Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Mother of Jesus and my Mother,
help me to make good use
this time of Lent
to make the most
spiritual benefit.
I'll try to find
my "weak points"
wondering where and when
shaken my trust in God.
Mother dear,
to you I entrust
my journey of conversion
and I tell you:
Mom, help me;
Your Heart is my refuge!

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Gesù, spesso sono preda
della tentazione
e non sempre ne esco vittorioso.
Tu mi insegni che
con la forza della Parola di Dio,
con l'adesione alla Volontà del Padre,
you win every temptation
and away the tempter.
And I propose to do the same.
Help me, Jesus,
only you can win too.

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Giampilieri MARINA (ME): A MESSAGE OF OUR LADY SINCE THE PINA February 11, 2011 (the anniversary of Lourdes apparitions)

My Sons,
"I am the Immaculate Conception", with these words I My little daughter revealed to Bernadette in the grotto of Lourdes.

My Sons today, as once in Lourdes, I'm here with my kids wanting to protect them and really loving humanity. It is love that prompts me to their children and the love of the children to the Lord who will make this Mother implore the Lord for them.

My Sons, there are many inhabitants of the earth who are confused and who live in error and darkness, but I'm already working on My poor children. For any need, the mother comes from Heaven to rescue his children. The Mother is aware that the souls must be protected and it is she who will lead them toward the light because you are powerful and compassionate.
Blessed is the child who is guided by Mary.

My Sons, My Son Jesus and you have to love the souls for the love of Him You may love your neighbor and love God? Today this trend is so false and so widespread even among many of my children, try to love our neighbor doing without God

My Sons, My word is like a drop of dew that I descend from my Immaculate Heart in because your heart may be open to heat the new life that I cultivate within you to give you as fragrant flowers and finally opened to the perfect gift of the Holy Trinity.

My word is ultimately a source of grace that I run over you to open wide your soul to a new splendor and beauty of holiness, for cleaning even any slightest stain of sin because I love you beautiful, pure and bright, open to the divine gift of grace that can flourish in your life and the fullness of the most perfect charity.
My thanks come to you through the gift of my word that becomes light to the mind, heart and life to support your way.
Now I bless you in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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You say it's impossible. God says: Everything is possible. (Luke 18.27)

You say I'm too tired. God says: I will give you rest.
(Matthew 11:28-30)

You say no one really loves me. God says: I love you .
(John 3.16 to 3.34)

You say: I can not go forward. God says:
My grace is sufficient.
(2 Corinthians 12.9 - Psalm 91.15)

You say: I do not understand. God says: I am capable of. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

You say: I do not know which way to go. God says: I I direct your steps. ( Proverbs 3, 5-6)

You say: I can not. God says: You can do everything. (Philippians 4:13)

You say: I am not worthy of it. God says: I will make you worthy of this. (Romans 8:28)

You say: I can not forgive me. " God says: have forgiven you. (1 John 1:19)

You say: I can not dealing with this. God says: I will supply all your needs. (Philippians 4:19)
You say I'm scared. God says: I do not have given you a spirit of fear. (2 Timothy 1:7)

You say: I'm always worried and frustrated. God says: throw your weight on me. (1 Peter 5:7)

You say: I'm not smart enough. God says: I give you wisdom. (1 Corinthians 1.30)

You say: I feel alone. God says: I do not never leave you nor forsake you never.

