Saturday, December 15, 2007

Wireless Headphones For Sansa Clip

AGAVE / presentations
THURSDAY 'December 20, 2007 19:30

Elena Stancanelli
Enzo Fileno Carabba
Christmas underwear tin
(editions Booty 2007) Illustrated by Liza
bad signal
Christmas underwear tin
A celebration of Christmas as you've never seen: here you give a tin pants around because there's a lot of ugly people to be resisted, arguing from here so that you are happy to meet all together, here is malicious gossip Cipollone cousins \u200b\u200bwho cheat when they play ping pong, here is the piano suddenly bring to fly. Enzo Fileno Carabba, as dazed and poetic Italian writer today, meets the designs captivated by Liza Slaves to spend in these pages a Christmas none of us will ever forget.
bad signal
Young Angel ends up doing community service in a remote village in the Valdarno, at the local garrison of the Red Cross. It is a few miles from home, but from the moment he seems to have been catapulted into another world, alien and disturbing. The Red Cross volunteers are rude and violent people, who spends his time watching porn tapes and energises the sight of blood. Young people seat mate on the beds. The old man spoke vaguely of ancient rites that are celebrated in the surrounding woods. Hordes of rabbits dart menacing blacks in the night. Even the nuns of the convent has been acting funny. Day after day, Angelo takes cues and signs that seem to hint darkly at a secret plan, a frightening conspiracy. A network envelops all, all are part of it, and the center of this network seems to be Augustus, a child made deaf, dumb and blind by a mysterious accident. What's going on around him? Angelo must absolutely understand if he wants to save himself. Noir novel with horror and great veins, bad signal mixed inseparably truth and appearance, reality and hallucination, embodying a una vicenda suggestiva e visionaria in cui è si viene risucchiati come in un gorgo.
Enzo Fileno Carabba (Firenze, 1 maggio 1966), autore anche di libretti d'opera, ha pubblicato Jacob Pesciolini (Einaudi, 1992; premio Calvino), La regola del silenzio (Einaudi, 1994), In gita a Firenze con Enzo Fileno Carabba (Paravia-Gribaudo, 1997), La foresta finale (Einaudi, 1997) e infine Pessimi segnali (Marsilio, 2004), edito dapprima in Francia, nel 2003, in una collana prestigiosa come la “Série Noire” di Gallimard con il titolo Muvais signes e in procinto di essere portato sul grande schermo. Per i più piccoli invece ha scritto Boccaccio (Sansoni, 1995), Il cubo incantato (Panini, 1998; illustrazioni di Andrea Camerini e Sauro Ciantini), Attila. L'incontro dei mondi (Laterza, 2000) e La bambina nella tempesta (Adn Kronos libri, 2001). Tiene lezioni di tecniche narrative presso il Giardino dei Ciliegi di Firenze, presso la Scuola Holden di Torino e nelle scuole pubbliche. Nel 1997 ha dato vita insieme ad Anna Cepollare al programma radiofonico Due sul tre per Radio Tre Rai. Ha avviato progetti all'interno della realtà del carcere che hanno dato come frutto l'antologia Se siete arrivati fin qua. Racconti dal carcere (Le Lettere, 2005) curato da Carabba insieme a Paola Nobili. Dal 1997 svolge tra l'altro l'attività di guida subacquea.
Liza Schiavi (Piacenza, 13 luglio 1974) s'è diplomata nel 1992 presso il liceo artistico della sua città e nel 1997 ha conseguito anche il diploma di scultura presso l'Accademia di Brera a Milano. Tra il 2000 e il 2007 ha seguito vari corsi di perfezionamento nel campo dell'illustrazione per l'infanzia presso la Scuola Internazionale di Sarmede (Treviso) con docenti come il croato Svjetlan Jukanovic, il polacco Jozef Wilkon e lo spagnolo Arcadio Lobato. Tra i vari premi e le varie mostre basti ricordare le due edizioni (2006 e 2007) di “Le immagini della fantasia. Mostra Internazionale d'Illustrazione per l'Infanzia” che seleziona 38 artisti da 20 diversi paesi. Si tratta di un'esposizione che fa sue alcune tra le sedi espositive più prestigiose d'Europa.


What Antenna Needed To Get Abc In Spartanburg, Sc

AGAVE / presentations
FRIDAY 'December 21, 2007, 18:00

Andrea Cortellessa

director of the series of texts by contemporary Italian Outside Format
presents the book of Thomas
The roads leading to the Fucino
(Letters, Out of Home, 2007)
Each narrative is a territory. The imagination of the author explores latitude, it eviscerates the language of his depth. That is not the territory "described" - it invents. Design a virtual space, shadow and mirror the real one: that the "reality" and weird together, mysteriously validation. So is the Fucino Ottonieri Thomas. Earth flat, horizontal, geometrically sectioned by a look that glides from the top, or perhaps heavenly plane, but that - as it is between rough set Apennine stands - conceals enormous depth, invaded dizzying, huge universes paths chthonic creatures who sigh In The Dark. In the middle of the plain stands Telespazio: Big Screen, which captures the deep resonances Star projecting a film of delirious visions on a shattered consciousness, driving a car metaphysics. Along labyrinths that seem to come out of a David Lynch film: in search of an origin unrecognizable - and all too true. The roads leading to
Fucino (glue bonus track of "Dante's" Apocalypse Ulysses 9.11, achieved sonically with the electronic composer Maurizio Martusciello) is a radial pattern of concentric narrative prose, with centrifugal and centripetal: fragments now torn by the author during two decades, by force of writing, at the magmatic cores and dark imagery. A writer "angelic hell" that is "the sixth moon of Saturn "Thus, prophetic, Giorgio Manganelli had greeted the debut.
poet who has chosen the prose as "plastic" infinitely malleable from the outset Ottonieri has been visited by the temptation of fiction. Sirena always tempting and always elusive, for a language onnipotenziale like him. The construction of this book has been open for decades (as Gilda Policastro reconstructs in a comprehensive Baedeker for the reader). The reason we understand now: the work is the most complex and layered the author, his most ambitious and, ultimately, poignant revelatory. Her heart laid bare. AC
AGAVE / wine tasting
is proud to host
tasting gourmet sausages of Cinta Senese with the organic farm "The Wedge" ( Val d'Orcia)
what the Cinta Senese? Go see

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Out-licensing Consultants

AGAVE / presentations
THURSDAY 'December 13, 2007, 19:30

the last two titles in the series "Ogopogo" Where and
text illustrations by Cosimo Policastro and Sara Guild presents Davidovics
Aldo Mastropasqua
(authors will be present)

Cosimo Budetta lives and operates at Agromonte (PZ). He is interested in painting, graphics and art books. He is the founder of the laboratory "Ogopogo." He has created artist's books, among others, along with Giuliani, Sanguineti, Loi, Lunetta, Pignotti, Dorfles Pagliarani, Squarotti Barberi, Pedicini, Muzzioli, Vito Riviello, and, most recently, Thomas Ottonieri, Gilda Policastro, Sara Davidovics.

