Thursday, February 28, 2008

Chocolate Jelly Rings Recipe

Highway, via the environmental impact. A sham procedure to be invented every day

The news and comments of the Coordination

by the Province of Pavia Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Highway, via the environmental impact

Today's meeting between mayors and technical secretariat on the draft study


A meeting of Mayors and the technical secretariat to present the study of Lombard Infrastructure sull'impatto ambientale che il progetto della futura autostrada Broni-Pavia-Mortara determinerà sul territorio. L'incontro si terrà oggi in Provincia su uno studio che è in avanzata fase di stesura (dovrebbe essere pronto a fine marzo) e che dovrebbe mettere in luce vantaggi e svantaggi, sotto l'aspetto paesaggistico, economico e sociale, relativi alla realizzazione dell'autostrada.
La segreteria tecnica ha il compito di fare osservazioni, anche di carattere preliminare e avanzare domande su aspetti concernenti il piano che non risultano ancora chiari. Anche i sindaci potranno partecipare ai chiarimenti fornendo indicazioni.
Nel gennaio scorso intanto sono state depositate le offerte da parte delle quattro società interessate alla gara that will award the design and construction of the motorway region. Have been met expectations in the sense that the four parties interested in participating in the race are the group Gavio Pizzarotti the company and the English companies "Merloni Cintra" and "Sacir. The winner should be announced by next April. "A reasonable time," he said Antonio Rognoni, Director of Infrastructure Lombard.
identification of the dealer will follow before the final design and then the executive: as planned should be completed in 18 months. Then we will proceed to the expropriation, which will require another 12 months. The beginning of the work is planned for the end 2009. No word yet on where to open the first site, it will be to define the best design criteria for building sites.
"If infrastructure is not well designed to create impact on the environment - had stressed Rognoni - Use engineering techniques to make this absolutely eco-friendly."

considerations of committees and associations

Highway Broni-Mortara, Pavia: propaganda and mystification

The recent statements of Eng. Rognoni (Infrastructure Lombard) concerning the progress of the regional motorway project Pavia-Broni-Mortara confirm once again the will to act in the "political ads" so dear to the Lombardy Region .

For months, the project is expected sometime this plant for the production of bioethanol in the imminent completion date was last summer with high-sounding proclamations: ads, referrals, more ads and referrals, according to a script that makes use of experienced the big drum of propaganda about the things you do, when things themselves are yet to be designed.

Flaunting an unlikely Security, Infrastructure Lombard said the road map of Pavia-Broni-Mortara: environmental assessment, final design, execution, expropriation, all in certain times and defined.

Forget to say, the representative of Lombard Infrastructure, that the resolution regarding the preliminary draft hang four appeals to the Regional Administrative Court submitted by private citizens, the Committees and Associations. Amnesia legitimate, if we imagine to situate it in the electoral environment of propaganda that permeates the public life of this period, contaminating the sectors of public life are not immediately connected to the partisan propaganda.

However, what you really can not consider legitimate is the insistence with which insightful Infrastructure Lombard tries to mystify the meaning and role of the mysterious "environmental assessment" that would be in place and that involves the technical panel consisting of the Lombardy Region.

Infrastructure Lombard and remind the public about the services that the conference approved the preliminary draft concluded with a favorable opinion of a majority that was contingent upon the performance of a STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT on a proposal from the Municipality of Pavia. Today, that motion APPROVED unanimously by the Conference services CONTINUE BE A WASTE PAPER .

Instead of a strategic environmental assessment procedure adopted by the European Union recently introduced which must be applied to plans, programs and projects involving all stakeholders in the area and who insist that PROVIDE REQUIRED TO CONSIDER The alternatives to a plan or a proposed project, Infrastructure Lombard gave birth to an improbable ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SUMMARY

that is not reflected in any environmental legislation in Europe. Against this procedure which shreds the procedural rules established at Community level, the Coordination Committees and associations that are fighting against the highway Pavia-Broni-Mortara continue their opposition, comforted by the support that thousands of people have wanted to offer in the course of activity in recent months.

Pavia, February 2008

coordination committees and associations against the Pavia-Broni-Mortara


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