Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Equivalent Of Vicodin

Mal'Aria: proposals for a sustainable mobility

is one of the first results of the campaign and Siccomario Cavese Mal'Aria in two critical areas in the circle of Pavia: a series of concrete proposals developed by the experts and citizens.

The excellent initiative brings many signatures:

Cava Land Protection Committee, Committee of citizens SanMartino Siccomario Committee, House Beautiful Bressana-citizens of the Supreme Committee, Greendoc Pinarolo Po, Committee for the Protection of Farmers territory of third-Lungavilla Committee, Physicians for the Environment -ISDE, Legambiente circle of Pavia "the boats," Legambiente circle of Commons belt "Terre d'Acqua"

first proposals for a more sustainable mobility in the Cava and Siccomario
presented at the promoters of Mal ' air with the municipalities

What we mean by sustainable mobility: mobility system capable of reconciling the public's right to mobility with that of health and by the need to reduce pollution and other negative externalities of transport.


- Expansion of the railways and improve standards di servizio, compresi quelli delle stazioni ferroviarie;

- Programma di conversione ed implementazione del parco mezzi pubblici con motori e combustibili a basso impatto ambientale. Quindi attivazione per ottenere finanziamenti (fondi statali e regionali) della riqualificazione del parco mezzi pubblici e degli standards di servizio;

- Deciso impegno per il superamento dei problemi burocratici nell’installazione dei filtri antiparticolato sui mezzi pubblici;

- Potenziamento del Trasporto Pubblico Locale (TPL) nei comuni di cintura attorno al capoluogo e dove possibile verso centri attrattori;

- Estensione sui mezzi pubblici della tariffa integrata (ora presente solo su alcune linee), compresa the possibility of integration with the railways and the transport system in Milan;

- Network of parking at major bus stops;

- Restriction and regulation of motor traffic and heavy vehicles;

- Making parking and parking management;

- Design and implementation of the network of cycle paths at the provincial level to connect and coordinate actions at the municipal level; priority to link cycling Pavia San Martino and the completion of the cycle Carbonara San Martino;

- Traffic Zone Limited (ZTL) where possible, to make clear that at least in part may have a mobility different and even better;

- Where necessary or appropriate to introduce rules for the entry of vehicular traffic in areas of high pollution with measures such as "Congestion Charge"; dell'Ecopass decision to invest the revenue in all the municipalities in neighboring or otherwise ' wide area for the development of public transport

- Insert in the critical area of \u200b\u200bthe Province of Pavia in the towns where pollution is worrying, as Cava Manara, Parona, Sannazzaro, Voghera, etc. Vigevano. and in this way the Our territory is also a beneficiary of the necessary funding in strategic areas such as mobility, public transport, energy saving. Provisions should be made a year survey with mobile stations scheduled in order to keep up to date and the actual situation of major pollutants, in order to set appropriate and targeted strategies;

- The mayors do not pretend the issue does not affect all municipalities , but becomes available to inform citizens about the health risks of air pollution, to coordinate together to implement a wide area and the minimum measures to restrict car use, is not responsible for the pollution and increased air in our area;

- In planning instruments at all levels is necessary, starting from the broad protection of the Plan Territorial Regional Landscape, recently revised, paragraphs 2.2 (conurbations) and 2.3 (neighboring territories to infrastructure networks) avoid repeating past mistakes and avoid the building up along the provincial and municipal roads of heavy traffic. To ensure that no actions are carried out rejected by a municipality on its border, as well as the rule should be shared, applied,

- Much attention should be paid to infrastructure and road mobility, which is a priority investment program for 'adaptation, rehabilitation and the safety of the existing state of the EX35 in specialmodo of Jupiter and the exstatale Cairoli. If you have any new projects, it is considered necessary to address the problem of an adequate link between the Oltrepo and the provincial capital, to respond to the need to travel from south to north that emerges from the territory and to help build an efficient system of existing main roads. The highway project Redavalle-Castello d'Agogna, the campaigners oppose Mal'Aria one hand does not respond to this need, the other is pursuing a development model neither sustainable nor shared. We reiterate, in fact, that priority must be pursued within an appropriate redevelopment of the main roads identified as rationalizing and help to secure provincial mobility. The Roads and Traffic Plan town (PTVE) may represent an important opportunity for planning-programming of mobility, which, if properly supported by investment from the junction with the revised PTCP and local public transport, could make important results for the containment

- must also against new measures involving land use, will begin to provide units with adequate compensation prior areas of "natural" for the ecological regeneration;

- Finally, we ask that set up an "observatory" made up of institutions, universities, research institutions, public and private environmental organizations, citizens' committees, to begin to extend the culture of sustainable development, dealing primarily to monitor land use and the measures for pollution in order to highlight the values, practices and actions for a better government of the territory , pursuing a balance between economic development, social advancement and environmental protection, namely the sustainability of the changes.

Campaigners Mal'Aria in Cava and Siccomario


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