Davidovics Sara was born and lives in Rome. Verse current published with an introduction by T. Ottonieri (Zone, 2006); of water, with art by P. Ruffo (E. Mazzoli, 2007), finalist at Premio Antonio Dolphins and Pendici with watercolors C. Budetta (Lab Ogopogo, 2007). In 2006 he formed the ensemble with Lorenzo During reading DUAL. It is out for the publisher Onyx Cortical volume.

Policastro Gilda was born in Salem and lives in Rome. It collaborates with the cultural pages of "Alias" and "Liberation." He has published poems about "imagination" (July-September 2006, with a hint of Romano Luperini) and volume editions of Where Ogopogo, illustrated by Cosimo Budetta (August 2007). He has participated in "Romapoesia 2007" and "RicercaBo" laboratory for new records. Seasons is about to publish the poem and working on a novel called Remi.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Where Can You Find The Rhino 5 In Ratchet & Clank

Agave / Aperitifs
point shiatsu


December 6 from 19:00 h

Bars and shiatsu
tasting with Robert Green and Elvira Quintana
for more info / elviraverde

Thursday, November 29, 2007

How To Replace A Canon Battery Cover

AGAVE / Expo
African soil in library
Photo exhibition by Manuel Scrima ICROSS

for Sunday, December 2, 2007

60 pictures in the most beautiful libraries in Rome:
Agave, Literary Cafe, Esquilibri, Minimum Fax, The Lion Bookshop

From 2 until 30 December will take place in the splendid setting of five of the most beautiful libraries in Rome, the exhibition Terre d'Africa in the library. The exhibition offers an image of the continent's oldest cultivated in its irreducible multiplicity, and the contradictions in its beauty, without compromises.
The aim is to promote the release of the new calendar ICROSS & NWI aims to raise funds for humanitarian projects in Kenya and Tanzania, hoping to recover this year, for a good cause, the success of previous edition.

The opening event, accompanied by an aperitif, to be held Dec. 2 from 19:30, library at Agave Bistrot (Via San Martino ai Monti 7a). The closure will instead
December 29 from 19.30 at Esquilibri (via Giolitti 319). Opportunity to enjoy a dinner of Zighinì, famous African recipe.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Costco Bakery Cake Designs

AGAVE / Presentations
Punctum Edizioni
giovedì 29 novembre 2007, ore 19.30
Emanuele Trevi presenta il romanzo di
Guido Giovanardi
Tare Rallen
(Punctum edizioni 2007)

Tare Rallen è una formula magica, il nucleo di un monologo interiore infantile che filtra il mondo esteriore con una consapevolezza aurorale e stravagante. Davide ha cinque anni, dal lunotto posteriore della macchina legge quelle due misteriose parole scritte sulla strada e ne viene stregato. Diventeranno la chiave d'accesso al mistero degli altri, the secret code to get a map in the forest indecipherable adults. And the experiences intuition, imagine the explanations, the fantasies become reality actually build a small, puzzling fresco, the story of a family now, suspended between love and disintegration. With an immediate and surprising style, Giovanardi recreates the magic of the look of a child, a vision that is both given and hope, interpretation and challenge.
Guido Giovanardi 24 years old, was born and lives in Rome where he studied Natural Sciences at the University "La Sapienza".
Emanuele Trevi was born in Rome in 1964. Contributes to the "manifesto" to the chronicle of the Roman "Republic" and programs of Rai Radio 3. He has published instructions for the use of the wolf (Castelvecchi 1994), Music distant (Mondadori 1997), Dogs of nowhere (Einaudi 2003), with no direction. A Summer in Rome (Laterza 2004), Wave of the port (Laterza 2005). It 'also the author of the book conversation with Raffaele La Capria, Literature and Freedom (plied anew 2002) and, with Marco Lodoli anthology Stories of school life (Zanichelli).
AGAVE / Expo
Punctum Editions
the photo expo di
Massimo Matrorillo
Tokio-the continuous city
In occasione della presentazione del libro Tare Rallen Agave ospiterà, per tre giorni, un estratto del lavoro fotografico Tokio - the continuous city , di Massimo Mastrorillo, di cui fa parte la fotografia riprodotta sulla copertina del libro di Giovanardi. Le fotografie in mostra fanno parte di un lavoro più ampio sulle città - The Lives of the Cities , liberamente ispirato alle Città Invisibili di Calvino e ancora inedito. The vision of Tokyo, like that of other cities, wants to be a mirror of human existence. Through a series of images that capture specific details of what Mastrorillo encounters, we find the unity in difference, and the particular city where the portrait as fleeting are supported by a solid overall design that underlies all the memory and desires marks, trade items, which constitutes our being in the world.
Massimo Mastrorillo , born in 1961, is dedicated to the social report since 1988. He documented the lives of Kurds in Turkey, the tragedy of AIDS in Mozambique, with a photo of the series Indonesia 2005: Just Another Day , a project produced by FotoGrafia - International Festival of Rome and the Community of Sant'Egidio, won first prize in the Nature the World Press Photo 2006 . She is currently working on the project The Lives of the Cities .

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Green Tea Cream Rosacea

AGAVE invites you to three workshops for children on the theme of portraiture and self
linked to the exhibition of
Franny Thiery (on display until November 28, 2007)

the assoc. cult. INFORMADARTE
Saturday, December 8, 2007
17 hours
third meeting of

Workshop for children up portraits and self
The workshop is designed as a series of three meetings and will be held at Agave. E 'aimed at children aged 4 and up.

Vision of slides that tell the story of the portrait from antiquity to the present day. Let's take a look at the portrait will cubist, surrealist, dada, renaissance, medieval. Followed by a practical work consists in choosing an advertising image cut out and rebuilt with tempera, oil pastels, chalks, etc..
After a reflection on perception of self and other, each child interprets the image of the face of another child speaking with Water Color. All papers are mounted into a single composition, inspired by the vibrant colors of the famous works of Andy Warhol.
There are different ways of telling yourself: starting from its shadow projected onto a large sheet of paper, each will tell and describe filling it with different materials, colors, writings, images and photos to newspapers. Then each child will explain to others the significance of their choices.

the cost of the three laboratories is Euro 20.00, but is can make even one of the laboratories (Euro 7.00)
reservation is needed
(bookings via email
or at the following telephone numbers: 0648821134, 3389970376, 3493569159)

Informadarte , consisting of art historians, was born in 1996 with the aim to promote knowledge and appreciation of artistic and historical heritage through various initiatives (guided tours, workshops, exhibitions, conferences, publications, etc.).. To this end, working with public and private institutions in planning and organizing cultural events. One of the activities, an area privileged is assigned to art education in both primary and secondary-schools, and within the educational services of museums and libraries. The educational experiences are aimed particularly at children and teens, combining moments of the laboratory - in which participants become familiar with the principles of technical and expressive visual language - a visit to the permanent collections, exhibitions and places of historic and artistic interest.
AGAVE / Presentations
Wednesday, November 21, 2007, 19:00

