Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Costco Bakery Cake Designs

AGAVE / Presentations
Punctum Edizioni
giovedì 29 novembre 2007, ore 19.30
Emanuele Trevi presenta il romanzo di
Guido Giovanardi
Tare Rallen
(Punctum edizioni 2007)

Tare Rallen è una formula magica, il nucleo di un monologo interiore infantile che filtra il mondo esteriore con una consapevolezza aurorale e stravagante. Davide ha cinque anni, dal lunotto posteriore della macchina legge quelle due misteriose parole scritte sulla strada e ne viene stregato. Diventeranno la chiave d'accesso al mistero degli altri, the secret code to get a map in the forest indecipherable adults. And the experiences intuition, imagine the explanations, the fantasies become reality actually build a small, puzzling fresco, the story of a family now, suspended between love and disintegration. With an immediate and surprising style, Giovanardi recreates the magic of the look of a child, a vision that is both given and hope, interpretation and challenge.
Guido Giovanardi 24 years old, was born and lives in Rome where he studied Natural Sciences at the University "La Sapienza".
Emanuele Trevi was born in Rome in 1964. Contributes to the "manifesto" to the chronicle of the Roman "Republic" and programs of Rai Radio 3. He has published instructions for the use of the wolf (Castelvecchi 1994), Music distant (Mondadori 1997), Dogs of nowhere (Einaudi 2003), with no direction. A Summer in Rome (Laterza 2004), Wave of the port (Laterza 2005). It 'also the author of the book conversation with Raffaele La Capria, Literature and Freedom (plied anew 2002) and, with Marco Lodoli anthology Stories of school life (Zanichelli).
AGAVE / Expo
Punctum Editions
the photo expo di
Massimo Matrorillo
Tokio-the continuous city
In occasione della presentazione del libro Tare Rallen Agave ospiterà, per tre giorni, un estratto del lavoro fotografico Tokio - the continuous city , di Massimo Mastrorillo, di cui fa parte la fotografia riprodotta sulla copertina del libro di Giovanardi. Le fotografie in mostra fanno parte di un lavoro più ampio sulle città - The Lives of the Cities , liberamente ispirato alle Città Invisibili di Calvino e ancora inedito. The vision of Tokyo, like that of other cities, wants to be a mirror of human existence. Through a series of images that capture specific details of what Mastrorillo encounters, we find the unity in difference, and the particular city where the portrait as fleeting are supported by a solid overall design that underlies all the memory and desires marks, trade items, which constitutes our being in the world.
Massimo Mastrorillo , born in 1961, is dedicated to the social report since 1988. He documented the lives of Kurds in Turkey, the tragedy of AIDS in Mozambique, with a photo of the series Indonesia 2005: Just Another Day , a project produced by FotoGrafia - International Festival of Rome and the Community of Sant'Egidio, won first prize in the Nature the World Press Photo 2006 . She is currently working on the project The Lives of the Cities .


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