Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Easing Gall Bladder Symptoms

by the Province of Pavia April 6

Logistics Bressana, no chorus of
The project rejected by minority and environmentalists

Bressan. Surprised by what the minority leader Umberto Mountain defines "coup" of the mayor Latella, not the front of the logistics hub Bressana reorders the row ahead of the conference service set for April 24, and wastes no time in reiterate its firm opposition to the project. The same Latella, for its part, states that the call was a "necessary act", almost two years of the request filed by the town hall in the industrial group which belongs to the VIP family Montini. Whispers and rumors Latella would report that on several occasions, even in'occasione a recent town hall meeting with employees of a service cooperative, the will to follow up the project logistics. But the mayor denied: "The truth - he explains - is that we are making the appointment of 24 without preconceived positions, but with the desire to listen and understand how others think, especially the municipalities adjacent to us. The only post - explains Latella - concerns the inland port: to date there are no conditions to achieve it. " The inland port is, however, un fantasma che agita i sonni. «Il sospetto che la logistica sia solo il primo passo verso un’area di interscambio molto più vasta c’è sempre - sottolinea Umberto Montagna - e continuerà ad esserci fino quando l’Amministrazione provinciale non avrà revocato la delibera con la quale, nel maggio 2006, aveva espresso un parere in linea di massima favorevole al villaggio merci. Perchè non sgombrare il campo da questo equivoco? Farlo, significherebbe restituire serenità al confronto, ferme restando le perplessità che nutriamo anche sulla logistica, un piano che richiederebbe interventi infrastrutturali ben più pesanti e complessi che due semplici rotatorie» (previste all’altezza di Bottarone e dell’incrocio between the former State Road 35 and the Bassino). But the group "Together" minority does not go down even the method used by the mayor to convene the conference services, which has remained frozen since July 2006. "In December - presses Mountain - Latella had undertaken to communicate in any new city council on the question-logistics inland port, but the meeting we learned from the newspapers." On the environmental front also ferment. The coordination committee against the highway Broni-Mortara, Pavia is ready to battle again, after the three thousand signatures collected against Bressana and its logistics and freight village. Sources close to it point out that the position of absolute opposition to both projects do not has changed one iota in the past. Also remains concerned that the logistics would be the first "piece of a much more hearty meal." (R.lo.)

by the Province of Pavia

Interporto April 5, back to discuss

Bressana The move by the mayor, all summoned
Environmentalists and institutions will discuss plan that divides the country
Bressan. He spoke again in an official capacity of the project logistics and freight village: Mayor Eddy Latella, in fact, has called for Thursday, April 24, at 9:30 am in the council chamber of Bressana Bottarone, the conference service to examine the entire file relating to this controversial project that, in recent months, had raised many debates and controversies. At the heart of the conference services will, in fact, the plan for the construction of production facilities to be allocated to logistics in the City of Bressana Bottarone second instance that was submitted in March 2006 with the single point of production activities by Broni the company's VIP Spa really long and significant list of the organizations and institutions to which the first citizen of Bressana Bottarone invited the letter of invitation for this joint institution: The ASL Pavia, Province service roads, Railways, Asm Voghera, technical studies, environmental groups such as La Rondine, Legambiente, Italy Nostra, WWF Oltrepo, as trade union CGIL, CISL, and UIL, in addition to the neighboring towns of Cava Manara, Bastida Pancarana, Castelletto di Branduzzo, Casatisma, Robecco Pavese, Pinarolo Po , Rea. The mayor explained the reasons for this decision was discussed especially access from the front of those who fear a heavy impact on the environment and road network. "Although the laws do not impose, I wanted to expand the conference call services to all those associations and territorial realities that had expressed an interest in this matter - said the mayor Eddy Latella - this just to illustrate il progetto in ogni suo dettaglio e con la massima trasparenza». Nei mesi scorsi, riguardo a quest’iniziativa, si erano registrati i pareri favorevoli di Asl, Arpa, dalla dirigenza del settore faunistico naturalistico della Provincia di Pavia, nonché l’ok delle Ferrovie dello Stato sull’ipotesi di realizzazione di un raccordo ferroviario. Bisogna ricordare, come contrappunto sul caso, le raccolte firme allestite dai sodalizi che si oppongono al progetto. La prima conferenza dei servizi venne convocata dallo Cportello unico di Broni, che allora condivideva con Bressana Bottarone questo servizio, nel luglio 2006, ma successivamente venne sospesa.
Simone Delù


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