Monday, March 7, 2011

How Do I Get Friends In Poptrica


are hungry not only to hear the Word of God (cf. Am 8:11) but also to practice it. Many if they had desiderio di praticare la Parola di Dio, come l'hanno di ascoltarla, diventerebbero gran santi. Se ascolterai la Parola di Dio e non la metterai in pratica sarai simile a colui che semina senza raccogliere i frutti. Se ascolterai la Parola di Dio e la metterai in pratica sarai considerato da Gesù come Suo fratello e madre ( cf Mt 12,48). La Parola di Dio è dolce per chi la impara, più dolce per chi la insegna, dolcissima per colui che la mette in pratica.

La Parola di Dio non passi invano per le tue orecchie, conservala nascosta nel tuo cuore (cf Lc 2,51). Volesse il cielo che Colui che ti parla gettasse il seme della Divina Parola in un orecchio non distratto da mille frastuoni.

Se sarai preoccupato the things of the world, devoted to the passions of the flesh or seduced by the riches you can not pay attention to the Word of God, and if he heard it in your heart will be crushed and will remain sterile (cf. Mt 13:22).

If you want that it will penetrate into your soul, do not apologize when you reproach your guilt rather than cry.

When you listen to the Word of God, never mind one who speaks to applaud or blame him, mind you, rather what he says and the person in whose name he speaks.

who hears it with faith and humility, the Word of God is different from the other ear, and those opened by the Holy Spirit.

will be really happy if keeping the Word of God (cf. Lk 11:28), so that it sinks deep in your soul and instils in your affections and your act.

The Word of God is alive and effective for you, penetrate deeply into your spirit and discerning the thoughts and intentions of your heart (cf. Heb 4:12).

If preserving the Word of God you shall be kept from her. For it is written: "treasure in my heart for your words do not be offended by sin" (Ps 119.11).

Find your life in the Word of God (Jn 6:63), and the facts you manage your earthly journey. May it be your feet and a light bulb in your path (cf. Ps 119:105).

Blessed are you, if you will become worthy to hear the Word of Christ is calling you to holiness! When Jesus heard His voice does make the most heroic actions with ease.


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