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Giampilieri MARINA (ME): MESSAGE JESUS \u200b\u200b'UP TO THE PINA

My Sons,
one day a disciple of mine asked me: what is the way to eternal life? The answer then was the same as you do today.
I am the Way. Since I am the Way and the Eucharistic Bread is My Body, this means that the sacrament of communion with Me the Way. Receive My Body Brings me to love you and brings you to me, and most will be those who will come to Me, The closer you get to Paradise.
view my body as the way to heaven and receive him, worship him as much as possible.
My children, when I walked on this earth My eyes met many sick, sick in spirit, sick in mind and sick in body.
When cured, healed the spirit first and then the mind or body.
Once healed the spirit of the rest comes by itself, once healed the spirit mind and body are at peace and ready to be healed as well.
Sometimes the spirit is not able to accept healing for the mind is confused. In this case we need to understand the inner mind that restlessness is what prevents the healing of God
Anxiety is often the cause of a life lived far from God, a life of no confidence in God a life entrusted to God
order to be healed My children have to open our minds to God and to be united in the eternal blessing, my children have to offer their love to God
One day, on a mountain came a man who loved God, but did not know. We had gone because he had heard that there was Dio, vi era andato in cerca di Dio. Quell’uomo salvò la sua gente guidandola alla terra promessa, quell’uomo era un vero uomo di Dio.
Anche oggi c’è una montagna da scalare per trovare Dio, è la montagna della fede e voi dovete scalarla.
C’è una montagna da superare, è la montagna del proprio io e voi dovete superarla.
C’è una montagna da spostare, è la montagna del peccato e voi dovete spostarla.
Quando l’avete fatto sarete salvati.
Ora vi lascio e vi benedico nel Nome del Padre e del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo.

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Giuseppe partecipa al silenzio di Maria, così come al suo segreto, lui a cui l'Angelo aveva annunciato grandi cose e che aveva assistito al miracolo della gravidanza verginale. Nessuno dei due parla di ciò che ha visto, ogni giorno, nella loro casa e non approfittano di tante meraviglie. Tanto umile, quanto saggia, Maria si lascia considerare come Madre normale e Suo Figlio come Frutto di un matrimonio ordinario.
Le grandi cose che Dio ha fatto dentro le Sue creature, comportano naturalmente il silenzio, l'emozione, quel non so che di divino che sopprime ogni espressione. Perché cosa si direbbe, e che cosa potrebbe dire Maria, che possa uguagliare quello che Lei sentiva ?
So the secret is held under the seal of God, and he alone gives life to the language and the strength to speak. The human benefits are worthless if they are not known and if the world discovers them. What God does, has in itself an inestimable price, which you can not enjoy if not between God and himself.

(Bénigne-Jacques Bossuet (1627-1704) Ed Urbain et Levesque, t. III)

