Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cervical Mucus With Blood A Week Before Period

AGAVE / presentations
Thursday, January 31, 2008, at 21

Giampaolo Gravina
presents the book of
Camillo Favaro and Riccardo Zola
Wines of Burgundy
(Artevino 2007) will present the authors

halfway between a short novel and a guide, this book is the true story of a discovery: one conducted by a group of six people, friends and colleagues involved variously in the world Wine, who have lived together for five weeks in Chorey-les-Beaune, in the heart of Burgundy, in search of the encounter with the most authentic part of the protagonists of this land. The result is a book that leads to hand in small everyday stories and timeless emotions that great Burgundy houses always give generously and who knows who approaches her with a curious spirit. The reader will find by scrolling through the pages, as well as soaked pages di un’enorme passione per il vino, itinerari turistici, incontri con gli chef della ‘cuisine bourguignonne’, passeggiate tra i vigneti dei più famosi Grand Cru del mondo ed altre utili informazioni per pianificare la propria ‘scoperta’ di questa affascinante regione. L’opera è anche una guida ai migliori vini di 67 produttori, scelti tra quelli che più hanno emozionato gli autori durante il loro soggiorno.
dalle h 19.00
Agave Book Bar
in collaborazione con
www.myspace / freeformjazzproduction
Cellars Favaro
tasting of wines from the cellar Favaro Ivrea accopagnati by unforgettable soundtracks in the history of jazz.
"tasting" wine .. them original rare grooves / soul / jazzy selectors / sommelier MarioB. Luca Salaroli. A very good red alloy sessions with the legendary Giant Step for Coltrane or Miles Davis on trumpet magic Kind of Blue to name alcuni.Il bebop of Charlie Parker, the melodies and lyricism Telhonius Monk, Lenny Tristano , Gil Evans, Quincy Jones, the warm voice of Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughan, Betty Carter. The soul of Isaac Hayes and Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Sly & Family Stone, the unmistakable rhythm of Art Blakey, Horace Silver, Lonny Liston Smith and others myths. In the digital IPhone Ipod-listening to a tribute of memorable recordings in jazz history of prestigious labels: Impulse, Blue Note, Atlantic, Stax, Motown, Verve ...

Great jazz & great wine, stop and listen! _______________________________
AGAVE / Wellness
giovedì 24 gennaio 2008,
dalle ore 20 alle ore 23
Agave ospita le sedute di Riflessologia Plantare con Carlo Iantosca
La Riflessologia Plantare , o massaggio zonale del piede, è una tecnica di massaggio locale che consente di agire sulla persona nel suo complesso (unità psico-fisico-emozionale), andando a riequilibrare, per via riflessa, le relazioni funzionali tra i sistemi e gli apparati corporei. Il trattamento ha una durata di 20 minuti e un costo di 20 euro.
reservations required.
AGAVE / presentations
Wednesday, January 23, 2007, 19:00

Stancanelli Elena and Francesco Piccolo
present the new book
Carola Susani
Linfanzia is an earthquake

(Laterza 2008) will present the author

"The ruins in front of you parry, flat, horizontal, except the lights and the church: the deep Avenue was filled with marble here and there to the ground and puddles. In and around the perimeter of the mud houses there. There is none. No noise. Only our footsteps. The sky. Beyond the church there is a grove of memory, a tree for each of the dead. Rest of cold, without anxiety, although certainly some of it remained under the rubble. "Valle del Belice is an expanse of ruins when the family of Carol, who is four years old at the time, I moved to live in a slum . His parents work on reconstruction and development together with the Centre for Studies and Initiatives Belice Valley. Childhood is an earthquake is a reminder, travel stories, minimal reconstruction oral history and narrative even more. In the book there are the ruins, there is Danilo Dolci's childhood in the slums, there are the people who gathered around the center, there are threats, intimidation mafia. And something comes out of the long wave Sixty and its repercussions.
During the presentation there is a poetic work of Marilena Renda.
CAROLA SUSAN was born in 1965 in Marostica (Vicenza), lived in Sicily for a long time and now lives in Rome. He has published The Book of Teresa to arrive in 1995 (Award Bagutta debut), published by Feltrinelli Land of the Dinosaurs (1998) and novels for children The Werewolf (2002) and Cola Pesce (2004). Gaff was released in 2005 for Toad, a collection of two dramas. He has worked with the magazine Perap in Palermo and "Shadow Line", and is part of the editorial staff of "New topics".

