Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Do People Want From Maned Wolves


Few Christians, though well educated, know it. Yet, the world's salvation began with the Hail Mary : it also depends on what each of them separately. Ave Maria is a heavenly dew that waters the earth soul, so that it bears its fruit in season.
"It 's likely to sign the damn recite with hate, indifference and negligence" (Monfort).
sow so the Ave Maria, anywhere and at any time. Beate shares closed two Ave Maria.
These the praises of the Ave Maria, sung by St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort (Treatise 252):

1. It 's the most beautiful prayers, after the Pater.

2. It 's the perfect compliment that can be done to Mary, because it is what God himself did make by the Archangel Gabriel to win the Heart. With it we will gain the infallibly us too, if you say it properly, ie: Caution - Devotion - Modesty.

3. E 'the enemy of the devil, which puts on the run.

4. E 'the hammer that crushes it.

5. E 'the sanctification of souls.

6. E 'the joy of the Angels.

7. E 'the melody of the predestined.

8. It 's the song of the New Testament.

9. E 'the delight of Mary.

10. It 's the joy of the Holy Trinity.

11. It 's a chaste kiss and affectionate Mary.

12. E 'a rose red in that it will face.

13. It 's a precious pearl that is the sell.

14. E 'a cup of honey that is the hands.

In conclusion:
We therefore kindly requested to bring the love of Jesus and Mary, OF ACTING frequent, especially saying the Holy Rosary. At death bless the day and time in cui ci avremo creduto, perché, dopo avere seminato nelle benedizioni di Gesù e di Maria, raccoglieremo benedizioni eterne in Cielo.


Fede nell’esistenza degli Angeli, messaggeri celesti agli uomini. Devozione all’Arcangelo Gabriele, messaggero dell’Incarnazione ed al nostro Angelo Custode.

Fede nella grandezza e potenza di questo Nome. Devozione verso di Esso, invocandolo con rispetto, amore e fiducia.

Gratia Plena
Fede nel mistero della pienezza della grazia in Maria, fin dall’istante della Sua Immaculate Conception. Devotion to preserve jealously or readily regain the confession or the Act of Contrition or sorrow, grace, without which nothing can be done, but with everything that we can.

Dominus tecum
faith in the union of God with the soul of Mary, and every soul, and with the grace that God is in us. Devotion to always do the Will of God, that He is always with us.

Benedicta Tu in mulieribus
faith in the excellence of her who has unique Virgin, eldest and beloved of all creatures. Blessed by God, power of attorney which is also from us and from all generations with a true Devozione e con l’Apostolato Mariano.

Benedictus Fructus ventris Tui Jesus
Fede nel mistero dell’Incarnazione. Devozione al Nome di Gesù, davanti a cui piegano il ginocchio gli abitanti del Cielo, della Terra e degli Abissi. Non vi è altro Nome per cui possiamo essere salvi e ricevere l’eterna benedizione del Padre celeste.

Sancta Maria
Fede nella santità di Maria. La devozione a Maria è la via più breve, facile e sicura per raggiungere anche noi la santità a cui tutti siamo chiamati.

Mater Dei
Fede nella Divina Maternità di Maria e nella Sua perpetua Verginità. Devozione all’Angelus, that reminds us every day that Mary, Mother of Christ making has become even our Mother. Now

pro nobis
Faith in Mediation of Mary. Devotion to the Holy Rosary, which we exercise in the mediation of Mary.

Faith in the mercy of Mary and the seriousness of sin. Devotion to pray for sinners woman whom the Church invokes as Advocate and Refuge of sinners.

our faith in the need of grace and in the continuous, loving and effective protection of Mary, that you practice bestows the actual graces. Devotion to the thought of Mary's presence and invocation to Virgo Fidelis, to obtain the corresponding grace, with which we can all become saints.

hora mortis nostrae Et in
Belief in the Last Things, and in later life and in helping special Holy Mary, Our Lady of Good Death, grants His devotees in death. Devotion to the exercise of the monthly and get good death every night in the state in which we find ourselves in that moment.

Faith and hope in the glory that awaits us. Devotion to repeat the Amen of the submission to the Will of God and the union to His good pleasure in all the circumstances of life, painful or joyful.

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus Tecum. Benedicta Tu in mulieribus et benedictus Fructus ventris Tui, Jesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.


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