Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cocoa Butter Scar Before And After

La Provincia Pavese publish our thoughts on the logistics of Bressana

Everything changes, nothing changes. Is finally filed the draft "village of goods", but adding the existing logistics, those designed and adjacent land acquired impressionanate you arrive at the figure of 800,000 square meters. In practice, a village of goods.

by the Province of Pavia May 24, 2008.

Stop at the container will only change the name

Victor Poma, President of the Province of Pavia, offers the official resignation to the inland port project in Bressana, also called "village of the goods." E 'useful but remember what is happening: the company has asked to make VIP Spa: warehouses on a approximately 70,000 m2 of land in the town of castle in the area adjacent to where he planned the logistics of Bressana; logistics of 300,000 m2, with a rail link set up as stated in the technical report of the project for future expansion.
The same company claims that the logistics of 300,000 m2 will come out 32 trucks / day and head for the exit of the Turin-Piacenza Casteggio.
Vip SpA has acquired from 2006 to the present agricultural land (about 300,000 m2 approx) adjacent to those where it intends to implement the two projects mentioned above: then we are talking about a "simple logistics" or else?
The substance of the matter is that between Bastida, Castelletto and is Bressana to take shape at a concentration of logistics infrastructure in an area already critical in terms of road network that adds up to 200,000 m2 logistics existing in this area: call logistics, freight village, or else what you want to make no change in the substance of the problem. The idea all'ingombrante
give up hours of a freight village that had to be connected in the suggestion of our directors at the port of Genoa, is perhaps an attempt to render meaningless the signatures of the citizens of Bressana that a majority said no to the logistics and all ' inteporto.
is announced that the inland port is no longer strategic, the design of the bioethanol has not yet been presented after nearly a year, the former national road 596 of Cairoli is reclassified by the Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia ..... begin to miss some of the speeches justifying the highway Broni-Mortara.
invite the Directors asked for their views on the draft Vip SpA, which remains a significant area of \u200b\u200bvaluable agricultural areas outside the normal municipal planning, to reflect on these data (as well as about 1,414 signatures to Bressana). For our part, the statements of President Poma not change the assessment that to date we have given to this project, which makes it increasingly obvious shortcomings of the planning of the Province.
We encourage citizenship tutta a sottoscrivere la petizione contro la logistica di Bressana sul sito * *‹ Coordinamento dei comitati e delle associazioni contro la Broni-Pavia-Mortara.
Coordinamento comitati e associazioni contro la Broni-Mortara via e-mail

Microsoft Flight Simulator Air Brakes

TABU The association joined the coordination. Welcome!

T . A . B . U
Il Comitato Agricoltori è lieto di comunicare che il prof. Vincenzo Caprioli in qualità di presidente dell'associazione per la Tutela dell'Ambiente Biologico Universale (TABU) aderisce conla sua associazione al gruppo committees and associations for the protection of the environment that are against the creation dell'sutostrada Pavia-Broni-Mortara.

Anyone interested in knowing the TABU Association and its activities can be found at Thank you for your membership Prof. Caprioli!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How Long Does A Molly Give Birth

"Most warehouses along the highway" becomes law in Lombardy

The tremendous firepower of the Lombardy Region Legislative Strikes Back, after ammazzaparchi (temporarily withdrawn but ready to reappear in the revised law on parks), there remains in training by adopting a "sneaky" which in summary says
- Practical fast for the infrastructure (Hop-hop-hop away all that paper and red ones ...)
- Freehand individuals who participated in the project execution: 20 years of concession is not enough? Well, that the boxes (logistics, shopping malls, cinema halls and 48-way box) extend to the longed-for break even.

Sado-masochism territorial federalist and good feelings are mixed in the comments of the post-vote.
The Regional Minister Raffaele Cattaneo plays with words and with our intelligence, arguing that it is "territorial federalism." As if that were possible a federal model that has at heart the protection of the area instead of its indiscriminate use.

HelpConsumatori from which comes the news that follows.

Lombardy Regional Council approved the new Law on 18/05/2008 Goal number 226 in infrastructure. The voting - postponed in the previous session due to lack of quorum - was expressed in a manner favorable to the majority, with the abstention of the PD and the contrary opinion of the rest of the opposition (and Sd Prc). The law seeks to speed up the implementation of various strategic infrastructure and rail in the national interest for which you have already recognized the "competing 'national and regional interests." The declared aim of the measure is the reduction delle procedure introducendo la regionalizzazione dell'istruttoria e assegnando alla Regione tutti quelli strumenti utili per superare l'eventuale inerzia degli organi statali.

In sintesi, qualora non si raggiungessero le intese per regolare ruoli, competenze e tempi, la Regione potrà intervenire con propri provvedimenti per evitare che eventuali lentezze da parte degli organi statali competenti possano frenare la realizzazione delle infrastrutture. Con l'approvazione di questa norma è possibile inserire all'interno della concessione per la costruzione di nuove strade e autostrade anche la possibilità di realizzare insediamenti e strutture di vario genere nelle aree vicine al tracciato. Il provvedimento prevede anche l'avocazione alla Region in a series of decision-making rights and authorization on the part of the national government so far. The new rules will benefit works such as the foothills, and the Brebemi Tem, in addition to Stabio Arcisate-rail routes, connecting Malpensa-Simplon Railway, the Chiasso-Rho-Monza and Gallarate.