Diane 3 Broken Capillaries

Outlet sale: meeting with Aldo Cazzullo

Travel the country on sale

Friday, January 25, 2008 21:00

Ghislieri College - Pavia

Debate from the book by Aldo Cazzullo
Outlet Italy

It discusses with the author: Giulio Tremonti

University of Pavia

Legambiente Confetti and committees against the Pavia-Broni-Mortara

Maria Antonietta Confalonieri
Università di Pavia

Organizzato dal Coordinamento dei comitati e delle associazioni contro l'autostrada Broni Pavia Mortara

Saturday, January 19, 2008

2010 Scion Xb Supercharger

Broni-Mortara, Pavia

La risposta del Comune di Pavia all'interrogazione del consigliere Irene Campari.
Qui i commenti della Campari (dal blog Circolo Pasolini).

Settore ambiente e territorio
Servizio urbanistica

Autostrada regionale Broni-Mortara
Relazione di aggiornamento


  • Delibera di Giunta comunale del 27 dicembre 2006 "Parere in merito al progetto preliminare dell'autostrada regionale - Integrazione del sistema transpadano: direttrice Broni-Pavia-Mortara"
  • Ordine del giorno presentato dal Comune di Pavia in sede della Conferenza dei Servizi del 7 febbraio 2007

In coerenza con quanto stabilito nella conferenza dei servizi del 7 febbraio 2007 è stata:

  • Costituita la segreteria tecnica di supporto agli EE.LL avente come finalità principali quelle di "approfondimento delle problematiche emerse" dalla conferenza dei servizi e di "accompagnamento delle successive fasi rpogettuali con particolare riferimento all'analisi degli effetti ambientali".
  • La Technical Secretariat composed of representatives of the Province of Pavia, local authorities (represented by the Municipality of Pavia), the reclamation and irrigation, by external experts, has met twice at the headquarters of the Province (November and December 2007).
  • In this first phase of work, which will end in February 2008, the Technical Secretariat's main task is to attend other outside the elaboration of technical-scientific study on the environmental and spatial effects of the intervention on a large scale in the principles of "Evaluation Strategic Environmental. The development of design in case the environmental assessment will be beneficial.
  • 's commitment ILspa [Infrastructure Lombard Pirelli who wanted the work, Ed] is that the assessment is completed before the award of the concession (March 2008) and the initiation of final design work.
  • The second phase of activities of the technical secretariat, if the results of the evaluation is favorable, will cover the monitoring and verification of implementation of the conditions expressed in the Conference Services for approval of the preliminary draft for the project'elaborazione final.
Environmental Report territorilai mainly focus on the three levels (regional, provincial, local). The grid will cover the focus of: problems, potential and opportunities of the various resources involved (environmental, economic, human). In particular, addressed issues related systems: socio-economic, noise and atmosphere, ecosystems and agriculture, geology and hydrology, and landscape. Finally, we will set-offs, direct compensation and indirect compensation.

From the perspective of the process procedural
  • May 2007 the region has taken on the deliberations of the Conference of services adopting the preliminary draft (DGR n. VIII/4659)
  • June 15, 2007 with DGR VIII/4920 was passed to ban the tender documentation for the grant.
  • June 29, 2007 was published in the Official Journal of the badno race and September 17 have been admitted to three questions (in addition to the Promoter).
  • October 12, 2007 were sent letters of invitation to tender stage rhyme.
  • is expected to arrive in the month of award of the concession amrzo 2008, when it is completed successfully, the current assessment, the deadline for submission of bids was set for June 15, 2008.

During the last meeting held in the province December 18, 2007 with representatives of EE.LL in order to account for the activities so far by the technical secretariat, it was agreed that ST will produce: a

  • Report on the document prior to the end of January 08
  • alvor played on a final document, to be developed by the end of February, containing a wild summary of observations and assessments of the benefits and degliimpatti work, especially in light of possible mitigation and a final summary opinion of the technical secretariat.
  • will also be promoted meetings with EE.LL in late January and late February, to illustrate the work done.
  • Work will continue to assess any subsequent phases of the project, the implementation of requests for design adjustments made by the various parties involved.
  • Regarding the environmental impact assessment (EIA) will be done with the project as DefInt laws.
  • With regard to appeals lodged, the Municipality of Pavia, has asked to be updated on the status of treatment. At this time followed by the legal department of the region with the support of Infrastructure Lombardi.