Go Matilda and the author of the book have

Paola Leonardi
Women and men of heart Emotions, feelings and health
(Edizioni Franco Angeli)
Capita Sometimes in life, seeing him fall completely unexpected events, extraordinary. So too with Paola Leone that has suffered, unexpectedly, a heart surgery. This disturbing event for the body and soul, offered an opportunity to in some way a reflection on the heart understood not only as an organ but also as a reflection metafora.Si might say ... running from cuore.Ne did this collection of thoughts, experiences, but also testimonies of those who, like the author, stopped to listen to your heart. A book that will make us open to love, to desire, to life. A book - for men and women, friends and friends - to read or see, to find the solution to many emotional problems, love and work. To know us better, to always have the courage to be ourselves, to make room for the emotions of the heart.
Paola Leonardi, sociologist, psychotherapist, she founded the Women and Self-Esteem Center, with others, the National Association of Psyche and Difference / e. Since the seventies has deepened gender issues from the problem of depression. In its "School of socio-psychology of women" for "female therapists, using integrated therapies as psicoyoga, dance, painting, creative writing. Among his publications: How to turn depression into a resource (Angeli, 1996) and The Little Book of self-esteem (Baldini & Castoldi, 2000).

for this presentation AGAVE USED THE SERVICES OF PRECIOUS NADIA TARANTINI , whom I warmly thank.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Are Megalodon Sharks Still Alive

AGAVE / upcoming events with the literature and the arts

AGAVE / preview - presentations
Thursday, November 8, 2007, 19:00

Thomas Giartosio
and the author will present a preview The book
Carola Susani ,
Linfanzia is an earthquake
(due out in January 2008 by Laterza)

CAROLA SUSAN was born in 1965 in Marostica (Vicenza), is lived in Sicily for a long time and now lives in Rome. He has published The Book of Teresa to arrive in 1995 (Award Bagutta debut), published by Feltrinelli Land of the Dinosaurs (1998) and novels for children The Werewolf (2002) and Cola Pesce (2004), published by Minimum Fax Live sheep (2006). Gaff was released in 2005 for Toad, a collection of two dramas. He has worked with the magazine Perap in Palermo and "Shadow Line", and is part of the editorial staff of "New topics".

AGAVE / Agave + presentations / Cocktail Party
Thursday, November 15, 2007, at 21

Eleonora Danco
reads passages taken from the book
Elena Stancanelli
to imagine a life we \u200b\u200bwant another
(Minimum Fax, 2007)
cocktail party organized by the barmaid Francesca Corona
Cocktail party starting at 19

Elena Stancanelli was born in Florence in 1965. He lives in Rome, where he attended the Academy of Dramatic Arts. Published by Einaudi Petrol (1998) - which was made into a film directed by Monica Stambrini and Actresses (2001) - and the story today is my birthday in the anthology Girls Should Know (2004). Writes on "Unity", "Il Manifesto" and collaborates with La Repubblica. He worked for Radio Rai.
Francesco Corona was born in Rome in 1979. It was formed by mixing cocktails and university studies. After graduating from DAMS in Rome began working as an organizer of cultural projects at the PAV not forgetting some small incursions into the Roman bar.

Men And Kidney Stones

until November 28, 2007 has seen the exhibition (acrylic on wood)
women portrayed in Rome
Exhibition The exhibition is presented da un RACCONTO di LIDIA RIVIELLO

Le donne di Franny
Quando chiesero a Franny di rimettere a posto le cose, gli oggetti animati ma dispersi di alcune donne in una stanza a Trastevere, lei entrò in punta di piedi, con attenzione, per non rompere il cristallo appena sospeso sulla soglia dello sguardo.
Vi erano aria e acqua dentro la stanza, e pure terra, per non parlare del fuoco e dei fiori. C’era tutto quello che serviva a Franny per vedere fino in fondo e in quel mondo, non l’astratta e dispersiva “altra metà del cielo”, ma il cielo stesso, intero, reale, un azzurro concreto e dirompente. Mancavano items, those who are usually women of a story to leave in the morning and return in the evening at home without fear of having lost everything with nothing.
He kept his eyes on Franny, not to forget any details, not to leave the dark no metal or glass, and even the fan. They are only objects thought of any women, and took over the air fall to the ground, went back to the fundamental research of the accessory, one that takes up women's hair, which has paintings of girls in blue, the mysteries.
It says that of those women, Franny found a clip from the burning tip, a shoe with red lacquer, a photo come move, tracked down the notes secretly, the dates of departures and returns canceled book not to mention the betting with the neglect made during a holiday of true love that never ended.
He dug in a mattress, the softness that Laure had won after sleepless nights before the New Year each year. He tried the mystery in the drawer where she kept her lipstick Daria, freed suspect deception. The mattress
followed the heel of a shoe tenderly left on the doorstep, floors of shadows and adolescent swan crossed barefoot as you cross the ocean in twenty years: in one breath. Finally got out the essence of a neighborhood youth, a scent of Swabia, the smell of maturity, the next to shine.
Franny was unimpressed, he remained during the entire trip and was held at the end of the room, looked there where there was no light, there where the overlaps another empty void, and realized that they were not objects but women fail to not there yet. Then
tracked by a jellyfish unconscious, a dream made into a French countryside, in the light when you add more light, and invented, tracking the stellar printouts of the city, his women, and called them by name, and that was enough So they returned the account into which he had lost all that time. From that sense of true
Franny he made a full portrait of a woman. All her friends and sisters now living in the room of memory, that held together the links of history, and made another and another and another became a were made in two to help each other not to disappear, in a Rome that "if you hide you find the first star of the morning and you do not give up more."
When it came to take the room out into the street, alleys, always on the premises, in the squares, then women Franny found themselves lost their true image, so the spirit that dwelt in the myth, the true body rare to hold dear.
inhabit the space of a Rome where the line if you dream to mean that you do not just have a dream that appears, and we did a big party with all that forgetfulness, with the crystal of the time with their regained beauty. The women of Franny became longer lives than ever, to live long lives, waiting for an eclipse girl. These women put out more light, no longer did the dark forever. If this ever happened did not last long, time to replace them once again those things left in a corner of the portrait, the background of youth. I bear witness that no woman was ever looked at Franny by itself, without history, without memory.

Lidia Riviello
Rome, October 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

Vioxx Stroke Settlement Jan 2010

from 24 September 27, 2007, from 16 to 24 hours
will present a book sale at :
Romapoesia-Festival of the Word,
September 8 - 1 October 2007
draft Nanni Balestrini and Luigi Cinque

New Coliseum Theatre /
-theater and directed by Simon Carey Ulisse-Benedetti
Via Capo d'Africa 29 / A
The word and the other by
Andrea Cortellessa

I Think I Have Genital Warts Canada


Agave Bistrot Library
is pleased to invite

WEDNESDAY 'September 19, 2007, 19:30

reads passages from her latest book

Siam then people sensitive
Bologna Parma, ninety kilometers
(Yale University Press, 2007)

Then Bologna, which is the center of the city Bologna Modena Parma, Reggio Emilia, Bologna write a guide to staying in suburban Parma perhaps not so absurd.
"I like the theater that does not seem to theater, I like films that do not seem to film. Even the marriages, the only marriage that I liked, among those who have gone, had a marriage that did not seem a wedding. I like novels that do not seem to novels, the writers do not seem to writers. Perhaps for that, I write guides that do not appear to city guides that do not appear to town. "

This is not about trying to write a guide to no avail, here we do not even try, because it happened the other.