"In addition to the contradictory powers of government against - says Peter Means, Councillor for the Territory Parks and the Province of Milan - it launched a real concern to the distortion of the territory that this provision places. From today, it will be possible to block a large section of the new tracks with indiscriminate settlements, for the sole purpose of enabling al concessionario di ripagarsi l'opera in assenza di un ritorno economico dai pedaggi. Bisogna porsi l'obiettivo di ricostruire il paesaggio attorno al tracciato di una nuova autostrada, e cercare di contestualizzarla, non costruirle intorno capannoni e centri commerciali stravolgendo il territorio. In questo modo - continua l'assessore Mezzi - si produce un impoverimento complessivo dell'ambiente e ci allontaniamo dalla positive esperienze realizzate in molti Paesi esteri, dove si cerca di ridare fisionomia e qualità al paesaggio attorno ai grandi tracciati". Diversa la posizione della maggioranza regionale, secondo cui "la via del federalismo deve passare anche per autostrade e ferrovie", come ha dichiarato l'assessore alle Infrastrutture della Lombardia, Raffaele Cattaneo, che usa proprio il termine di ''federalismo infrastrutturale'' per descrivere la legge appena approvata. "La speranza, adesso, è che la legge non venga impugnata dal governo - ha continuato Cattaneo - non mi sorprenderebbe se dei funzionari ministeriali proponessero il ricorso perché la nostra legge è innovativa, ma su questo misureremo la politica''.

Sulla legge, ha ricordato il presidente della commissione Territorio del Consiglio regionale Marcello Raimondi, c'è già stato un confronto con i ministri del passato Consiglio. ''Per questo siamo sereni sul fatto che al governo non interessi fare ricorso, tanto più che l'attuale maggioranza parlamentare ha un orientamento federalista. Il ricorso sarebbe un un autentico controsenso''. Comunque, il Consiglio ha approvato anche un ordine del giorno per chiedere al governo di approvare una legge speculare a quella della Lombardia, che dia alle Regioni la possibilità, nel caso di infrastrutture concorrenti, di fissare discipline istruttorie più snelle e veloci.
''Quello che facciamo è prenderci tutti gli spazi di federalismo che ci consente la Costituzione'' ha aggiunto Cattaneo spiegando che l'effetto della Lgge obiettivo regionale "sarà quello di tagliare i tempi e abbassare i costi". Diversa la visione dell'opposizione di sinistra, secondo cui la legge lombarda stravolgerà in maniera irresponsabile il territorio.

"E' una legge miope e irresponsabile, poiché assume come bussola e ratio suprema la fretta di fare le grandi opere autostradali, come Pedemontana, Brebemi e Tem, senza porsi troppi problemi sul come operare e sul conseguente impatto ambientale e territoriale", afferma in una dichiarazione Luciano Muhlbauer, consigliere regionale lombardo del Prc. "La nuova legge, infatti - sottolinea Muhlbauer - non prevede soltanto un potere sostitutivo da parte del Governo regionale rispetto a quello nazionale in caso di ritardi procedurali, ma inserisce con l'articolo 10 una sorta di maxi-deroga agli strumenti urbanistici e paesistici, laddove stabilisce che le concessioni per le infrastrutture, approvate dal Presidente della Regione, possono comprendere anche l'autorizzazione per the building of the surrounding areas. And to make matters worse, the definition of exactly what and where you can build, is so ambiguous and broad that virtually anything is possible. And the only real criteria for these projects so that the margins becomes operational management can contribute to the abatement cost of exposure of the financial infrastructure. "The concern of the left who voted against - while the Democratic Party has simply abstained - is that this provision is unconstitutional. "While Welcoming the participation of the private construction of infrastructure works - stressed the Deputy Mark Cipriano (Sd) - I think these people should not invest to gain a direct benefit, but through indirect effects on economic activity. "One of the most discussed, in fact, concerns the article providing for the possibility that concessions cover not only the routes but also the areas close to them to" get more income ".

Against this several groups - including Italy and Nostra Rete Lilliput - have started a petition and proposed an amendment to delete the rule, introduced in the first Councillor of PRC Muhlbauer." Because they are known and significant problems Financial Pharaonic works that include the highway - said Muhlbauer - Lombardy Region finds nothing better to offer that as a prey to the territory more or less adjacent to the path of the highways. "He spoke instead of" improved "the director of the UDC Gianmarco Quadrini, while Stefano Tosi said the choice of the PD abstention as a" concern about some tools and some inconsistencies with the urban planning law, even if it is an important measure because it goes in the direction to reduce the time of planning procedures and implementation of infrastructure critical to the territory, now a subject too lengthy and cumbersome and it can have a positive impact on development policies. "