Tuesday, April 15, 2008

South Park Episodes On Quick Time


E 'was again summoned to the April 24 pv Services Conference, which will decide on the draft VIP LOGISTICS SpA planned to Bressana Bottarone.

against this project and Associations have already collected 3,000 signatures, of which 1,414 to Bressana, or more than 50% of voters who usually vote in this Comune.La petition was directed against both the logistics, both against the possible extension of the inland port project. Who wants to make the logistics of Bressana (an area of \u200b\u200b300,000 m2) has (in the same area) for other land 350,000 m2. It 'so obvious that Bressana body can take a plant for handling huge market that is going to add to what already exists and will produce a mega-cement able to change the appearance of an entire district, in a critical area in terms of traffic. We appeal to the Trustees have to decide to express their opinion against this project, noting the intention expressed by citizenship. Coordination of committees and associations against the Pavia-Broni-Mortara

The petition goes on ...

If you want to contribute and have your say, you can join the petition initiated in collaboration with the association "La Rondine" by entering your name on the site


- why we say NO: http://www.piccolaterra.it / logistica.htm

- the text of the petition: http://www.officina-online.com/customer/rondine/booking.php


In these days we've come to talk of a new logistics platform to achieve a Bressana Bottarone; the story in recent months has become intertwined with that Interporto initially scheduled in Voghera, which is the point of intersection between two highways and two of the main railway lines the north. The choice of Voghera was general agreement, but the project failed '. The VIP
SpA, one of the companies that participated in the consortium who wanted to be the logistic center in Voghera, in agreement with the Province of Pavia suggested an alternative site: an area on the border between Bottarone, Bastida and Pancarana Castelletto Branduzzo. Reason? The proximity of the railway line Genoa, Milan and the fact to own land bought at a bargain: it is largely of land currently in agricultural use.
same idea Interporto provided in modules on an initial surface of 650,000 m2 and a total area of \u200b\u200b1,500,000 m2, the project was carried out logistics of 300,000 m2. The areas of logistics and dell'inteporto coincide, so that became evident as the logistics could be the first slice of something bigger.
Today, all agree that to the inland port is not appropriate for reasons of viability, although it must be said that there is a formal act providing for the abandonment of this project. Then there is who, like the City of Bressana, however, insists on right out of logistics.
WE ARE NOT IN AGREEMENT. A Bressana the company intends to carry out the logistics has a total of over 600,000 m2. E 'is therefore clear that - interporto or inland port - a Bressana can take shape, with the approval of the logistics platform, an area of \u200b\u200bhuge cargo handling, in an area that is already a high density of logistics and suffers from a precarious road .
Against the logistics we have collected 3,000 signatures, more than Bressana in 1400, more than half of those who vote. We expect that this opinion will be respected and the project is withdrawn.

asked people to write to the mayors to ask them for this commitment.


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