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

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At that time, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted forty days and forty nights, afterwards he was hungry. The tempter approached and said: "If you are the Son of God, 'that these stones become bread." But he said: "It is written:" One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. "
Then the devil took him to the holy city and placed it on the highest point of the temple and gli disse: «Se tu sei Figlio di Dio, gèttati giù; sta scritto infatti: “Ai suoi angeli darà ordini a tuo riguardo ed essi ti porteranno sulle loro mani perché il tuo piede non inciampi in una pietra”». Gesù gli rispose: «Sta scritto anche: “Non metterai alla prova il Signore Dio tuo”».
Di nuovo il diavolo lo portò sopra un monte altissimo e gli mostrò tutti i regni del mondo e la loro gloria e gli disse: «Tutte queste cose io ti darò se, gettandoti ai miei piedi, mi adorerai». Allora Gesù gli rispose: «Vàttene, satana! Sta scritto infatti: “Il Signore, Dio tuo, adorerai: a lui solo renderai culto”».
Allora the devil left him, and behold, angels came and ministered to him.
Start with the hungry ... then he tries to religion .... and finally the wealth.
Here is the method that follows the devil groped for Jesus in the desert. It 's a crescendo of seduction, and Jesus from the beginning of His way as the Messiah, is seriously put to the test.
himself at the end was put to the test down in the desert for 40 days. Seems to want to share with us all not only meat but also the effort to bring down the choices and the difficulty of being consistent. At the bottom is where the real hard man in your life.
Jesus in the desert is like us, with us, within the same dynamic of having a plan of life and always be enabled to leave.
In the desert Jesus at the end it decides to go all the way to his mission, knowing the price and the evidence that will continually meet.
is then that right away, like a sort of anticipation of all that will happen in the journey of three anni che lo separano dalla Croce, che il diavolo appare sulla scena e si dà da fare per portare fuori strada Gesù.
Lo mette di fronte alla continua scelta tra l’obbedienza a Dio e l’obbedienza al contrario di Dio.
E il diavolo si domanda: cosa può portare fuori strada Gesù? Con quale tentazione riuscirà a farLo cedere e rinnegare così la Sua missione? In altri termini: quale è il prezzo di Gesù per poter comprare il Suo tradimento verso Dio Padre e della Sua missione?
Ci prova a “comprarlo” con la fame e i bisogni primari.
Gesù dopo 40 giorni è stanco e affamato. E’ dunque facile che possa cedere per un meritato pezzo di pane. In fondo come uomo ha diritto a mangiare!
Ci siamo anche noi lì, con i nostri bisogni e necessità quotidiane. Spesso pensiamo (siamo tentati di pensare) che siamo fatti per mangiare e bere e stare bene fisicamente.
E’ forte la tentazione di costruire il nostro sistema di valori a partire da questo. Sembra che “è bene ciò che mi fa bene fisicamente…”.
“Non di solo pane vive l’uomo” , risponde Gesù per Sè Stesso e anche per noi. E in fondo, se ci pensiamo bene è proprio vero che non siamo fatti solo mangiare e bere, ma abbiamo dentro fame di bene, di felicità e, se ci ascoltiamo nel profondo, anche fame di Dio!
Il diavolo allora alza il prezzo e prova a comprare Gesù con la religione. Usa le Parole di Dio svuotandole di senso e le gira al proprio fine.
Tentazione molto forte da sempre tra gli uomini quella di usare Dio e le parole della religione per i propri fini che con Dio c’entrano poco!
La storia è piena di questo uso falso delle Scritture e delle tradizioni religiose. In Nome di Dio si sono fatte wars and injustices committed are enormous. And all this with full joy of the devil, has had a major departure from the faith of generations of men!
But even here Jesus resists and offers himself as a model of true obedience to God and all His mission will aim to show the true face of God against all the lies that are made in his name.
And yet, for the third time, the devil raise the price again. Did not succeed with starvation and with the religion, then use the strongest seduction of richness.
The Tempter knows that everyone has a price, you just need the right offer. This dialogue in the desert looks like a bargain by Arab market, where those who want to sell and buyers play to bring out the best price ...
The devil makes his offer and Jesus brings a very high mountain and shows him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and says, "All these things will I give thee if, falling at my feet and worship me ...."
The wealth and power are the right price and buy everyone, including God Is not this what we think deep down we today?
really made me think of an interview allo psichiatra Vittorino Andreoli riguardo un suo libro dal titolo “Il denaro in testa”.
Nell’intervista, che sintetizza le tesi del libro, Andreoli afferma che oggi il denaro è al centro dei pensieri dell’uomo. Il denaro è il motore di ogni decisione umana. Non la cultura o la religione, ma quanto posso controllare con il denaro, è quello che sta alla base dei valori della società.
E nell’uomo si è radicata la convinzione che in fondo “tutto ha un prezzo”, e che basta solo trovare quello giusto per poter cambiare opinioni, cambiare strada e scelte di vita.
“ Tutto si può fare a seconda del denaro che si ha e quindi in rapporto solo alla quantità di denaro che si può usare per cambiare comportamenti, per corrompere, appunto, l’etica. Questa è la cosiddetta etica della quantità. Ci sono persone che rifiutano certi comportamenti, quindi resistono a certi livelli di corruzione ma se si alza il prezzo finiscono per modificare anch’essi il costume, perdere la coerenza. Quindi questa è una società che è guidata esclusivamente dal denaro.”
Quale è il mio prezzo?
Sono davvero convinto che nulla può portarmi fuori strada dalle scelte of value that I did and from the principles that guide me? The professed faith is immune from the temptation of possessing and wealth?
E 'comforting to know that Jesus rose from this narrow road, and that he was put to the test right price.
He has remained faithful to him and then we rely on continuing the tests to which our life is subject. The tempter was already defeated by Jesus for us and with us.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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I want to be a flame of light
hopes to turn
of who is in despair;
I want to be a ray of sunshine to warm
of those without love
I want to be a color of the rainbow
to paint the joy
on the face of those who suffer;
I want to be a helping hand
to give to those who did not;
I want to be a warm embrace
to soothe tears of those who cry ..

