Saturday, November 17, 2007

Green Tea Cream Rosacea

AGAVE invites you to three workshops for children on the theme of portraiture and self
linked to the exhibition of
Franny Thiery (on display until November 28, 2007)

the assoc. cult. INFORMADARTE
Saturday, December 8, 2007
17 hours
third meeting of

Workshop for children up portraits and self
The workshop is designed as a series of three meetings and will be held at Agave. E 'aimed at children aged 4 and up.

Vision of slides that tell the story of the portrait from antiquity to the present day. Let's take a look at the portrait will cubist, surrealist, dada, renaissance, medieval. Followed by a practical work consists in choosing an advertising image cut out and rebuilt with tempera, oil pastels, chalks, etc..
After a reflection on perception of self and other, each child interprets the image of the face of another child speaking with Water Color. All papers are mounted into a single composition, inspired by the vibrant colors of the famous works of Andy Warhol.
There are different ways of telling yourself: starting from its shadow projected onto a large sheet of paper, each will tell and describe filling it with different materials, colors, writings, images and photos to newspapers. Then each child will explain to others the significance of their choices.

the cost of the three laboratories is Euro 20.00, but is can make even one of the laboratories (Euro 7.00)
reservation is needed
(bookings via email
or at the following telephone numbers: 0648821134, 3389970376, 3493569159)

Informadarte , consisting of art historians, was born in 1996 with the aim to promote knowledge and appreciation of artistic and historical heritage through various initiatives (guided tours, workshops, exhibitions, conferences, publications, etc.).. To this end, working with public and private institutions in planning and organizing cultural events. One of the activities, an area privileged is assigned to art education in both primary and secondary-schools, and within the educational services of museums and libraries. The educational experiences are aimed particularly at children and teens, combining moments of the laboratory - in which participants become familiar with the principles of technical and expressive visual language - a visit to the permanent collections, exhibitions and places of historic and artistic interest.
AGAVE / Presentations
Wednesday, November 21, 2007, 19:00

Go Matilda and the author of the book have

Paola Leonardi
Women and men of heart Emotions, feelings and health
(Edizioni Franco Angeli)
Capita Sometimes in life, seeing him fall completely unexpected events, extraordinary. So too with Paola Leone that has suffered, unexpectedly, a heart surgery. This disturbing event for the body and soul, offered an opportunity to in some way a reflection on the heart understood not only as an organ but also as a reflection metafora.Si might say ... running from cuore.Ne did this collection of thoughts, experiences, but also testimonies of those who, like the author, stopped to listen to your heart. A book that will make us open to love, to desire, to life. A book - for men and women, friends and friends - to read or see, to find the solution to many emotional problems, love and work. To know us better, to always have the courage to be ourselves, to make room for the emotions of the heart.
Paola Leonardi, sociologist, psychotherapist, she founded the Women and Self-Esteem Center, with others, the National Association of Psyche and Difference / e. Since the seventies has deepened gender issues from the problem of depression. In its "School of socio-psychology of women" for "female therapists, using integrated therapies as psicoyoga, dance, painting, creative writing. Among his publications: How to turn depression into a resource (Angeli, 1996) and The Little Book of self-esteem (Baldini & Castoldi, 2000).

for this presentation AGAVE USED THE SERVICES OF PRECIOUS NADIA TARANTINI , whom I warmly thank.


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