Thursday, December 13, 2007

Out-licensing Consultants

AGAVE / presentations
THURSDAY 'December 13, 2007, 19:30

the last two titles in the series "Ogopogo" Where and
text illustrations by Cosimo Policastro and Sara Guild presents Davidovics
Aldo Mastropasqua
(authors will be present)

Cosimo Budetta lives and operates at Agromonte (PZ). He is interested in painting, graphics and art books. He is the founder of the laboratory "Ogopogo." He has created artist's books, among others, along with Giuliani, Sanguineti, Loi, Lunetta, Pignotti, Dorfles Pagliarani, Squarotti Barberi, Pedicini, Muzzioli, Vito Riviello, and, most recently, Thomas Ottonieri, Gilda Policastro, Sara Davidovics.

Davidovics Sara was born and lives in Rome. Verse current published with an introduction by T. Ottonieri (Zone, 2006); of water, with art by P. Ruffo (E. Mazzoli, 2007), finalist at Premio Antonio Dolphins and Pendici with watercolors C. Budetta (Lab Ogopogo, 2007). In 2006 he formed the ensemble with Lorenzo During reading DUAL. It is out for the publisher Onyx Cortical volume.

Policastro Gilda was born in Salem and lives in Rome. It collaborates with the cultural pages of "Alias" and "Liberation." He has published poems about "imagination" (July-September 2006, with a hint of Romano Luperini) and volume editions of Where Ogopogo, illustrated by Cosimo Budetta (August 2007). He has participated in "Romapoesia 2007" and "RicercaBo" laboratory for new records. Seasons is about to publish the poem and working on a novel called Remi.


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