in the same period, Duchamp was finally dropped the aura that Baudelaire had thrown in the mud, putting a mustache on the Mona Lisa at that moment there was a growing contemporary art: desacralized, assolutamente arbitraria, profondamente ironica. D’altronde, lo stesso Duchamp amava fotografarsi con cappello, rossetto e pelliccia, nella posa ammiccante di Rose Sélavy, suo alter ego femminile e tassello autobiografico di quel progetto più generale di un’arte androgina (suprema unione di maschile e femminile) che culmina nel Grande Vetro. Le mammelle di Tiresia, i baffi finti delle Gioconda e quelli – veri – con i quali Frida Kahlo volontariamente si immortalava nei suoi autoritratti (ma gli esempi non finiscono certo qui) visti oggi appaiono come prefigurazioni, incunaboli di quella riflessione sulle mutazioni dell’identità (di genere) che diventerà centrale nell’arte contemporanea, almeno a Since the late eighties.
Regenderising. Originally, the title of the cycle of Francesca Alaimo Caravaggio (Italian, tireless traveler, for many years resident in London) had to be "Regenderising. It seemed to me an extraordinary and efficient way, but how to translate it in Italian? The idea refers to the operation performed by the artist herself: riconnotare something - in this case, the paintings of Caravaggio - with a "gender" differently: regenderising, in fact. But you could translate a title so strong and direct with a circumnavigation of explanations? Definitely not. If the English language is a clear distinction between "sex" (sex natural) and "gender" (gender as a personal choice), in Italian - there is little to do - the word "gender" has a purely grammatical analysis reminds us of tedious exercises of the period or classifications science of animal species: the word "gender" does not evoke all the nuances at all (shades strict) semantics that the English language instead conveys. You know, the language structures hidden world views. And in Italian, that vision or distinction, is still missing. For this reason, riconnotare kind of works by Caravaggio does not mean simply putting a woman where there was a man (not a reversal of mechanical ' “altro”) ma, come in questo caso, allestire una vera e propria macchina teatrale (l’artista ha riprodotto gli scenari dei quadri, si è poi fotografata nel ruolo di protagonista insieme alle comparse, per poi ritoccare il tutto in digitale) dove è evidente non solo la riconversione dell’originale caravaggesco ma anche quella dell’artista stessa che, pur inscenandosi uomo, continua a restare donna. “L’idea di propormi come protagonista di alcuni quadri di Caravaggio”- scrive Francesca Alaimo - “mi è venuta un giorno mentre ero alla guida del treno. Ero in galleria e avevo la luce accesa, per cui la mia immagine si rifletteva nel vetro. All’improvviso mi sono vista come il Ragazzo with the fruit basket. Was me. " Overlaps / substitutions Alaimo featuring the paintings (Narciso, David, Christ, etc.) are deliberately poised (a Christ with her tits mentioned, and the false beard of course) because they will not overturn an order (we had already thought of Caravaggio, with its rough models off the street, his St. Matthew with air yokel ...) but recharge: the male brings together the feminine and vice versa, in a fluidity of form that surprises for its provocative ambiguity. Francesca Alaimo Remodeling "quality" played by men - courage, wisdom, boldness, impudence, the redemptive suffering - and takes it allowing itself to take possession. If we must venture a translation - clumsy, against our will - we think the "regender" as a re-generate (a "rebirth" and "rebirth") in hybrid identity - pushing the boundaries of what we are by nature or represent - and back again - undressing clothes, removing the scenes - as soon as you get tired of the game. Just as Duchamp with his Sélavy Rose.
Francesca Alaimo working with digital photography and video art. In February 2007 he presented the same exhibition 'I' ('Soy') Body Art Gallery in the gallery of Medellin, Colombia. In 2006 he won first prize in photography in the newspaper The Guardian and the third prize of 'Thin City Station of the Future Competition', organized by Platform for Art, London Underground.
AGAVE / presentations
Tuesday, May 29, 2007, 19:30
Agave is pleased to open its space to the usual and most welcome by appointment Wrong with the series publisher Laterza. This time, a few months after its release and the beautiful, packed presentation at the Nuovo Sacher cinema, Gianluca Foglia shall, together with the author of the book, the last, precious book,
Italy carefree
(Laterza 2007)
There are things that you would not ever. So you say, now or ever. Crowd into a television studio with fans Baudo, for example. Elbowing in roadside restaurants during the holiday exodus. Get in line for the roller coaster ride of death. Addressing the presses presses for the movie Christmas but also the Notte Bianca. And then it happens that you find yourself in the things that you would not ever. Everyone, sooner or later, it happens. "It 's the time when we wonder if it feels a bit' stupid. And the answer is no. The answer is yes. But this is inclusive and welcoming, it suggests a right to be a bit 'stupid sometimes in life. And to let go. "

