Thursday, February 12, 2009

2002 Accord Ex Security System


«Noi in lotta contro la Broni-Pavia-Mortara»

Sono passati anni dalla presentazione pubblica di un progetto per creare un collegamento autostradale tra Broni, Mortara e Pavia. Un’idea discussa, capace di accendere le speranze di chi quotidianamente resta invischiato nella viabilità di quelle zone, ma anche capace di attirare le severe critiche di una parte importante dell’opinione pubblica. Alfiere di questa posizione è il Coordinamento dei Comitati e delle Associazioni contro la Broni-Pavia-Mortara, attivo sia sul fronte della awareness about what is the networking of many companies wishing to express their dissent to the project. We spoke with a representative of the Coordination.

When was your group? "The Coordination of Committees and Associations against Pavia-Broni-Mortara was born two years ago to tackle a project that is deemed unnecessary, costly and harmful."
Why? "According to the Coordination, the Pavia-Broni-Mortara is useless because it will not solve, even worse, the problems of road system, which is particularly pressing North-South axis of the former state of Jupiters (and the highway will serve the east- west). It is expensive, because, compared with an estimated cost of 1078 million euro, it is unclear what will actually be borne by the public. He also charges that will pay very dear citizens. It is harmful because it will increase significantly the pollution, soil and consume will have a serious impact on the landscape. "
What you propose to do to tackle the project? "The activities of the committees is therefore aimed at spreading information that public authorities have not disclosed, raising awareness about the problems of the province that approval of the Pavia-Broni-Mortara entails. To this end, several public meetings were held on the highway contesting the deficiencies and weaknesses of the project. Also being widely discussed environmental issues more generally related to the possibility of sustainable development, and has tried to build a network with other committees to defend the territory operating in the province. "
Which really is your group? "Associations such as Italy joined the coordination Nostra, WWF, Legambiente, Lipu, La Rondine Association, Slow Food, Friends of Beppe Grillo. And local farmers as the Committee for the Protection of Natural Resources, Defense Committee-Promotion Territory Lomellina-Dorn, Committees of Alagna, Barbianello, Bressan, Gropello, Lungavilla, Pavia, Pinarolo, Santa Giulietta, High, San Martino, Zinasco.
Who are your volunteers? "It's a really diverse, ranging from the world of environmentalism historian who is personally touched by the problem, in that part of the ever-growing population which grows a new environmental sensitivity, which is no longer accepting the model hollow-landfill -cement "as a unique vision of development. '.

position of the coordinator of committees and associations against the Pavia-Broni-Mortara

Project Pavia-Broni-Mortara highway is out of the preliminary stage, but many citizens of the province of Pavia are still in the dark. In this paper we want to make a contribution to make some 'clarity.

The arguments used in support of the Broni-Mortara, Pavia are essentially related to roads and development.

Road. Nobody questions the need for action to relieve congestion on north-south road of the former State Route 35 from south to Pavia-Bressana Bottarone. It 'clear, however, it is necessary to join the ring of Pavia for a new bridge and create an alternative to passage through the Three Kings, the old bridge and la rotonda di Bressana, dove confluiscono le due principali diretrici dell’Oltrepò centro-occidentale (Casteggio e Voghera).

La Broni-Pavia-Mortara è invece un’autostrada che si muove sull’asse est-ovest. Per questo motivo a San Martino si pone l’esigenza di saltare la ex-SS35 e la ferrovia attraverso un viadotto di 20 m. di altezza e 800 di lunghezza che passa sopra le teste degli abitanti. Non essendo l’autostrada una reale alternativa al collegamento nord-sud, si crea allora la tangenziale di Cava Manara, che incrocia la Broni-Paese-Mortara e la tangenziale di Pavia in un mega-svincolo grande poco meno del paese. Oltre a stringere l’intero territorio comunale tra due autostrade e il megasvincolo – and to pass very near the villages of High and Cava - the ring does not solve the problem because of which it is created, even as you enter the ex-SS35, with all the old bridge to be covered and secured code.

