Friday, March 11, 2011

Silly Wedding Verse Funny

Princess Matilda, queen of England, when he helped his son Henry II, in a war that they were supporting, was obliged in 1140 to cross the English Channel with a time threatening. The storm that came up unexpectedly, the ship shook with fury. He soon lost all hope of survival.

The English gentlemen who accompanied the princess devoutly commended to God and the saints. Matilda was on the board, his face pale but firm .. "Have courage , said, turning to his companions,
Madonna is good and powerful and she will bring us relief, for sure. Which one of you put a lookout. When you see the earth, I will sing a hymn to the Virgin Mary and I vow to build a chapel on the shore where we will disembark.

Matilda had just cast his vote that was caught sight of the shore. "Sing, my queen, sung, shouted the lookout, here's the earth! ".
And the queen began to sing with a voice sweet and serious, a hymn to the Blessed Virgin, with hands folded and his head bare. Ben soon the ship, guided by the Star of the Sea, felicemnete touched the shore in a sheltered bay. The first desire Matilda, landing, was to fix the place where the chapel was built.
Our Lady of the vote, which is located in the vicinity of Cherbourg, after many vicissitudes over the centuries, has been beautifully restored in 1850.

(The Virgin Mary - Marian small sum, Lyon 1942, p.117)

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.


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