Friday, March 11, 2011

Christening Cakes Sayings


The Lent invites us to walk the path of Christ, which is a path towards the "Cross and the Resurrection" . A journey of loss and gain, where the loss is the necessary condition for the gain, as Jesus himself says . (Gospel of St. Luke 9.22-25).
value Indeed, man is not in what he has, but it coincides with his own person. Even if you came to possess the whole world would not be enough for our happiness.
This hard reality is well documented by the experience of each. As in the play Caligula by Camus, we also want "the moon", but even this is sufficient.
So, what it means to take up their cross?
Often, we run the risk of men fighting a futile battle, to keep life at bay, to defend ourselves from everything that seems to disturb the daily fine program. By eliminating the annoying people, we are far from a negative situation, we raise a barrier against all evil. The result is an attitude of distrust and fear with regard to reality. The programming of their defense comes to forcefully occupy the imagination and is also early suffer the ills that "they are not."
The simplest approach is instead the acceptance of reality, from what is included in his own vocation as a father, mother, student, priest, healthy or sick. It is not "live like you."
want to live all the way down, to see through each event each meeting and the good that God gave us. Jesus did not recoil from the events, did not recoil from the Father's will when it presents itself painful.
The supreme point is to know that "Someone up there loves us" and even here, trusting that what happens is the way to ask and discover the love of the Lord.
"If I offer to Thee, my God, my cry of love is not the sky that you have promised, nor is it hell with its terrors, that makes me give up by the trade. Who are your wounds and love is your death. What I love is your love. "
(St. Teresa of Avila)


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