How do you see anyone who looks so disinterested in the project, the only real problem is not solved. The design of the new highway - and this is what you would have to explain to people - did in fact target the improvement of roads in the province, but, if implemented the connection to the motorway A26 Genova-Voltri Gravellona Toce, to divert some (there are those who enthusiastically reaches say 70%) of traffic da e per Milano, quello che passa sulla A4 Torino-Trieste diretto alla A1 Milano-Napoli oppure quello che dalla A7 Milano-Genova si congiunge alla A21 Torino-Piacenza. La provincia di Pavia diverrebbe così la valvola di sfogo del traffico, soprattutto commerciale, che transita nella Lombardia occidentale, con il pesante inquinamento che ne consegue.

A ciò si deve aggiungere che per tentare di motivare quest’operazione si fa sempre riferimento al fatto che la Broni-Pavia-Mortara costituirebbe un tratto importante del corridoio 5 (Barcellona-Kiev). L’argomento è però debole e specioso: debole, perché su percorsi di centinaia o migliaia di chilometri attraverso l’Europa il massimo che si può risparmiare percorrendo the new highway and avoiding a stretch of the A26 and A21 are 25 km., or about a quarter of an hour; specious, because the passage 5 is connected not only by rail and highway, although we continue to read that the work is essential for the European corridor.

Development. A further important contribution to the volume of traffic Broni-Mortara, Pavia will be given the logistical structures that form the very basis of the project. This is the intermodal hub and logistics centers of Mortara Bressana Santa and Juliet, touted as inevitable stages of development would be impossible. They say: Since you have to do the logistics centers, it serves a highway that links them together and the existing highway network. The Pavia-Broni-Mortara will therefore be covered, as well as from traffic diverted from the north of the region by road trains will depart from the various poles to their destination. The logistics facilities, common sense says, but should build next to existing roads. Here, however, first you design the structure in places not located on major roads or in a place stuck in densely populated and built, then complain to the need for a link road adequate to withstand the impressive traffic volumes (45,000 vehicles per day, of which 30% trucks). The only certainty for a highway with these levels of traffic that will produce pollution that could compromise la nostra salute e il nostro ambiente.

La teoria dei sostenitori della Broni-Pavia-Mortara si snoda poi attraverso un ultimo punto. La Broni-Pavia-Mortara risolverà i problemi di sviluppo creando nuovi posti di lavoro poiché lungo l’autostrada s’insedieranno nuovi poli industriali, commerciali, logistici. Benché mai chiaramente delineato e anzi sempre fumoso e vago, lo sviluppo che viene immaginato per la Lomellina e il basso Oltrepò sembra quindi costituito da gangli di autostrade a grande scorrimento, agglomerati industriali, centri commerciali, poli logistici. Qualcosa che assomiglia molto da vicino alla periferia milanese. Di fatto il progetto di questa autostrada, che mira ad essere anche un’alternativa all’A4 and the ring road west of Milan, the foundation for the assimilation of environmental, social and productive hinterland of our province of Milan.

This is a very old idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment, who depends on road transport and irreparably compromises the quality of life of people who are staying or coming to settle in our province because they do not want or flee the situation environmental and social hours that they are prepared - without you having the courage to say - by this highway.

We call on citizens of the province of Pavia if this is the future they want.
We are not "those who say no": we express not a rational to a project that we studied in detail, highlighting the problems does not solve many serious and that it creates. We believe it is irresponsible to sacrifice on the altar of Pavia-Broni-Mortara what our country has become with the work of time and people and what can be invaluable because of its image. We believe that if anything is necessary to recognize and exploit the wealth and potential of a land unique in the European market with a view to developing a truly modern, sustainable, ie who has a future.