Francesco Piccolo was born in Caserta in 1964. Lives and works in Rome. He has published Writing is a tic. The methods of the writers (Minimum Fax, 2006 second printing) and Stories of the firstborn and only children (1996), and if I was there, I slept (1998), the imperfect tense (2000), Allegro West (2003), all published by Feltrinelli. Collaboration with various newspapers and magazines. He signed for screenplays Virzi, De Maria, Placido, Soldini. The latest is The Caiman, Nanni Moretti. _________________________________________________
AGAVE / presentations
Thursday, May 31, 2007, 18:30
Agave is pleased to host the meeting with one of the protagonists of the International Festival of Literature of Rome, the Irish writer
will be at Agave per incontrare i suoi lettori e parlare del suo libro
Un mondo ignorato
Gli irlandesi dell’ultima generazione
(Guanda 2007)
interviene LILIANA MADEO

Negli anni Cinquanta, mezzo milione di irlandesi lasciarono il proprio paese per costruirsi una vita in Gran Bretagna, costretti dalla miseria e dalla mancanza di lavoro in patria, perché “non c’era altro da fare che imbarcarsi”. Le navi erano quelle del trasporto bestiame, il viaggio lungo e avventuroso, la destinazione spesso ignota. Arrivavano con poche sterline in tasca, young people without a job that maybe they never strayed from the first year and had to find a job now. Many of them headed to the station with a label attached to the coat, as if they were parcels, on which was written the name of the site that they would be hired. Women outnumber men, and mostly single - an anomaly in the history of European emigration - mostly went to service in families, or working as maids or nurses. You had to grow up quickly. In these pages of history gives us a direct witness Catherine Dunne, one of the most vibrant of Irish fiction: the author of Half of nothing has ten testimonianze, dieci interviste a uomini e donne “doppiamente invisibili”, esuli ignorati dal proprio paese, che non ha mai riconosciuto la realtà dell’emigrazione, e dalla comunità di adozione, che nutriva verso di loro un rancore dettato dall’ignoranza e dai pregiudizi. Un mosaico di storie drammatiche, ma talvolta anche divertenti, capaci di farci rivivere un passato che non è poi così lontano nel tempo dal benessere dell’Irlanda d’oggi.
Catherine Dunne è nata nel 1954 a Dublino, dove risiede. Ha studiato letteratura inglese e spagnola at Trinity College and worked as a teacher. Her novel, Half of nothing, his wife sleeps, The journey home, a different life and love or almost all published in Italy by Bloomsbury Publishing.