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There are two creatures whose holiness is of particular importance, namely that they have ties with the Holy Trinity completely incomparable to the others are the Mother of God , and one who stands at your side, St. Joseph.
All creatures have become saints, it became after the Incarnation, Mary and Joseph also received the effects of the redemptive, but before God has to be associated with Him, each in its own way, for the realization of the Incarnation itself.

(Canon D.-J. Lallement Mystère de la Paterna de saint Joseph [Mystery of the fatherhood of Saint Joseph] - Tequi 1986 - p. 34)

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.Amen.

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Princess Matilda, queen of England, when he helped his son Henry II, in a war that they were supporting, was obliged in 1140 to cross the English Channel with a time threatening. The storm that came up unexpectedly, the ship shook with fury. He soon lost all hope of survival.

The English gentlemen who accompanied the princess devoutly commended to God and the saints. Matilda was on the board, his face pale but firm .. "Have courage , said, turning to his companions,
Madonna is good and powerful and she will bring us relief, for sure. Which one of you put a lookout. When you see the earth, I will sing a hymn to the Virgin Mary and I vow to build a chapel on the shore where we will disembark.

Matilda had just cast his vote that was caught sight of the shore. "Sing, my queen, sung, shouted the lookout, here's the earth! ".
And the queen began to sing with a voice sweet and serious, a hymn to the Blessed Virgin, with hands folded and his head bare. Ben soon the ship, guided by the Star of the Sea, felicemnete touched the shore in a sheltered bay. The first desire Matilda, landing, was to fix the place where the chapel was built.
Our Lady of the vote, which is located in the vicinity of Cherbourg, after many vicissitudes over the centuries, has been beautifully restored in 1850.

(The Virgin Mary - Marian small sum, Lyon 1942, p.117)

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

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Un ex prigioniero di un campo di concentramento nazista era andato a trovare un amico che aveva vissuto con lui la stessa tragica esperienza.
"Hai perdonato i nazisti?" chiese all'amico.
"Io invece no. Nutro ancora un fortissimo odio nei loro confronti".
"In questo caso"
, gli spiegò con dolcezza l'amico, "sei ancora loro prigioniero".

...i veri nemici non sono coloro che ci odiano, bensì quelli che noi odiamo...

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Needless to say otherwise. It's scary because it requires us to look inside and gives us no chance to escape.
am always amazed when I see within me the rot that has accumulated over the years and that, despite numerous attempts, it never goes away completely ... Yet God is still there waiting and watching us His children with love, ungrateful and yet so loved, to give us time, time, time ...
time to reflect, time to pray, time to love and forgive, time to give us the opportunity to make a change in our lives, in which, at least in part, we find a little niche for him who has no guilt if we we are the architects of our destruction.
In the silence of solitude, scary look inside.
But knowing that God loves us and expects us to think that should, perhaps, at the bottom of our hearts, that spark that we think we have turned off, can still light up.