December 2007

Can Abcessed Tooth Cause Dizziness?

updates from the Executive Committee of Review of the letters of the Coordination against Broni Pavia Mortara published by the Provincia Pavese

Friday, January 18, 2008

no confidence in the Parco del Ticino

Milena Bertani was confirmed for his second term as president Parco del Ticino. This appointment does not bode well, unfortunately leaves. The
Bertani and the retiring Board of Directors, by a delibera contestata da tutte le associazioni ambientaliste, votato favorevolmente alla realizzazione dell’autostrada Broni-Pavia-Mortara. Il voto era stato poi confermato in sede di prima conferenza dei servizi nel febbraio 2007.
Stando al progetto preliminare l’autostrada dovrebbe attraversare per un tratto di circa 15 chilometri il parco del Ticino, sfiorando alcune delle zone maggiormente tutelate dal punto di vista ambientale.
Non è una questione da poco: di fronte alla più imponente e criticata infrastruttura degli ultimi decenni, l’ente Parco aveva sostenuto di non volersi porre in contrapposizione con la volontà dei Comuni e delle altre amministrazioni (Provincia di Pavia e Regione Lombardia).
Si tratta di una clear waiver to play its role. How can we think that the Ticino park can be defended and protected, if the Park Authority's main objective is a sterile, institutional questionable peace?
In a climate that sees the region to propose, through the notorious killer amendment-parks, the simplification of rules for building within the parks Lombard, who sees the municipalities increasingly hungry for green areas to be developed and, finally, sets out to Malpensa airport is a further expansion, the last thing to do was confirm a brave little leadership and too prone to compromise.
With this background the agreement between the institutions appears to be the Christmas dinner, with Parco del Ticino, special guest, to play the role of the turkey.
Coordination against the Pavia-Broni-Mortara via e-mail

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Page 14 - point-News

Cava Manara, the battle against the highway

We read with pleasure on the Province of Pavia 5 January that the mayor of Cava Manara, Claudia Mountain, is moving against the regional highway Pavia-Broni-Mortara. It would be easy to see that so far do not ne eravamo accorti, ma si sa che l’anno nuovo porta sempre buoni propositi e dunque tra i nostri ci sarà quello di essere meno distratti.
Ci viene però un dubbio. Quando il sindaco afferma che «noi abbiamo preferito la strada di porre dei vincoli che consentiranno precise azioni di salvaguardia del nostro territorio anche sotto il profilo acustico» e subito dopo chiarisce che si tratta di «vincoli che riguardano sia la viabilità locale che autostradale», sembra che implicitamente parta dal presupposto che l’autostrada sia necessaria e il compito del diligente amministratore sia semplicemente quello di mitigarne l’impatto.
Noi invece crediamo - e siamo in grado di giustificare su basi molto concrete la nostra convinzione - That the motorway Broni-Mortara, Pavia, his Pm10, its casting of concrete in the area (particularly affecting the town of Cava) constitute an irreparable damage to the province of Pavia as well as being manifestly unnecessary work and too expensive.
There would thus seem to be more useful if local administrators to invest their energies against the project as such and not rearguard battles, which aims not seem other than to determine how many lentils is reasonable, if not duty, to sell off its territory.
Coordination of Committees and Associations against Pavia-Broni-Mortara

