Saturday, December 15, 2007

What Antenna Needed To Get Abc In Spartanburg, Sc

AGAVE / presentations
FRIDAY 'December 21, 2007, 18:00

Andrea Cortellessa

director of the series of texts by contemporary Italian Outside Format
presents the book of Thomas
The roads leading to the Fucino
(Letters, Out of Home, 2007)
Each narrative is a territory. The imagination of the author explores latitude, it eviscerates the language of his depth. That is not the territory "described" - it invents. Design a virtual space, shadow and mirror the real one: that the "reality" and weird together, mysteriously validation. So is the Fucino Ottonieri Thomas. Earth flat, horizontal, geometrically sectioned by a look that glides from the top, or perhaps heavenly plane, but that - as it is between rough set Apennine stands - conceals enormous depth, invaded dizzying, huge universes paths chthonic creatures who sigh In The Dark. In the middle of the plain stands Telespazio: Big Screen, which captures the deep resonances Star projecting a film of delirious visions on a shattered consciousness, driving a car metaphysics. Along labyrinths that seem to come out of a David Lynch film: in search of an origin unrecognizable - and all too true. The roads leading to
Fucino (glue bonus track of "Dante's" Apocalypse Ulysses 9.11, achieved sonically with the electronic composer Maurizio Martusciello) is a radial pattern of concentric narrative prose, with centrifugal and centripetal: fragments now torn by the author during two decades, by force of writing, at the magmatic cores and dark imagery. A writer "angelic hell" that is "the sixth moon of Saturn "Thus, prophetic, Giorgio Manganelli had greeted the debut.
poet who has chosen the prose as "plastic" infinitely malleable from the outset Ottonieri has been visited by the temptation of fiction. Sirena always tempting and always elusive, for a language onnipotenziale like him. The construction of this book has been open for decades (as Gilda Policastro reconstructs in a comprehensive Baedeker for the reader). The reason we understand now: the work is the most complex and layered the author, his most ambitious and, ultimately, poignant revelatory. Her heart laid bare. AC
AGAVE / wine tasting
is proud to host
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