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The Lent invites us to walk the path of Christ, which is a path towards the "Cross and the Resurrection" . A journey of loss and gain, where the loss is the necessary condition for the gain, as Jesus himself says . (Gospel of St. Luke 9.22-25).
value Indeed, man is not in what he has, but it coincides with his own person. Even if you came to possess the whole world would not be enough for our happiness.
This hard reality is well documented by the experience of each. As in the play Caligula by Camus, we also want "the moon", but even this is sufficient.
So, what it means to take up their cross?
Often, we run the risk of men fighting a futile battle, to keep life at bay, to defend ourselves from everything that seems to disturb the daily fine program. By eliminating the annoying people, we are far from a negative situation, we raise a barrier against all evil. The result is an attitude of distrust and fear with regard to reality. The programming of their defense comes to forcefully occupy the imagination and is also early suffer the ills that "they are not."
The simplest approach is instead the acceptance of reality, from what is included in his own vocation as a father, mother, student, priest, healthy or sick. It is not "live like you."
want to live all the way down, to see through each event each meeting and the good that God gave us. Jesus did not recoil from the events, did not recoil from the Father's will when it presents itself painful.
The supreme point is to know that "Someone up there loves us" and even here, trusting that what happens is the way to ask and discover the love of the Lord.
"If I offer to Thee, my God, my cry of love is not the sky that you have promised, nor is it hell with its terrors, that makes me give up by the trade. Who are your wounds and love is your death. What I love is your love. "
(St. Teresa of Avila)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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I WANT, O Lord ...

I, O Lord,
feel Your strong embrace,
I wish I could feed
Spirit of my energy so strong
to undo all the evil in the world.
I would like you existed on
and not only in spirit
and I'm sure that fills me with tenderness
and gestures of affection!
How I feel
Your a caress on my face,
so sorry for the pain of past events
and for a human presence in this very dry!

How I wish I could fill
by Thy grace the void in my life,
so miserable and unhappy!
Protect me, if you can,
and give me the strength to live
despite everything!

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The Lenten journey of conversion, undertaken with the whole Church, each of us to become the "time" to renew our filial abandonment into the hands of God
In this time of Lent, let us resolve to God, once and for all put in our days more prayer, more prompt service to others and more fast. In particular:
- fasting eye: images do not look unclean
- hearing fasting: do not listen to gossip, slander, frivolous or useless talk;
- the Fasting of the tongue from backbiting addition to the foul language.
To you, O Mary, Mother of Divine Grace, we entrust this Lenten journey, so that the voltage is not less real spiritual change of heart.

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strong Lent is the time of conversion and ultimate return to God lasts 40 days and is divided into five Sundays, from Ash Wednesday until the Mass Lord's Supper is not included.
The Sunday of this always take precedence over the feasts of the Lord and over all solemnities.
Ash Wednesday is a day of abstinence from meat and fasting, as are all Fridays of Lent.
During Time of Lent does not say the Gloria and the Alleluia; Sunday is becoming a profession of faith with the Creed.
The liturgical color of this time is the purple, the color of penance, humility and service, conversion and return to Jesus

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On the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, we celebrate the feast of the Holy Face of Jesus
the night of May 31, 1938, Blessed Pierina De Micheli, a nun of Daughters Immaculate Conception, and was immersed in profound adoration before the tabernacle, he saw the Blessed Virgin who was holding a medal, which, on one side, bore the effigy of the Face of Jesus on the Cross, which is limited by the biblical words : 'Do shine on us, O Lord, the light of Your Face "; on the other side looked radiant Host restricted invocation: " Stay with us Lord ".
The Mother of God said:
"It 'a token of love and mercy that Jesus wants to give the world, in these times of sensuality and hatred against God and the Church ... They tend to rip networks diabolical faith from the heart ... and 'need a divine remedy. And this remedy is the Holy Face of Jesus. "

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not from the head.



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Few Christians, though well educated, know it. Yet, the world's salvation began with the Hail Mary : it also depends on what each of them separately. Ave Maria is a heavenly dew that waters the earth soul, so that it bears its fruit in season.
"It 's likely to sign the damn recite with hate, indifference and negligence" (Monfort).
sow so the Ave Maria, anywhere and at any time. Beate shares closed two Ave Maria.
These the praises of the Ave Maria, sung by St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort (Treatise 252):

1. It 's the most beautiful prayers, after the Pater.

2. It 's the perfect compliment that can be done to Mary, because it is what God himself did make by the Archangel Gabriel to win the Heart. With it we will gain the infallibly us too, if you say it properly, ie: Caution - Devotion - Modesty.

