Saturday, January 19, 2008

2010 Scion Xb Supercharger

Broni-Mortara, Pavia

La risposta del Comune di Pavia all'interrogazione del consigliere Irene Campari.
Qui i commenti della Campari (dal blog Circolo Pasolini).

Settore ambiente e territorio
Servizio urbanistica

Autostrada regionale Broni-Mortara
Relazione di aggiornamento


  • Delibera di Giunta comunale del 27 dicembre 2006 "Parere in merito al progetto preliminare dell'autostrada regionale - Integrazione del sistema transpadano: direttrice Broni-Pavia-Mortara"
  • Ordine del giorno presentato dal Comune di Pavia in sede della Conferenza dei Servizi del 7 febbraio 2007

In coerenza con quanto stabilito nella conferenza dei servizi del 7 febbraio 2007 è stata:

  • Costituita la segreteria tecnica di supporto agli EE.LL avente come finalità principali quelle di "approfondimento delle problematiche emerse" dalla conferenza dei servizi e di "accompagnamento delle successive fasi rpogettuali con particolare riferimento all'analisi degli effetti ambientali".
  • La Technical Secretariat composed of representatives of the Province of Pavia, local authorities (represented by the Municipality of Pavia), the reclamation and irrigation, by external experts, has met twice at the headquarters of the Province (November and December 2007).
  • In this first phase of work, which will end in February 2008, the Technical Secretariat's main task is to attend other outside the elaboration of technical-scientific study on the environmental and spatial effects of the intervention on a large scale in the principles of "Evaluation Strategic Environmental. The development of design in case the environmental assessment will be beneficial.
  • 's commitment ILspa [Infrastructure Lombard Pirelli who wanted the work, Ed] is that the assessment is completed before the award of the concession (March 2008) and the initiation of final design work.
  • The second phase of activities of the technical secretariat, if the results of the evaluation is favorable, will cover the monitoring and verification of implementation of the conditions expressed in the Conference Services for approval of the preliminary draft for the project'elaborazione final.
Environmental Report territorilai mainly focus on the three levels (regional, provincial, local). The grid will cover the focus of: problems, potential and opportunities of the various resources involved (environmental, economic, human). In particular, addressed issues related systems: socio-economic, noise and atmosphere, ecosystems and agriculture, geology and hydrology, and landscape. Finally, we will set-offs, direct compensation and indirect compensation.

From the perspective of the process procedural
  • May 2007 the region has taken on the deliberations of the Conference of services adopting the preliminary draft (DGR n. VIII/4659)
  • June 15, 2007 with DGR VIII/4920 was passed to ban the tender documentation for the grant.
  • June 29, 2007 was published in the Official Journal of the badno race and September 17 have been admitted to three questions (in addition to the Promoter).
  • October 12, 2007 were sent letters of invitation to tender stage rhyme.
  • is expected to arrive in the month of award of the concession amrzo 2008, when it is completed successfully, the current assessment, the deadline for submission of bids was set for June 15, 2008.

During the last meeting held in the province December 18, 2007 with representatives of EE.LL in order to account for the activities so far by the technical secretariat, it was agreed that ST will produce: a

  • Report on the document prior to the end of January 08
  • alvor played on a final document, to be developed by the end of February, containing a wild summary of observations and assessments of the benefits and degliimpatti work, especially in light of possible mitigation and a final summary opinion of the technical secretariat.
  • will also be promoted meetings with EE.LL in late January and late February, to illustrate the work done.
  • Work will continue to assess any subsequent phases of the project, the implementation of requests for design adjustments made by the various parties involved.
  • Regarding the environmental impact assessment (EIA) will be done with the project as DefInt laws.
  • With regard to appeals lodged, the Municipality of Pavia, has asked to be updated on the status of treatment. At this time followed by the legal department of the region with the support of Infrastructure Lombardi.

December 2007


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