Paolo Nori was born in Parma in 1963. He has published novels, the second is called tuba there (DeriveApprodi 1999), the penultimate We'll make revenge (Feltrinelli 2006).

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Princess Cruise Lines Singer Auditions

1 - How did life originate?

TUTTO intorno a noi c’è vita. Ce lo dicono il ronzio degli insetti, il canto degli uccelli, il fruscio degli animaletti nel sottobosco. La vita è presente nelle gelide regioni polari così come negli aridi deserti. Prospera dall’assolata superficie dei mari fino agli abissi più tenebrosi. Minuscole creature svolazzano nelle alte regioni dell’atmosfera. Innumerevoli trilioni di microrganismi sono all’opera sotto i nostri piedi per rendere fertile il suolo su cui cresce la vegetazione che sostiene altri organismi viventi.

2 Le forme di vita sulla terra sono così numerose e varie da sfidare l’immaginazione. Come ha avuto origine tutto questo? Come è venuto all’esistenza our planet and all its inhabitants? More specifically, it originated as a man? We have evolved from ape-like animals or have been created? As we came into existence? And yet, the answer affect our future? For a long time the man asks questions like these, in the minds of many questions that remain unanswered.

3 You may think that these questions have not really practical consequences. You might think: 'Who cares how they came into existence? Exist. And probably I will live 60 or 70 years, maybe 80, maybe. That we were created or we evolved, does not change anything for me now '. On the contrary, could change much: As you live, how you live and under what conditions you live. Why? Because our whole conception of life and the future depends on our view of the origin of life. And certainly the way in which it started life affect the course of history and place that we will have in it.

conflicting opinions
4 For many who accept the theory of evolution, life will always be made of strong competition, strife, hatred, war and death. Some even think that humans will self-destruct in the near future. A well-known scientist writes: "It may be that missing just a few decades, the Day of Judgement. . . . weapons development Nuclear and their delivery systems, sooner or later will lead to global disaster ".1 Although this does not happen in the short term, many people think that death, when it comes, however, put an end forever to the existence of a person. Others believe that, in future, all life on earth will end. According to one theory, the sun will expand to become a red giant star, with the result that "the oceans boil, the atmosphere will evaporate into space and a catastrophe of immense proportions than overwhelm the planet" .2

5 I " scientific creationists "are not in agreement with these conclusions. But their interpretation of the story of content creation in Genesis leads them to believe that the earth has only 6,000 years and that the six "days" of Genesis Creative have been only 24 hours long each. This idea, however, accurately represent what the Bible says? The land, with all forms of life, was really created in six literal days? Or is there a reasonable alternative?

6 When considering questions about the origin of life, many are influenced by various popular ideas or feelings. To prevent this from happening, and to arrive at meaningful conclusions, we must examine the facts objectively. It is also interesting to note that even the best-known proponent of evolution, Charles Darwin, si mostrò consapevole dei limiti della sua teoria. Nella conclusione del suo libro intitolato L’origine delle specie, Darwin parlò della grandiosità della “concezione della vita, con i suoi diversi poteri, originariamente impressi dal Creatore in poche forme, [o] in una forma sola”,3 indicando così che l’argomento delle origini era suscettibile di ulteriori approfondimenti.

Non mettiamo in discussione la scienza
7 Prima di andare avanti, può essere utile chiarire una cosa: Non intendiamo mettere in discussione la scienza e i suoi successi. Ogni persona informata sa che gli scienziati hanno ottenuto risultati sorprendenti in molti campi. La ricerca scientifica has increased in an extraordinary way that our knowledge is of the earth and the universe of the living. The study of the human body has led to better treat disease and trauma. Rapid advances in electronics have helped us in the computer age, which is changing the way we live. Scientists have made extraordinary feats, even sending men to the moon and returning them to earth. It is only right to appreciate their skills, since they have greatly increased our knowledge of the world around us, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large.

8 At this point can also be useful to define the terms. By evolution, in this book, this is the organic evolution, the theory that the first living organism would have developed from inanimate matter. Breed, then it would be transformed into different species, giving rise eventually to all forms of life existed or exist on earth, including humans. All this would have happened without the guidance of an intelligent or supernatural intervention. By creating, instead, it refers to the belief that the appearance of living beings can only be explained by the existence of an Almighty God who has designed and created the universe and all basic life forms on earth. Key questions

9 There are of course great differences between the theory of evolution and the creation account in Genesis. Proponents of evolution claim that creation is not scientific. But in all honesty you might as well ask the same evolution is really science? On the other hand, it is true that Genesis, as claimed by many, is just one of many ancient myths of creation? Or is it in harmony with the discoveries of modern science? And what about other questions that puzzle many: If there is an Almighty Creator, because there are all these wars, famines and diseases that cause premature death of millions of people? Why would God allow all this suffering? Also, if there is a Creatore, ha rivelato cosa ci riserva il futuro?

10 Lo scopo di questo libro è quello di prendere in esame le suddette domande e argomenti attinenti. Gli editori sperano che ne esaminiate il contenuto con mente aperta. Perché è così importante farlo? Perché queste informazioni potrebbero avere per voi un valore molto più grande di quanto possiate immaginare.

Cose su cui riflettere

Il nostro mondo è pieno di meraviglie:

Cose grandi: Un tramonto che infiamma il cielo con uno sfolgorio di colori. Un cielo notturno costellato di astri. Una foresta di alberi maestosi rischiarata rays of light. Jagged mountain ranges, with snow-covered peaks glinting in the sun. Undulating ocean agitated by the wind. These things fascinate us and leave us speechless.

Small Things: A tiny bird, the Dendroica striata, which flies high over the Atlantic to Africa to arrive in South America at about 6,000 meters above sea level crosses a prevailing wind that pushes America South led by its migratory instinct, it follows the direction for several days and over 3,800 miles: 20 grams of courage covered with feathers! Felt great admiration and wonder.

nifty things: bats that use sonar. Eels produce electricity. Gabbiani che dissalano l’acqua marina. Vespe che fabbricano carta. Termiti che installano condizionatori d’aria. Polipi che si spostano con un sistema a reazione. Uccelli che tessono o costruiscono appartamenti. Formiche che coltivano l’orto, cuciono o allevano bestiame. Lucciole con flash incorporato. Ci stupiamo di tanta ingegnosità.

Cose semplici: Quando la vita volge al termine, spesso ci si sofferma sulle piccole cose, cose che molto spesso si erano prese per scontate: Un sorriso. Il tocco di una mano. Una parola gentile. Un fiore delicato. Il canto di un uccello. Il tepore del sole.

Quando riflettiamo su queste cose, le grandi che ci lasciano senza fiato, le piccole che destano la nostra ammirazione, le ingenious that fascinate us, the simple and too late we learn to appreciate what we attribute? How to explain? How did they come into existence?

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Light Bulb

2 - Contrasts evolution: why?

