Monday, April 19, 2010

Dark Brown Mucus Starting Period Normal

Andrea a job


Andrea to work

Gay Cruise Spots In Az

miniature carousel

raft ride

Acne On Male Genital Skin

Andrea Criscenti

Who am I?
am the son of a carny and thanks to my father with his work has aroused in me an interest to understand what my dream was unconscious at the age of 6 years.
But I have developed better to the 10 years that was my dream was coming true little by little, when I began to build the rides with the cardboard.
As we grow, improve my creativity and I used the material more and more complicated until you get to the material seriously.
not want to tell my whole story in miniature of the rides, but I will only tell you that in 2000 I realized for the first time in a wooden copy of the raft (like topspin) working with miniature electric motors.

My dream

What is a dream? a dream is your subconscious talking to you, tells you you do this, you are here ....
My told me that the rides would have been my passion, I am.
Since small elbowing this passion in my life, they made space in my games and I the child 'I have loved and pampered, until it become a subject, realize in my life as a hobby.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Immigration Modl 2010

raft rides (my collaborator and friend) thumbnail

Michele That is, he takes care of my image and bureaucratic things that relate to miniature carousels. More

employee who is a brother to me.

care about my image and Publications on the internet of my rides in miniature, has big plans for me and know that I can do good work through my hobby.

I have great confidence in him, and I know I can trust in all.

click below to continue.

Continue, my friend Andrea.