Friday, March 7, 2008

Where To Buy Strong Coat Hooks

SPECIAL EIGHT March Duemilaotto
Centenario della festa della donna
con il patrocinio della
commissione delle elette del Municipio I

Igiaba Scego, Ingy Mubiayi, Maria Grazia Calandrone

Igiaba Scego e Ingy Mubiayi sono due scrittrici Roman. The parents of Igiaba are Somalis. Ingy was born in Cairo, his mother is Egyptian and her father from Zaire (Congo), but that still lead to Rome is not the primary. It will be for their history, it will be because of estrangement, but Igiaba Ingy and write funny stories. Two very different humor. What has a bottom Igiaba poignant, sentimental, human. Ingy What is analytical, provocative, revealing the contradictions, plays with the absurdity: how is the rope tightrope walker, a way unusual, unsafe, but that allows her to see the world from above.
(Carola Susani for the presentation of the book Black Sheep December 13, 2005 at Agave Bistrot Library)
Maria Grazia Calandrone abita a Roma. Ha pubblicato il libro-premio di poesia Pietra di paragone (Tracce, 1998), La scimmia randagia (Crocetti, 2003 – premio Pasolini opera prima, finalista premi Dessì e Montano, segnalato premio Montale), La macchina responsabile (Crocetti, 2007) e varie scelte di testi su riviste (Trame, Pagine: 1991, Le Fram, Poesia: 2000 e 2004, ClanDestino, Sinestesie, Sagarana, El Ghibli) e antologie di premi (Montale 1993, Donna e Poesia 1997, Corciano 1998, Bellezza 1998, LericiPea 2000, Giorgi 2004). Ha collaborato al quadrimestrale di filosofia Homo Sapiens e ha partecipato a numerosi festival nazionali e internazionali e a uno speciale televisivo su Joyce Lussu per la regia di Francesco Cabras. Collaborate with actress Sonia Bergamasco.
- 18 hours CONCERT SABA Anglani
(duration of the concert: 1 hour and a half)
The stories are told Saba that contained in his debut album Jidka ( The Line), the item runs between melodies and words in narratives of travel, love, nostalgia, immigration, from its origins in the Horn of Africa to the western basin, across multiple languages \u200b\u200band Afro-European hybrids.
"line" is that physical space or imaginary that divides or unites people and cultures.
The kora, the djembe and acoustic guitar accompany Saba su questa linea fertile, in bilico tra identità dinamiche e multiple, in costante movimento, nell’avvincente intreccio tra musica e narrazione.

Voce: Saba Anglana
Kora, Djembè: Cheikh Fall
Chitarra acustic: Tatè Nsongan

SABA Saba nasce a Mogadiscio, figlia di un ex ufficiale dell’esercito italiano e di un’etiope nata e vissuta in somalia. Un intreccio di Paesi, storie e destini che riguardano da vicino la memoria italiana. L’Italia, infatti, fin dai tempi della sua esperienza colonialista nel “Corno d’Africa”, si misura con il tentativo della costruzione di un’immagine rappresentativa of those countries, and its awkward relationship with them: between light and shadow, a story still to tell, a difficult and not yet fully assimilated by the collective conscience and, despite the tangible signs of the intersection of cultures, the so-called "second generation" and children as afroitaliani Saba that inhabit this country.

SPECIAL EIGHT March Duemilaotto
Centenary of Women's Day
AGAVE / presentations
Saturday, March 8
preentazione the new brand of LAB Giulio Perrone Editore
doors Cocteau,
Roberta Di Pascasio
GL with Miriam Serrano, responsible LAB
on this occasion we are pleased to invite the authors
published in January, February and March
output and present the new brand LAB


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