When, a century after the first edition, was prepared a special commemorative edition of Darwin's Origin of Species, was invited to write the introduction W. R. Thompson, then director of the Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control in Ottawa, Canada. In that introduction he wrote: "It is well known among biologists, there is a considerable difference of opinion not only on the causes of evolution, but also its actual mechanism. This divergence is due to the fact that the evidence is unsatisfactory and does not lead to any definite conclusion. It is therefore right and proper to draw the attention of non-specialists on the contrasts that exist in the field of evolution "in

Proponents of the theory of evolution consider it a fact. They believe that evolution is an "actual event", a "reality", a "truth" as the dictionary defines the word "fact." But is it?

2 For example, it is believed that the earth was flat. Now we know for sure that it roughly spherical shape. It was once thought that the earth was the center of the universe and the heavens revolved around it. We now know, beyond any doubt that the earth revolves in an orbit around the sun. This is also a fact. Many things that were once only discussed theories were later proven and time are established facts, reality, truth.

3 An examination of the evidence for evolution would not lead to such a certainty? Interestingly, since in 1859 was published The Origin of Species Darwin, various aspects of his theory were the subject of considerable contrasts between them leading evolutionary scientists. Today, this debate is more heated than ever. And it is enlightening see what they say about themselves supporters of evolution.

Evolution accused
4 Discover The journal has described the situation: "Evolution. . . not only under attack by fundamentalist Christians, but also is questioned by reputable scientists. A growing disagreement with the prevailing concept of Darwinism is found among paleontologists, scientists who study the fossil record ".1 Francis Hitching, evolutionist and author of" The Neck of the Giraffe (The neck of the giraffe), writes: "In proportion to all enjoyed consensus in the scientific world as a great unifying principle of biology, Darwinism, dopo un secolo e un quarto, si dibatte fra sorprendenti difficoltà”.2

5 Al termine di un’importante conferenza che ha visto riuniti a Chicago (Illinois, USA) circa 150 specialisti nel campo dell’evoluzione, è stato detto: “[L’evoluzione] sta attraversando la sua più grande e più profonda rivoluzione da quasi 50 anni a questa parte. . . . Esattamente come sia avvenuta l’evoluzione è ora oggetto di un’accesa controversia fra i biologi. . . . Non si intravedeva nessun modo chiaro per comporre le controversie”.3

6 Il paleontologo Niles Eldredge, noto evoluzionista, ha detto: “Il dubbio insinuatosi nella fiduciosa e compiaciuta certezza che ha caratterizzato gli ultimi vent’anni della biologia evoluzionistica ha infiammato gli animi”. Egli parla della “mancanza di completo accordo in seno agli stessi schieramenti in lotta”, e aggiunge: “Oggi come oggi la situazione è davvero in subbuglio. . . . A volte pare vi siano tante variazioni su ciascun tema [evoluzionistico] quanti sono i singoli biologi”.4

7 Christopher Booker, che scrive per il Times di Londra e che personalmente è favorevole all’evoluzione, afferma: “Era una teoria attraente e meravigliosamente semplice. L’unico guaio, come almeno in parte si rendeva conto lo stesso Darwin, erano le sue numerosissime e colossali lacune”. About the Origin of Species Darwin, the writer observes: "Here we are at the height of irony, in the sense that a book became famous for explaining the origin of species in fact does not contain anything like that." - The italics are ours.

8 Booker also says: "A century after Darwin's death, we have not demonstrated the slightest idea, or even plausible, to have been in effect as of the evolution, and in recent years this has resulted in an extraordinary series of battles on the whole issue. . . . among evolutionists themselves is hardly open war, and each group [evolutionary] sectarian claim some new changes. " Then concludes by saying: "The how and why we do not have occurred, and probably will never have the faintest idea" .5

9 Hitching evolutionist agrees, and says: "On the theory of ' developments have opened hostilities. . . Entrenched positions, for and against, were radicalized in high places, and insults flew from side to side as mortar shells. " In his view this is an academic dispute of far-reaching, "potentially one of those moments when, suddenly, an idea rooted in science is overthrown by the weight of evidence to the contrary and replaced by a new theory ".6 And the British journal New Scientist notes that" a growing number of scientists, including a growing number of evolutionists, he says. . . that the Darwinian theory of evolution is not a scientific theory itself. . . . Many of the critics have the highest intellectual credentials ".7

The dilemma of the origins
10 About the question of how life originated, the astronomer Robert Jastrow writes:" To their great regret, these questions [of scientists ] not have accurate answers, because the chemicals have never been able to reproduce the experiments of nature on the creation of life from nonliving matter. Scientists do not know how this happened. " He adds: "Scientists have no evidence that life was not the result of an act of creation" .8

11 But the problem is not limited only the origin of life. Take for example, organs like the eye, ear, brain. They are all incredible complexity, far superior to the more sophisticated man-made device. A problem for evolution is that all the parts of these bodies must work together because you can see, hear or think. These organs would be useless until it had been completed all the individual parts. It is therefore natural to ask: Is the blind case - considered a key factor for the development - has put together all these parts at the right time to produce such elaborate mechanisms?

12 Darwin admitted that this was a problem, so he wrote: "To suppose that the eye. . . can be formed by [evolution], seems, I freely admit, utterly absurd ".9 It has since spent more than a century. The problem has been resolved, perhaps? No. Instead, what has been learned since the time of Darwin to the eye today indicates that the eye is even more complex di quanto pensasse lui. Per questo Jastrow dice riguardo all’occhio: “Si direbbe il frutto di un rigoroso progetto ingegneristico: nessun costruttore di telescopi avrebbe saputo fare di meglio”.10

13 Se questo vale per l’occhio, che dire allora del cervello umano? Dato che nemmeno il più semplice meccanismo si evolve per caso, come può ritenersi un fatto l’evoluzione del cervello, infinitamente più complesso? Jastrow conclude dicendo: “Se è difficile accettare che l’evoluzione dell’occhio umano sia prodotto del caso, lo è ancor più accettare che l’evoluzione dell’intelligenza umana sia il prodotto di guasti casuali verificatisi nelle cellule cerebrali of our ancestors ".11

The dilemma of fossil
14 million bones and other traces of ancient life forms have been unearthed by scientists, and are called fossils. If evolution were a fact, throughout this document should certainly find ample evidence of the existence of transitional forms between species. But the Bulletin of the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago says: "The Darwinian theory [of evolution] has always been intimately linked to the fossil record, and probably the majority of people think that the fossils are a cornerstone of Darwinian interpretations of history of life. Unfortunately not exactly so. "

15 Why? The bulletin adds that Darwin "was embarrassed by the fossil record because it did not correspond to his expectations. . . geological documentation, then as now, does not reveal a clear chain indicating a gradual slow and progressive evolution. " In fact today, after more than a century the fossil record, "we have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than in Darwin's day," says Bulletin.12 Why? Why from the richest fossil record reveals that once some of the examples cited in support of evolution does not support it at all. 16 The inability

to find evidence of a gradual evolution in the fossil record annoys many evolutionists. In The evolution of evolution, Steven M. Stanley speaks of the 'general inability of the fossil record to show smooth transitions from an important group to another. " Stanley says: "The fossil record is not available, and never has been, in agreement [with a gradual evolution]" .13 Even Niles Eldredge admits: "The model that we were told to look over the past one hundred and twenty years there "14 More recent theories

17 This has led many scientists to formulate new theories of evolution. Science Digest, wrote: "Some scientists suggest evolutionary changes even more rapidly, and now take seriously ideas once common only in books of fiction" .15

18 For example, some scientists have concluded that life is not can be born naturally on earth. Suggest that instead have originated in space, and then was somehow transported here on earth. But this means only displace the problem of the origin of life, and in an even more hostile. They are well-known dangers that life in the hostile environment encountered in space. It is therefore plausible to consider that life arose spontaneously in some else in the universe and has withstood the extreme rigors of space and then come to earth and evolve into life forms we know today?

