Thursday, October 9, 2008

Watchmurmur Of The Heart Online

AGAVE / Expo
Wednesday, June 4, 2008, 19:00

opening of the exhibition of works of pictorial
Emmanuel Lavallee
at which Emmanuel offer the public 30 minutes of his fantastic work clown

EMMANUEL LAVALLEE Emmanuel Home (cooking the crepes and pasta with pesto) astrologer, was born long ago but has not aged at all. He lives a bit 'like everyone else, successes and defeats, however, after having taught at the school of Clown Dimitri in Switzerland is formed at Jacques Lecoq in Paris, where he graduated. He created beautiful performances often linked to the world of clowns which, unfortunately, nobody remembers anything, either. The sister of William Shakespeare said: "He is really good, like my brother." The artist fully shares this noble thought.
the exhibition will remain on display until June 25, 2008 ________________________

AGAVE / Presentations
Thursday, June 12, 2008, 19:00

Maria Grazia Calandrone
Mani Padamadan one-way trip
New Magenta Editrice, 2007
Dino Azzalin
"Do not you travel to decorate of exoticism and anecdotes like a Christmas tree, but because the way we plucked, there curries, we dry up, make us similar to those worn that stretch with towel a sliver of soap ... "Thus wrote the Swiss writer Nicolas Bouvier. And the fact that living matter is the volume that you are browsing. In modern notation travel, reading, minutes and diaries have been invaluable sources for Dino Azzalin, author of the popular diary of Africa, in the preparation of Mani Padamadan.
(...) The stories develop and intersect in different parts of the world: Italy, Europe, India, South America, Africa, Indochina, (...) the trip must consist not only of curiosity or nell'appagamento in overcoming fears, but especially in the revelation of human nature.

DINO AZZALIN was born in Pontelongo (Padova) in 1953. He has published three books with the publisher Crocetti of poetry: The rhythm disorders (1985), Desert (1994) and memory tests (2006 - Justin de Jacobis premium and Giuseppe Dessì 2007). In 1999, the tales of the street and consumed in 2001 Diary of Africa. He has traveled extensively in the South, working as a volunteer health. He founded the APA's Fund (Friends for Africa) which promotes oral health projects in low-income countries. He lives in Varese, where he practices the profession of medical practitioner. It 'a journalist and has worked for several newspapers and magazines.
in the upcoming parliamentary and local elections
AGAVE is pleased to promote and host
Tuesday, April 8, 2008, from 19.30

meeting with

Letizia Cicconi
the head of the list of the Rainbow Left
Giulia Rhone
Councillor for Culture of LAZIO REGION

on issues of territorial development and cultural and business
AGAVE / expo
Saturday, April 12, 2008,
inauguration of the photographic exhibition
Il dettaglio di un gesto
Fotografie di Sveva Bellucci
Progetto per la VII edizione del Festival Internazionale di Fotografia di Roma
a cura di Maddalena Parise

Parte di una ricerca personale sul quotidiano che Sveva Bellucci porta avanti dal 2006 (con i due progetti Spazi svuotati e Quelli che restano ) questa nuova serie ne offre, in qualche modo, un punto di vista ravvicinato. Le fotografie che si presentano in occasione del tema Vedere la normalità per la VII edizione del Festival di Fotografia di Roma, sono dettagli di gesti e sono state volutamente scattate in un contesto “piccolo” come lo spazio “ristretto” dell’Isola di Ventotene. Concentrarsi su uno spazio ridotto ha permesso alla fotografa di “stare addosso” alle sue abitudini per esplorare non solo la quotidianità di un gesto, ma anche il posto specifico in cui questa si fa.
Sono fotografie a “distanza ravvicinata”, scattate in digitale, che si avvicinano così tanto alla normalità da trasfigurarla e costringerci a guardare ciò che non siamo abituati a vedere: il rigonfiamento di una camicia senza corpo o l’acqua diventata molecola sulle pieghe del nuotatore. Realizzate con un teleobiettivo, queste fotografie Colgate, by far, the composure of gestures that seem to have posed for the shot, they realize the paradox of photos "stolen" and "cutlery" at a time, combining the artifice with the document, with the opportunity staging. These were photos that at first sight exclude the movement, ice, almost to highlight the two-dimensionality of the gesture and its design, but at the same time that they leave, the excess of one color or the folds of fabric, slip out of life they are made.
format Polaroid photographs evokes the 8.8 x10, 7cm which the photographer, magnification, observes its proportions. The allusion to the characteristic size, draws so that the amateur snapshots, ready to be watched.
the exhibition is open until May 2, 2008
AGAVE / expo
Saturday, May 3, 2008, 19:00

inauguration of the photographic exhibition
Beyond East Naples
Photography Cinzia De Nigro
Project the Seventh Annual International Photography Festival of Rome
by Maddalena Parise

Quest '"investigation" photo from Naples East. It is an investigation done in three phases. Triptychs of photographs taken as long interviews to the city and its waste. Three points of view: moved details, large spaces, faces. First
waste. Heaps of bags and details of container flow in front of the camera to 1 / 15 of a second. A shutter speed is a necessity and a choice of style at the same time. A long time making it visible through the blur, a time otherwise, that you stole that journalistic investigation into the gaps, fast, digital, without the ability to stop and choose the "nice shot". But it is also the time property of a daily abnormal remains stuck on each day that passes and that the photographer seems to stir with his shots. The image is formed slowly (1 / 15 sec.) Transforms those bags and their colors, making them almost unrecognizable, revealing the unreality that they should be.
The second appointment is made by the city. The shot widens roads and buildings that seem to have lost their colors, as if they were private or contaminated by the wastes. Through the provision of post-production photographer discolor the image of the city - which seems to bleaching - or it unbelievably saturated tones isolating a few colors icy.
the presence of mixed waste to the city and deformed in its color, then joins the contrast of the sharpness of those who oppose it. The photographer is continuing its investigation meeting those smiling faces that resist destruction, those wrinkled hands that seem to imprison the same plastic the outline of which escaped the lens. Portraits sharp in every detail that will resist with their "strong" clarity, moved them to the magma invades.
the exhibition is open until May 25, 2008


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