Sure, it's harder, but that is what the people want to discuss, decide and do their part and on which hand they were not even informed. If you do not understand the hardships and do not try to listen and maybe discover untapped skills, mediating, and involving, if you close any discussion with slogans such as "inalienable historic opportunity," "the only way to development", then do not it adds to the already deep mistrust of many citizens toward the political and economic class that governs them.

Coordination of Committees and Associations against Pavia-Broni-Mortara e-mail :

information: cel.348-3634095 - 0382/1855670 - 0382/1850271 fax

participating in the coordination:

Associations - groups

Italy WWF Legambiente LIPU Our Ass "La Rondine" Friends of Slow Food Beppe Grillo

Tabu (Universal Biological Conservation)


Farmers Committee for Protection of Natural Resources, Committee Cava Manara, Alagna Committee, Committee Barbianello, Bressana Bottarone Committee, Defence Committee- Valuation of Land Lomellina Committee Gropello Cairoli, Lungavilla Committee, Committee of Pavia, Committee Pinarolo Juliet S. Po Committee, Committee of the Supreme Committee, St. Martin, Committee Zinasco

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What Causes Steam In Shower



Day dedicated to regional grievances against the new road infrastructure and the logistics of Lombardy unnecessary

Legambiente For the occasion of the Province of Pavia, together with local committees
organizing principals:

Thursday morning, February 12 at 8.00:



All are invited to make every effort to be present at these events carrying banners of the circle, sheets of malaria, banners committees.




FREEDOM 'to move, but also to breathe clean air with a mobility' BEST for commuters and for ALL

THURSDAY 02/12/2009 garrisons in the province of Pavia to round
RESSANA Bottarone and Torrevecchia PIA

Thursday in Lombardy there will be protests against the unnecessary and harmful works that are a waste of money and land and not migliuorano the lives of citizens in our region.
The Province of Pavia, a land still beautiful and livable, is in danger. Agricultural areas are seen as empty space to be filled with speculation, polluting plants, continued growth of warehouses (other than empty) and cement, with a highway to complete the work. We are fighting against this idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment which in time will be reduced to little sad in the Milan suburbs.
The streets of the Province of Pavia are increasingly inadequate and unsafe because of poor operations and maintenance (landslides, potholes, flooding, lack of signage both horizontal and vertical) and in the face of it what we propose? Broni-Mortara highway that apart from destroying the delicate ecosystem of the Lomellina and drive traffic to move from other regions and hence pollution, will have a toll equal to three times the current rates, so once again those who can pay will go fast, commuters will in the queue and we all have more pollution ... ..
Environmentalists are also asking that intensifies the transport of goods by rail instead of road. For this, given that our province sees the presence of large railway junctions, Pavia, Voghera, Mortara which also link several regions, we believe the positive pole intermodal logistics (trade goods from road to rail). But in the province of Pavia intermodal he sees little in return logistics born in the middle of fields, which are just speculation, create jobs and very little traffic.

demand the rehabilitation of existing roads, improving public transport, particularly rail, and a provincial planning to get more freight on rail and less road


Legambiente circles Pavia, Voghera, Lands and Water Committees with the Hummingbird Highway against the Broni-Mortara
Legambiente circles and Siziano Landriano with Committee NO LOG-S

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Birthday Titanic Invitions

Bressan Bottarone


Web Bressana has been that the conference services for the Logistics will be held on February 16