19 Since the fossil record does not reveal a gradual development of life from one form to another, some evolutionists assume that this was done intermittently, to jump, and not an ongoing process. The World Book Encyclopedia says: "According to many biologists new species can be produced by sudden and drastic changes in the genes"

.16 20 Some proponents of this theory speak of "punctuated equilibrium". The species, they say, they keep their "balance" (staying mostly unchanged), but occasionally there is a significant "leap" that evolves into something else. This is exactly the opposite of that theory for many decades has been accepted by almost all evolutionists. The gulf between the two theories was described in an article in the New York Times, entitled: "Against the theory of evolution quickly." The article pointed out that the new theory of 'punctuated equilibrium "had" aroused further opposition from supporters of the theory tradizionale.17

21 Whatever theory you support, should at least be some evidence that a form of life becomes in another. But among different life forms found in the fossil state, as well as among those now on earth, there was and continues to be a gap. 22 It is also symptomatic

what happened to the traditional concept of Darwinian "survival of the fittest." Darwin called it "natural selection", convinced that nature, "select" the organizations most likely to survive. He believed that these individuals "fit" to evolve slowly as they acquired new features that prove advantageous for them. But the facts show that the last one hundred twenty-five years, although the most suitable can actually survive, this does not explain the source. A lion may be more appropriate than another lion, but this does not explain how he became a lion. And all his descendants continue to be lions, not something else.

23 Writing in the journal Harper's, Tom Bethell said: "Darwin made a mistake serious enough to undermine the basis of his theory. And that mistake has only recently been recognized as such. . . . An organization may actually be 'more suitable' than another. . . This, of course, is not something that will serve to create the body. . . Clearly, I think, that such an idea something was very wrong. " Bethell added: "I think the conclusion is somewhat puzzling, I believe that Darwin's theory is about to collapse" .18

Fact or theory?
24 summarize some of the unsolved nodes of the theory of evolution, writes Francis Hitching, "In three crucial areas where it can be put to the test, [the modern theory of evolution] has not passed the exam: The fossil record reveals a pattern in evolutionary jumps and not a gradual change. Genes are a powerful stabilizing mechanism whose main function is to prevent the development of new forms. Random mutations and lens at the molecular level can not explain the organized and growing complexity of life. " - The italics are ours.

25 Hitching concludes by saying: "At least we have the right to question a theory that is the subject of so much uncertainty among its own supporters. To be the great unifying principle of biology, Darwinism contains extraordinarily large areas of darkness. No answer to some of the most fundamental questions: how inanimate chemicals have become living matter, such as grammar rules are hidden behind the genetic code, how genes give shape to the living. " Hitching to the modern theory of evolution is "so inadequate as to deserve to be considered subject of faith" .19

26 Nevertheless, many proponents of evolution believe in fact that you have sufficient grounds to believe that evolution is a fact. They explain that their differences relate only to details. But if any other theory continues to struggle among such enormous difficulties, and to be the object of such obvious contradictions between his own supporters, would be called a fact so easily? Keep repeating that something is a fact not enough to make it so. As written by biologist John R. Durant in The Guardian of London, "Many scientists succumb to the temptation to be dogmatic. . . Repeatedly the question of the origin of species was presented as if it had been finally resolved. Nothing could be further from the truth. . . . But the tendency persists to be dogmatic, and does not make a useful service to the cause of science ".20

27 On the other hand, what about the creation as an explanation of how life originated on Earth? Provides a key to most of the available evidence of valid assertions that often underpin the evolution? The best known story of creation, the Book of Genesis, sheds light on the origin of the earth in a credible and living?

"The computer scientists try in vain to imitate the visual ability man "

In an article titled as the New York Times reports:" Experts who follow one of the most daring dreams of - to build machines that think - have stumbled into one of the most basic steps apparently : have not been able to reproduce the visual faculty.

"After two decades of research have yet to teach machines how to perform a seemingly simple act, to recognize and distinguish between the most common subjects.

"Instead, they have come to regard with deep respect the sophisticated human visual mechanism. . . . The human retina is the envy of computer experts. Its 100 million rods and cones and its layers of neurons are running at least 10 billion operations per second. "

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3 - What does Genesis?

like other things misrepresented or misunderstood, the first chapter of the Bible deserves at least a physical examination. We must analyze it and see if it conforms to the available facts, without trying to manipulate it to match some theoretical framework. It should also be noted that the Genesis was not written to explain the "mechanism" of creation. Rather, it is the main events in a progressive manner, describing what things were formed and in what order, as well as at what time - or "day" - each appeared for the first time. 2

examining the Genesis account is good to keep in mind that the events are described in terms of who is on earth. That are described as would appear to human observers if there were. You can see how events are displayed in the fourth "day" of Genesis. The sun and moon are described as great luminaries in comparison to the stars. Yet many stars are much larger than our sun, and compared them to our moon is insignificant. But not for those who observe them from the earth. Seen from the earth, the sun appears as a 'star maggiore che domina il giorno’ e la luna come un ‘astro minore che domina la notte’. — Genesi 1:14-18.

3 La prima parte di Genesi indica che la terra poteva esistere già da miliardi di anni prima che iniziasse il primo “giorno” di Genesi, anche se non specifica da quanto. Descrive comunque qual era l’aspetto della terra prima che iniziasse quel “giorno”: “Or la terra era informe e vacua e c’erano tenebre sulla superficie delle ondeggianti acque; e la forza attiva di Dio si muoveva sulla superficie delle acque”. — Genesi 1:2.

Quanto è lungo un “giorno” di Genesi?
4 Molti pensano che la parola “giorno” usata nel primo capitolo di Genesi si riferisca a un giorno di 24 ore. Ma in Genesi 1:5 vien detto che Dio stesso divise il giorno in un periodo di tempo più corto, chiamando “Giorno” il solo periodo di luce. In Genesi 2:4 si fa riferimento a tutti i periodi creativi come a un solo “giorno”: “Questa è la storia dei cieli e della terra nel tempo in cui furono creati, nel giorno [tutt’e sei i periodi creativi] che Geova Dio fece la terra e il cielo”.

