Thursday, November 29, 2007

How To Replace A Canon Battery Cover

AGAVE / Expo
African soil in library
Photo exhibition by Manuel Scrima ICROSS

for Sunday, December 2, 2007

60 pictures in the most beautiful libraries in Rome:
Agave, Literary Cafe, Esquilibri, Minimum Fax, The Lion Bookshop

From 2 until 30 December will take place in the splendid setting of five of the most beautiful libraries in Rome, the exhibition Terre d'Africa in the library. The exhibition offers an image of the continent's oldest cultivated in its irreducible multiplicity, and the contradictions in its beauty, without compromises.
The aim is to promote the release of the new calendar ICROSS & NWI aims to raise funds for humanitarian projects in Kenya and Tanzania, hoping to recover this year, for a good cause, the success of previous edition.

The opening event, accompanied by an aperitif, to be held Dec. 2 from 19:30, library at Agave Bistrot (Via San Martino ai Monti 7a). The closure will instead
December 29 from 19.30 at Esquilibri (via Giolitti 319). Opportunity to enjoy a dinner of Zighinì, famous African recipe.


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