3. E 'the enemy of the devil, which puts on the run.

4. E 'the hammer that crushes it.

5. E 'the sanctification of souls.

6. E 'the joy of the Angels.

7. E 'the melody of the predestined.

8. It 's the song of the New Testament.

9. E 'the delight of Mary.

10. It 's the joy of the Holy Trinity.

11. It 's a chaste kiss and affectionate Mary.

12. E 'a rose red in that it will face.

13. It 's a precious pearl that is the sell.

14. E 'a cup of honey that is the hands.

In conclusion:
We therefore kindly requested to bring the love of Jesus and Mary, OF ACTING frequent, especially saying the Holy Rosary. At death bless the day and time in cui ci avremo creduto, perché, dopo avere seminato nelle benedizioni di Gesù e di Maria, raccoglieremo benedizioni eterne in Cielo.


Fede nell’esistenza degli Angeli, messaggeri celesti agli uomini. Devozione all’Arcangelo Gabriele, messaggero dell’Incarnazione ed al nostro Angelo Custode.

Fede nella grandezza e potenza di questo Nome. Devozione verso di Esso, invocandolo con rispetto, amore e fiducia.

Gratia Plena
Fede nel mistero della pienezza della grazia in Maria, fin dall’istante della Sua Immaculate Conception. Devotion to preserve jealously or readily regain the confession or the Act of Contrition or sorrow, grace, without which nothing can be done, but with everything that we can.

Dominus tecum
faith in the union of God with the soul of Mary, and every soul, and with the grace that God is in us. Devotion to always do the Will of God, that He is always with us.

Benedicta Tu in mulieribus
faith in the excellence of her who has unique Virgin, eldest and beloved of all creatures. Blessed by God, power of attorney which is also from us and from all generations with a true Devozione e con l’Apostolato Mariano.

Benedictus Fructus ventris Tui Jesus
Fede nel mistero dell’Incarnazione. Devozione al Nome di Gesù, davanti a cui piegano il ginocchio gli abitanti del Cielo, della Terra e degli Abissi. Non vi è altro Nome per cui possiamo essere salvi e ricevere l’eterna benedizione del Padre celeste.

Sancta Maria
Fede nella santità di Maria. La devozione a Maria è la via più breve, facile e sicura per raggiungere anche noi la santità a cui tutti siamo chiamati.

Mater Dei
Fede nella Divina Maternità di Maria e nella Sua perpetua Verginità. Devozione all’Angelus, that reminds us every day that Mary, Mother of Christ making has become even our Mother. Now

pro nobis
Faith in Mediation of Mary. Devotion to the Holy Rosary, which we exercise in the mediation of Mary.

Faith in the mercy of Mary and the seriousness of sin. Devotion to pray for sinners woman whom the Church invokes as Advocate and Refuge of sinners.

our faith in the need of grace and in the continuous, loving and effective protection of Mary, that you practice bestows the actual graces. Devotion to the thought of Mary's presence and invocation to Virgo Fidelis, to obtain the corresponding grace, with which we can all become saints.

hora mortis nostrae Et in
Belief in the Last Things, and in later life and in helping special Holy Mary, Our Lady of Good Death, grants His devotees in death. Devotion to the exercise of the monthly and get good death every night in the state in which we find ourselves in that moment.

Faith and hope in the glory that awaits us. Devotion to repeat the Amen of the submission to the Will of God and the union to His good pleasure in all the circumstances of life, painful or joyful.

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus Tecum. Benedicta Tu in mulieribus et benedictus Fructus ventris Tui, Jesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

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MARIA IS a dying

Quando San Giovanni di Gesù si avvicinava alla fine, aspettava la visita di Maria: amava tanto questa Madre buona! Non vedendoLa apparire, si rattristava e, forse, se ne lamentava. Quando arrivò il momento del trapasso, la Madre divina apparve davanti a lui.