AGAVE / presentations
Thursday, May 17, 2007, 19:30
Marco Di Marco shall, together with the author of the book
Fabio Stassi,
E 'finished our carnival
(minimum fax 2007)
E' finished our carnival is the story of Rigoberto Aguyar Montiel, a landless an anarchist, an enemy of the established order but also a lover of football and women. In the Paris of the late twenties (a few months after the first World Cup) Rigoberto falls in love with Consuelo, the beautiful model who will rest for the creation of Rimet Cup. The girl disappeared mysteriously, Rigoberto promises himself to steal the trophy, making it the symbol of all the lost hopes of men. Start in this way a long ride around the five continents. In the role of sports reporter - always on the brink of dismissal - Rigoberto chasing Diosa de la Victoria, the world championship after the World Cup, Italy Fascist swinging London of the '66 to '34, Schiaffino of Uruguay to Brazil's Pele and Garrincha. Between reversals of fortune, daring action, plot twists, the long journey of Rigoberto is also the crossing of the twentieth century, a path full of bright opportunities (meetings with Hemingway and Django Reinhardt, with Orwell and Vinicius de Moraes) and moments sad: the Second World War, the South American dictatorships of the seventies, the end of football as a branch of Romanticism. E 'finished our carnival is a picaresque novel, but also the painful hand raised in an era now over (the one who, running on the right wing, <>): its errors, its too love, its men, its women, its myths.
Fabio Stassi (1962), of Sicilian origin, lives and works in Rome to Viterbo in a library. Write to the trains. He published the novel flue (GBM 2006)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wagner Paint Crew Not Enough Pressure


in the circuit
Work in progress of photography festivals (type work in progress in banner search), which involves 11 photographers in the exhibition spaces 9 (8 bookbar and a tunnel), created by CHAOS , stories from The Maleppeggio work, and from Agave Bistrot Library

Agave Bistrot
Library is pleased to invite you to
photo exhibition opening Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 18:30

"poor condition"
Imbriaco Alessandro and Francesco Millefiori

The photo exhibition will be open until May 31, 2007

Shaping the sixth edition of
FotoGrafia -Festival Internazionale di Roma

not offices companies of the call-center locations, but the intimacy of the bedrooms. The hidden face of the so-called generation precarious. The photography project is to place an optical bench in the bedroom so that, then, is the person with a switch connected to the car, when and how to choose and the positions of the self. This mode of operation stems from the desire to move as much as possible the observation point by the lens of photographer cold to those involved in the photographed subject, so try to create a representation of himself and of his "precarious universe" free, sincere, unconditioned: exposed. Each photograph is accompanied a written or oral testimony of the photographed subject.
The photo exhibition will be inaugurated within the project "Work in Progress," edited by CHAOS CulturalArtistsOpenSpace Contemporary Art, the magazine "the maleppeggio - stories of work, monthly magazine sponsored by the Department of Labor, Gender and Politics youth of the Lazio Region, Agave Bistrot Library and eight independent libraries scattered throughout the city, not just bookbar libraries or coffee.
"Work in Progress" is a group that brings together thirteen photographers of various age and professional experience very different: successful professionals who publish books and reportages and young people just out by institutions or schools, photographers in growth, in search of its own recognizable style, its own history.
artists are "Work in Progress": Andrea Appolloni, Matteo Bianchi Fasani, Cinzia de Nigro, Claudia Ferri, Alessandro Imbriaco, Maccotta Lorenzo, Ciro Meggiolaro, Francesco Millefiori, Saul Palma, Giorgio Palmera, Lorenzo Perpignani, Emanuela Scarpa, Alis-Thieck Alami.
Alexander was born in Salerno in 1980. In 2003 he graduated in engineering in 2004 and first studied photography at "the Roman School of Photography" and then at the "Outsideschool" in Rome. Collaborate with "XL" Monthly "La Repubblica" and the monthly magazine "the maleppeggio" on the issue of work sponsored by the Lazio Region. Winner of the best portfolio Savignano sul Rubicon 2006 with 100 English Oak Field. Lives and works in Rome.
Francesco Millefiori
Born in Catania in 1980. He studied Psychology and photography from 2002 at "The Roman school of photography in Rome. Working with "La Repubblica" and "Liberation". He has exhibited in several solo and group from Sicily, Puglia and Lazio. Lives and works in Rome.