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Page 8 - News - letter

Environment, Zucchi also remember the fine

want to answer, even if it's been a while ' time, to Mr Zucchi, regarding the bioethanol Zinasco. Two phrases of interest: 1) 'on bioenergy, the European Union issued a directive that can not do philosophy, but clearly that binds to certain parameters: an increasing proportion of all diesel and gasoline sold in Member States must be biofuel. "
We are amazed that the lawmaker, so passionate about the future of fuels derived from plants, not taking into account a very much dated, and never observed important European directive that determines the health of us all, which requires the halving of the 2010 tolerance values \u200b\u200bfor emissions of fine particles, and exceeded in Pavia province in an extraordinary way and in the worse year after year.
The new so-called "great works" in the province all go in the direction of strengthening the private traffic and freight transport by road: highway-Broni-Mortara, Pavia, and the many logistics facilities. 45,000 vehicles per day, most of which are not previously circulating in our area: its disregard for rules mentioned above. There seems to
Zucchi has deployed against these works to defend the European directive with the same care. The answer to both problems lies not in identifying what to burn in the engines of our cars, but in a serious political commitment and finally targeted to the massive expansion of public transport.
2) "Today you need to think of agriculture as one of the possible resources that can contribute to energy policies. To think, that is, as a tool that can contribute significantly to saving the planet. " The policy of Pavia, from right to left with few exceptions, is encouraging a growing list of large and medium-sized logistics over the highway Broni-Mortara, Pavia: the outlet for the new roadway and powerful traffic originating from these facilities on the declaration of the proponents of the work.
Besides threatening the food self-sufficiency, throwing concrete on an immense extension of arable land with irreversible consequences, you put the tombstone on the possibility of producing energy from our own soil, making necessary the purchase of raw materials abroad and determining degradation of natural areas in other countries. You import a non-solution and exporting a problem sure. We
also note that the names of manufacturers and administrators that craving for the Broni-Mortara are also reflected in the project Zinasco bioethanol, and we fear that in this case to enjoy the political support necessary to carry out the work.
Coordination of Committees and Associations against Pavia-Broni-Mortara

Friday, December 28, 2007

Page 10 - News


commitment to the "no" was a prize

It 's been a year since my first astonishment at the information never had a project that would raise a bridge of 20 meters in the vicinity of my new home. The following weeks were a frantic race to see what was happening in this race and I met wonderful people, prepared, committed, whose voice has always had to be muted. As the months along and I have not thought about my house as "my backyard" as someone said, but I realized how much my land is fragile due to its geographical location depression, winds, di escursioni termiche che lo rendono uno dei più inquinati d’Europa. Mi sono contemoporaneamente riappropriata dei suoi meravigliosi boschi, della sua agricoltura, della fauna che pensavo non esistesse più tanto ero presa dalla frenesia di correre a lavorare e poi di accudire alla famiglia.
Ho passato tutto il tempo libero, insieme a tanta gente, a partecipare, quando ci era permesso, ai consigli comunali, ad ascoltare studiosi del nostro territorio, a controllare quanti giorni purtroppo i nostri paesi superino i valori limite di polveri sottili e di Pm 10, a contare quanti capannono di logistica costruti da anni e mai usati costellino come scheletri la nostra pianura, a capire che ci sono soluzioni immediate per snellire il traffico delle nostre areas, to realize that 40,000 more vehicles per day and the excavation of many, many cubic meters of soil would lead to incurable diseases and permanent loss of wealth that represent our progress, our roots.
thank this project (highway Broni-Mortara, ed) because it gave me the opportunity to live and survive, to have the desire to study, understand, know that I could remember the other people involved as we should have humility and self-criticism in order to decide the territory that only our voices to speak.
I thank him because it allowed me to understand the mistakes made in building our road network and to know that there are plans certainly not devastating to allow us to "breathe." And finally I thank him because now I know what I want for my children and what I do not want and certainly it is one of the things that I do not want.
Marisa Morini San Martino Siccomario

