Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wagner Paint Crew Not Enough Pressure


in the circuit
Work in progress of photography festivals (type work in progress in banner search), which involves 11 photographers in the exhibition spaces 9 (8 bookbar and a tunnel), created by CHAOS , stories from The Maleppeggio work, and from Agave Bistrot Library

Agave Bistrot
Library is pleased to invite you to
photo exhibition opening Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 18:30

"poor condition"
Imbriaco Alessandro and Francesco Millefiori

The photo exhibition will be open until May 31, 2007

Shaping the sixth edition of
FotoGrafia -Festival Internazionale di Roma

not offices companies of the call-center locations, but the intimacy of the bedrooms. The hidden face of the so-called generation precarious. The photography project is to place an optical bench in the bedroom so that, then, is the person with a switch connected to the car, when and how to choose and the positions of the self. This mode of operation stems from the desire to move as much as possible the observation point by the lens of photographer cold to those involved in the photographed subject, so try to create a representation of himself and of his "precarious universe" free, sincere, unconditioned: exposed. Each photograph is accompanied a written or oral testimony of the photographed subject.
The photo exhibition will be inaugurated within the project "Work in Progress," edited by CHAOS CulturalArtistsOpenSpace Contemporary Art, the magazine "the maleppeggio - stories of work, monthly magazine sponsored by the Department of Labor, Gender and Politics youth of the Lazio Region, Agave Bistrot Library and eight independent libraries scattered throughout the city, not just bookbar libraries or coffee.
"Work in Progress" is a group that brings together thirteen photographers of various age and professional experience very different: successful professionals who publish books and reportages and young people just out by institutions or schools, photographers in growth, in search of its own recognizable style, its own history.
artists are "Work in Progress": Andrea Appolloni, Matteo Bianchi Fasani, Cinzia de Nigro, Claudia Ferri, Alessandro Imbriaco, Maccotta Lorenzo, Ciro Meggiolaro, Francesco Millefiori, Saul Palma, Giorgio Palmera, Lorenzo Perpignani, Emanuela Scarpa, Alis-Thieck Alami.
Alexander was born in Salerno in 1980. In 2003 he graduated in engineering in 2004 and first studied photography at "the Roman School of Photography" and then at the "Outsideschool" in Rome. Collaborate with "XL" Monthly "La Repubblica" and the monthly magazine "the maleppeggio" on the issue of work sponsored by the Lazio Region. Winner of the best portfolio Savignano sul Rubicon 2006 with 100 English Oak Field. Lives and works in Rome.
Francesco Millefiori
Born in Catania in 1980. He studied Psychology and photography from 2002 at "The Roman school of photography in Rome. Working with "La Repubblica" and "Liberation". He has exhibited in several solo and group from Sicily, Puglia and Lazio. Lives and works in Rome.


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