Ecco il resoconto come riportato dall'abate Saglier:
" La gentilezza mostrata dall'arcivescovo nello celebrare Mass in the sick room, had given him, this man, double and incomparable joy of assisting at Mass and receive the holy sacrament. Then, after communion, when he was alone and concentrate in his act of grace, the Holy Virgin appeared to him, accompanied by St. Raphael and St. John the Evangelist. He realized then that she had been to inspire and combine everything that had happened, and did not know how to thank.

But you, wiping the sweat flowing on his forehead, he deigned to speak to him as follows: "It is not my habit to leave at this time those who have followed me. And know also that I will never to miss anything your poor. "

(Taken from St. Alphonsus Liguori - The Glories of Mary - San Paolo - p. 60, St. John of God in " Journal of the Rosary ", March 1981)

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at ' hour of our death. Amen.

Monday, March 7, 2011

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are hungry not only to hear the Word of God (cf. Am 8:11) but also to practice it. Many if they had desiderio di praticare la Parola di Dio, come l'hanno di ascoltarla, diventerebbero gran santi. Se ascolterai la Parola di Dio e non la metterai in pratica sarai simile a colui che semina senza raccogliere i frutti. Se ascolterai la Parola di Dio e la metterai in pratica sarai considerato da Gesù come Suo fratello e madre ( cf Mt 12,48). La Parola di Dio è dolce per chi la impara, più dolce per chi la insegna, dolcissima per colui che la mette in pratica.

La Parola di Dio non passi invano per le tue orecchie, conservala nascosta nel tuo cuore (cf Lc 2,51). Volesse il cielo che Colui che ti parla gettasse il seme della Divina Parola in un orecchio non distratto da mille frastuoni.

Se sarai preoccupato the things of the world, devoted to the passions of the flesh or seduced by the riches you can not pay attention to the Word of God, and if he heard it in your heart will be crushed and will remain sterile (cf. Mt 13:22).

If you want that it will penetrate into your soul, do not apologize when you reproach your guilt rather than cry.

When you listen to the Word of God, never mind one who speaks to applaud or blame him, mind you, rather what he says and the person in whose name he speaks.

who hears it with faith and humility, the Word of God is different from the other ear, and those opened by the Holy Spirit.

will be really happy if keeping the Word of God (cf. Lk 11:28), so that it sinks deep in your soul and instils in your affections and your act.

The Word of God is alive and effective for you, penetrate deeply into your spirit and discerning the thoughts and intentions of your heart (cf. Heb 4:12).

If preserving the Word of God you shall be kept from her. For it is written: "treasure in my heart for your words do not be offended by sin" (Ps 119.11).

Find your life in the Word of God (Jn 6:63), and the facts you manage your earthly journey. May it be your feet and a light bulb in your path (cf. Ps 119:105).

Blessed are you, if you will become worthy to hear the Word of Christ is calling you to holiness! When Jesus heard His voice does make the most heroic actions with ease.

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Thank you, Lord,
for giving us
day year;
watch over our sleep
and makes' the awakening
we sing your praises.

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God loves the just shall live

personal interests, constantly, passionately, try your joy in you.
The six necessary, your heart will rejoice, your indifference It amazes me, the torment of your bitterness.
wants a continuing relationship with you.
If you do not believe this, if you do not feel relieved by this assurance means that you do not understand that God is Father.
(Louis Evely)

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"If you continue in My Word
you are truly my disciples,
know the truth
and the truth shall make you free. "

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to evangelize the world!

not asking you anything extraordinary, just be passionate about Jesus, the Church and of humanity to have a heart as big as the world, to let you dig your soul with tears of the poor, they will live life as a gift, and you decide to walk the streets of the Gospel, a missionary for justice and peace!
(Don Tonino Bello)