Thursday, December 27, 2007

A well to be preserved, "the soil in loan

Dear Director,
read with interest the letter from the provincial president Vittorio Poma to the Province of Pavia 21 December on the future of Pavia and our province, and we appreciate the fact that Poma are looking for a dialectic with the public. We therefore call it our own, traveling a bit 'between fantasy and reality, between the hopes for tomorrow and continuing rude awakening today, caused by the fear that we are going the wrong way.
If we think of Pavia in 100 years, we imagine a city in harmony with mother nature and the environment. Populated by people who consume resources (only those sources) in a reasonable manner in a global context that has found alternatives to oil, but above all it has learned to limit the energy requirements and waste production, eliminating the roots of the conflict and the Landfill incinerators. A city \u200b\u200bthat has the exact same boundaries of today, who has not used a single square meter of land more free, which wiped out the land use. Moreover, a city and province that u have reversed course, to agricultural land or redeveloping the park and do not use many urban areas, future brownfield sites, craft and industrial areas that have closed their cycle. For example, among the many possible in our province, the area occupied by Dolma to Belgaum, now reduced to a small sales office, might come back to mother nature after we have "borrowed" that piece of ground.
We imagine a city and a province where a concept like this, the 'Ground on loan, "that does not cause a trace of doubt that we imagine the faces of the reader, because it will be a concept now conquered, or rather re-conquered, after a few generations too carefree and harmonious growth. A city and a province in which the large and small manufacturers and building operators, whose profit is now produced at the expense of all non-renewable resource (the land of course) will, by upgrading existing building stock of the immense, continue its operations and prosper.
We imagine a city that, with other major urban centers of the province, turning warm in the deepest sense of the term, which does not force its inhabitants to flee to countries in 15-20 years than quintupled its population according to a dynamic urban sprawl. It is a province where the eventual decision of a mayor of urbanized area just to make ends meet running costs can be considered, at best, a joke. We imagine
institutions that anticipate and guide the process, what to do instead of trample. Who are dedicated to the problems before they become chronic, because, for example, the current province has waited 10 years before putting his hand on the floor of the provincial traffic (Ptve), and why, at this point, instead of rushing to adopt a ' Highway, did not wait a few mesiin that the plan was defined and accepted? We would like to institutions whose representatives have in mind the principle that, if they are where they are, is a covenant with the people and that this should be confirmed and verified continuously. Institutions not flirting with the committees of business, more or less explicit, not to lose sight of their true goals. They are hence
Pavia and its province a hundred years? Hopefully. Of course you can start as early as tomorrow to give substance to this hope, just a few years to reach most of the results. In many areas, the "good practices" and a little 'organization can solve problems become chronic. Who will want to consult us we will try to tell some of the possible solutions and how to get there.

Coordination Committees and Associations against Pavia-Broni-Mortara via e-mail

Friday, November 23, 2007

Response Coordination to a letter from the UDC Pavese pollution in cities

Dear Director,

in a letter published in the Province of Pavia on 21 November, the town UDC direction indicates the existence Pavia certain situations of degradation ambientale e accusa la Giunta comunale attuale di non fare nulla in tal senso. In particolare, i quattro esponenti dell’Udc lamentano la situazione di viale Trieste, nei pressi dell’autostazione, dove “l’aria è irrespirabile”, e contestano alla Giunta in generale e all’assessore all’Ecologia in particolare di non aver dato corso alle verifiche promesse.

Non siamo interessati a entrare nella polemica politica. Prendiamo tuttavia atto, non senza un po’ di sconforto, del fatto che le contestazioni ambientaliste dell’Udc alla Giunta eludono la ben più rilevante questione dell’autostrada regionale Broni-Pavia-Mortara. Questo ci pare davvero bizzarro, dal momento che è difficile not think that thousands of trucks are more harmful than a few dozen buses.

If it is a simple oversight, we invite all members of the UDC to broaden the basket of disputes, since the Broni-Mortara, Pavia, the council has behaved very least ambiguous. But if (as we fear) that members of the UDC is a typical case of tacit consent policy, we ask them how they can reconcile the concerns about the stifling air of Viale Trieste with the approval of a project that will pour thousands of heavy vehicles from the A4 on a strip of asphalt rising to 3 km from the city center.

In the latter case, the UDC would be in good company: the silence (-approval?) is the entire political class province, although the Broni-Mortara, Pavia is a project that is about to change forever the face of our land disfigured with a snake 50 km 2 and a half meters high (you read that right: all of the highway, where you do not stand up to 17 meters high viaducts, elevated flows of 2 meters off the ground!), with junctions as big as whole villages and the countryside destroyed by overbuilding of logistics and shopping centers attached to the project.

Thinking territory and the environment means designing for the citizens a better quality of life, not to agree to selling off and destruction of land and then argue instrumentally on Viale Trieste. Otherwise, you can not help but note that we are facing the nth case of political schizophrenia, in which the environment should be applied to enemies but played for friends.
Coordination Committees and Associations against Pavia-Broni-Mortara.

Coordination Committees and Associations against Pavia-Broni-Mortara via e-mail