5 Il termine ebraico yohm, tradotto “giorno”, può riferirsi a periodi di tempo diversi. Fra i possibili significati l’Old Testament Word Studies di William Wilson include i seguenti: “Giorno; termine generalmente usato in riferimento al tempo in generale, o a un lungo periodo di tempo; un intero periodo oggetto di studio . . . Giorno è anche usato per una particolare stagione o tempo in cui si verificano avvenimenti straordinari”.1 Quest’ultima definizione sembra adattarsi ai “giorni” creativi, perché furono senz’altro periodi in cui, come descritto, si verificarono avvenimenti straordinari. Può anche abbracciare periodi molto più lunghi di 24 ore.

6 Il primo capitolo di Genesi usa le espressioni “sera” e “mattina” con riferimento ai periodi creativi. Non indica questo che erano di 24 ore? Non necessariamente. In certe lingue spesso ci si riferisce all’arco di vita di una persona come al suo “giorno”. Si usano espressioni come “al giorno di mio padre” o “al giorno di Shakespeare”. Questo “giorno” o arco di vita può essere suddiviso in periodi più brevi. Anche nella nostra lingua sono infatti in uso espressioni metaforiche come “l’alba del secolo” o “il crepuscolo della vita”. Perciò l’uso dell’espressione ‘sera e mattina’ nel capitolo uno di Genesi non limita il significato della parola “giorno” a un letterale periodo di 24 ore.

7 “Giorno”, nella Bibbia, può includere estate e inverno, il passar delle stagioni. (Zaccaria 14:8) Il “giorno della mietitura” dura molti giorni. (Confronta Proverbi 25:13 e Genesi 30:14). Mille anni sono paragonati a un giorno. (Salmo 90:4; II Pietro 3:8, 10) Il “Giorno del Giudizio” abbraccia molti anni. (Matteo 10:15; 11:22-24) Sembrerebbe ragionevole che, in modo analogo, i “giorni” di Genesi possano aver abbracciato lunghi periodi di tempo, millenni. Che cosa avvenne dunque in quelle ere creative? Il racconto che ne fa la Bibbia è scientifico? Elenchiamo di seguito gli avvenimenti verificatisi in quei “giorni” secondo la narrazione di Genesi.

Primo “giorno” 8 “‘Si faccia luce’. Quindi si fece luce. E Dio chiamava la luce Giorno, ma chiamò le tenebre Notte. E si fece sera e si fece mattina, un primo giorno”. — Genesi 1:3, 5.

9 Naturalmente il sole e la luna esistevano nello spazio già molto tempo prima di questo primo “giorno”, ma la loro luce non raggiungeva la superficie terrestre così da poter essere visibile a un osservatore situato sulla terra. Evidentemente si fece luce nel senso che essa divenne visibile sulla terra in questo primo “giorno”, e sulla terra, a motivo della sua rotazione, cominciarono a susseguirsi il giorno e la notte.

10 A quanto pare la luce subentrò con un processo graduale, che richiese un lungo periodo di tempo, e non all’istante come quando si accende una lampadina. La traduzione di Genesi a cura di J. W. Watts lo evidenzia dicendo: “E la luce venne gradualmente all’esistenza”. (A Distinctive Translation of Genesis) Questa luce proveniva dal sole, ma il sole stesso non era visibile attraverso il cielo coperto. Perciò la luce che raggiungeva la terra era “luce diffusa”, come indica un commento al versetto 3 nella Emphasised Bible di Rotherham. — Vedi la nota b sul versetto 14.

Secondo “giorno” 11 “‘Si faccia una distesa fra le acque e avvenga una divisione fra le acque e le acque’. Quindi Dio faceva la distesa e faceva a division between the waters that should be beneath the expanse and the waters that should be above the expanse. And he did so. And God called the expanse Heaven. " - Genesis 1:6-8. 12

Some translations use the word "firmament" instead of "lying". Hence the idea that the Genesis account has borrowed from the myths of creation that represent this "firmament" as it once was steel. Agreed, but even the Bible, which uses the term "firmament," reported in a footnote "a". This is because the Hebrew word Raqia ', translated as "relaxed", meaning' stretch ',' extend ', ‘espandere’.

13 Il racconto di Genesi dice che fu Dio a far questo, ma non dice come. Comunque avvenisse la separazione, l’aspetto era come se le ‘acque al di sopra’ fossero state sollevate dalla terra. E in seguito si poté dire che gli uccelli volavano nella “distesa dei cieli”, come menzionato in Genesi 1:20.

Terzo “giorno” 14 “‘Le acque sotto i cieli si raccolgano in un sol luogo e appaia l’asciutto’. E così si fece. E Dio chiamava l’asciutto Terra, ma la riunione delle acque Mari”. (Genesi 1:9, 10) Anche in questo caso il racconto non spiega come ciò venisse fatto. Certamente l’emergere OF DRY had to involve the movement of huge masses of land. Geologists explain these major upheavals with "catastrophic". But Genesis emphasizes the guidance and supervision by a Creator.

15 In the biblical account in which God asks Job about his knowledge of the earth, it mentions a number of developments relating to the history of the earth: its measurements, its masses of clouds, the seas and how these waves dall'asciutto were bounded, that is, various general aspects of creation, spanning long periods of time. Among other things, comparing the land to a building, the Bible says that God asked Job: "In what were its pedestals sunk with joint, or who laid the cornerstone? "- Job 38:6.

16 Interestingly, the earth's crust, such as "socket pedestals," is much thicker under the continents and even more in the mountain ranges, extending deep into the underlying mantle as the roots of a tree in the soil. "The idea that mountains and continents have roots has been repeatedly tested and has proven its usefulness," says Putnam's Geology.2 The oceanic crust has a thickness of about 8 km only, but the continental roots lie in the underground for more than 30 km, while the mountains reach a depth of approximately double. In addition, all layers of the earth pressing inward on the Earth's core, from all directions, making it, so to speak, a major cornerstone of support.

17 Whatever the means employed to bring out the dry surfaces, the important point is that both the Bible and science consider him one of the formative stages of the earth.

terrestrial vegetation on the third "day" 18 The biblical story goes on to say: "'Let the earth sprout grass, vegetation bearing seed, fruit trees yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in it, above the earth '. And he did so. " - Genesis 1:11.

19 Therefore, by the end of the third creative period had been created three broad categories of land plants. The scattered light was now becoming sufficiently strong enough to allow the photosynthesis process is essential to green plants. Incidentally, the story does not list here all the "species" of plants came into existence. Although not specifically mentioned, microorganisms, aquatic plants and others were probably created in this "day".

fourth "day" 20 "'Let the lights in the firmament of heaven to make a division between day and night: and they shall serve as signs and per le stagioni e per i giorni e gli anni. E dovranno servire come luminari nella distesa dei cieli per risplendere sopra la terra’. E così si fece. E Dio faceva i due grandi luminari, il luminare maggiore per dominare il giorno e il luminare minore per dominare la notte, e anche le stelle”. — Genesi 1:14-16.