by the Province of Pavia Wednesday, January 7, 2009

nerves on 'logistic area
Castelletto, the mayor against the distinction-recruitment
CASTELLETTO. "They take in countries that support it." Dry position taken by the City of Castelletto di Branduzzo about the arrival of a logistics hub in Bressana Bottarone, following consultation of the table held a few days ago at the provincial offices and attended by le amministrazioni dei paesi vicini, oltre ai rappresentanti della società Vip che ha avanzato la proposta. In particolare il sindaco Stefano Del Bo, che ha espresso la propria contrarietà al progetto, fa riferimento ad una lettera che la società promotrice di quest’iniziativa ha indirizzato al Comune di Bressana. «Nella lettera si conferma la volontà di favorire le assunzioni, a parità di condizioni, dei cittadini residenti nei Comuni che valuteranno positivamente la realizzazione dell’opera - spiega il primo cittadino di Castelletto di Branduzzo, Stefano Del Bo - In questo modo si formalizza un deciso e preoccupante cambio di rotta della società, in quanto preannuncia l’elargizione di sostegni occupazionali a favore Communities do not discriminate against their will, and promised the mayors against, but to the detriment of their fellow citizens. " How do you remember the same Del Bo, who was present at the meeting, that document was read the first few minutes that the auditors could express its opinion, "then the sentence I was referring to take a clear and unequivocal warning: if the mayors will oppose those directly responsible for the discrimination of society towards their fellow citizens when they seek employment. I wonder if it is normal for a mayor, in full performance of his duties as manager of the territory, might become a victim of this situation, there was no reason for shifting the responsabilità di mancate assunzioni sugli amministratori comunali, se non per imporci il tentativo di barattare la nostra accondiscendenza. Ponendoci in pratica un ultimatum che ha come contropartita i posti di lavoro dei nostri concittadini». «Sempre che tutto ciò non abbia implicazioni di natura giuridica, oltre che morale, ritengo che quanto accaduto non possa passare sotto il silenzio. Solo il sindaco di Bressana Bottone Eddy Latella, al quale rinnovo la mia stima e gratitudine, ha espresso parole di auspicio affinché la società valuti le domande di lavoro secondo criteri più ragionevoli ed equi. Il rifiuto di un piano di sviluppo sbagliato per il territorio, di un progetto con tante contraddizioni che si vogliono occultare, deve diventare now also a rejection of the comparative method. "Simone Delu
sheds new roads and What does the maxi progettoBRESSANA. The plan presented by the logistics group VIP, includes the construction of prefabricated sheds for a warehouse with a floor area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 103,786 square feet. Of these, only 63 thousand square meters result in a change in urban destination area, as 40 thousand square meters are already building within the applicable plan as D2 Production area expansion. The note continues Oltrepo company highlighting how the project including the construction of a roundabout on the internal roadway network county road 12 and road network provides other important works of great interest to local traffic. While, in terms of environmental and landscaping is planned, according to a detailed study, the accommodation of most of the green open areas and an index of surface area than other regional logistics sites. In short, the company says a plan to measure the impact of land content.

by the Province of Pavia Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Logistics, here are fake environmentalists"
The recent interview with the mayor of Castelletto, Stefano Del Bo, published in the Province Pavese ha riportato in primo piano la vicenda del progetto di logistica di Bressana Bottarone. Al Comune di Bressana sono già state consegnate oltre 3.000 firme contrarie. Tra le quali vi erano quelle della maggioranza degli elettori di Bressana. Malgrado questa chiara presa di posizione, una serie di Comuni (Bressana, Bastida, Casatisma, Rea e Verrua Po) hanno ritenuto - a differenza di altri (Castelletto, Cava, Pinarolo Po) - di esprimere parere favorevole al progetto in occasione della seduta di concertazione tenutasi presso la sede della Provincia il 21 dicembre. Questi Comuni hanno altresì deciso di avallare la decisione di non applicare la valutazione ambientale strategica, pur di fronte a un’opera che è oggettivamente destinata ad avere un significant impact on traffic and land use. The months of Bressana lost by the City and the company proposing to apply the procedure of exclusion of the Strategic Environmental Assessment would be sufficient to do the exact opposite, that is open to everyone the opportunity to participate in the environmental analysis of this program of new urban destination a part of the territory. Who decided to exclude the Vas therefore did not do as you would have us believe, to speed up approval. The aim is rather to avoid a step that would have laid bare all the contradictions and incompatibilities of this project. A demonstration of the fact that the supporters words of the project say they protect the environment, but in fact move in the opposite direction.

Coordination Committees and Associations against the Broni-Mortara, Pavia e-mail