21 Precedentemente, con riferimento al primo “giorno”, viene usata l’espressione “si faccia luce”. Lì la parola usata per “luce” è ’ohr, che significa luce in senso generale. Ma il quarto “giorno” la parola ebraica diventa ma’òhr, che si riferisce alla fonte della luce. Rotherham, in una nota su “Luminari” nell'Emphasised Bible says: "To see 3, 'or [' ohr], diffused light. " It continues by explaining that the Hebrew word ma'òhr, in verse 14, indicates that something which emanates light. " Apparently the first "day" diffused light streams through the bands that wrap around the planet, but the sources of that light would not be visible to an observer located on the ground, because of the layers of clouds that still surround the planet. Apparently in this fourth "day" the situation changed. 22

atmosphere initially rich in carbon dioxide may have led to a warm climate throughout the earth. But the lush vegetation growth in the third and fourth period would absorb the creative part of this blanket of carbon dioxide that trap heat. In turn, the vegetation would liberate oxygen, essential to animal life. - Psalm 136:7-9.

23 At that point any observer located on the ground would have been able to distinguish the sun, moon and stars, which were to "serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years." (Genesis 1:14) The moon would have marked the passing of the lunar months, and the sun that the solar year. The seasons that came into existence in this fourth "day" would certainly be much more lenient in how they became below. - Genesis 1:15, 8:20-22.

fifth "day" 24 "'Let the waters swarm of living souls and a swarm of flying creatures fly above the earth on the face of the expanse of heaven'. And God created great whales and every living soul that moves, which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. " - Genesis 1:20, 21.

25 Interestingly, the non-human creatures were swarming in the waters are called "living souls." This term also applied to the 'flying creatures that fly above the earth on the face of the expanse'. It included anche quelle forme di vita sia acquatiche che volatili, come i mostri marini, i cui resti fossili sono stati scoperti dagli scienziati in tempi recenti.

Sesto “giorno” 26 “‘Produca la terra anime viventi secondo la loro specie, animali domestici e animali che si muovono e bestie selvagge della terra secondo la loro specie’. E così si fece”. — Genesi 1:24.

27 Così nel sesto “giorno” fecero la loro comparsa gli animali terrestri, sia selvatici che domestici. Ma quest’ultimo “giorno” non era terminato. Doveva venire all’esistenza un’ultima notevole “specie”:

28 “E Dio went on to say: 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and keep in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and the whole earth and every living thing that moves upon the earth'. And God created man in His own image, the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. " - Genesis 1:26, 27.

29 The second chapter of Genesis provides apparently more details. But it is not, as some think, a different account of creation as opposed to that of Chapter 1. Simply takes the narrative from one point to the third day after onset but before OF DRY creation of terrestrial plants, adding interesting details to the arrival of early man: the living soul Adam, the garden in which they live, Eden, and the woman Eve, his wife. - Genesis 2:5-9, 15-18, 21, 22.

30 We have mentioned this information to give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat Genesis says. And this very realistic story indicates that the creative process went forward not only for 144 hours (6 × 24), but for many millennia.

How did the writer of Genesis know that?
31 For many it is difficult to accept this account of creation. Say it comes from the creation myths common among primitive peoples, mainly those of ancient Babylon. But a recent Bible Dictionary notes: "I do not yet know what any myth that refers explicitly to the creation of the universe" and myths are characterized by polytheism and the struggles for supremacy among the gods, in sharp contrast to the monotheism of the Jewish [Genesis ] 1-2 ".3 By the Babylonian legends of creation, the curators of the British Museum had to say:" The fundamentals of the Babylonian and Hebrew documents are essentially different ".4

32 From what we have seen, the story of creation in Genesis is scientifically valid, a document shows. Mention the main categories of plants and animals, with their many varieties, which reproduce only "after their kind." The fossil record confirms this. In fact reveals the sudden appearance of each "species" with no actual transitional forms that linking to some "species" above, how would the theory of evolution.

33 All knowledge of the sages of Egypt could not provide to Moses, the writer of Genesis, no clue about the creative process. The creation myths of ancient peoples did not resemble at all to what Moses wrote in Genesis. Moses drew from what source all that information? Obviously by someone who was present.

34 Probability provides a striking proof that the story of creation in Genesis must have originated from a source familiar with the events. The story lists ten major stages, in this order: (1) a principle, (2) a land shrouded in darkness and dense primordial gas clouds and water, (3) light, (4) an expanse or atmosphere; (5 ) large areas of dry, (6) land plants; (7) visibility of the sun, moon and stars in the firmament and the beginning of the season, (8) sea monsters and flying creatures; (9) wild and domestic animals, mammals, ( 10) the man. Science agrees that these stadiums have succeeded in that general. What are the odds that the writer of Genesis guess this order by chance? The same extract at random from a box the numbers 1 through 10 in consecutive order. The probability of success on the first try is a 3,628,800! It is therefore not realistic to think that the writer of Genesis has the event listed in the right order for the events mentioned above, without being in some way acquainted with the facts.

35 But the theory of evolution does not admit the existence of a Creator who is present, know the facts and could then reveal to men. He attributes the appearance of life on earth to the spontaneous generation of organisms living from inanimate chemicals. But it is possible that chemical reactions do not drive and if they create at the mercy of the simple life? Scientists are just convinced that this is could be? Please read the next chapter.

The Babylonian myth of creation from which, according to some, the creation account in Genesis would have drawn inspiration:

The god Apsu and the goddess Tiamat created the other gods.

Later Apsu was angry with these gods and tried to kill them, but was himself killed by the god Ea.

Tiamat, for revenge, tried to kill Ea, but instead was killed by Marduk, the son of Ea.

Marduk split Tiamat's body into two: one half he made the heavens and the earth with each other.

Then Marduk, with the help of Ea, created humanity from the blood of another god, Kingu.a

you believe that this legend has some similarity with the story of creation in Genesis?

Here's what he said a well-known geologist on the creation account in Genesis:

"If as a geologist were called upon to explain briefly our modern ideas about the origin of the earth and the development of life on it a people of simple shepherds, as the tribes to which he addressed the Book of Genesis, hardly potrei fare di meglio che seguire piuttosto da vicino gran parte delle espressioni contenute nel primo capitolo della Genesi”.b Questo geologo, Wallace Pratt, fa pure notare che l’ordine degli avvenimenti — dall’origine degli oceani all’emergere dell’asciutto, alla comparsa della vita nei mari, agli uccelli e ai mammiferi — corrisponde essenzialmente alla successione delle principali ere geologiche.

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4 - Life may have originated by chance?

QUANDO Charles Darwin propose la sua teoria dell’evoluzione ammise che la vita poteva essere stata ‘originariamente impressa dal Creatore in poche forme, o in una forma sola’.1 Ma l’attuale teoria dell’evoluzione non fa di solito no mention of a Creator. On the contrary, the theory of spontaneous generation of life, once rejected has been revived in a different form.

2 The hypothesis of spontaneous generation of life can be traced back to centuries ago. In the seventeenth century, even prominent scientists like Francis Bacon and William Harvey accepted this theory. But by the nineteenth century Louis Pasteur and other scientists had struck a blow to the seemingly decisive experimental demonstration that life could come only from other life existing. However, by necessity, the theory of evolution based on the assumption that, long ago, life at the microscopic level is somehow spontaneously created by inanimate matter.

A new form of spontaneous generation
3 This view current evolutionary origin of life is summed up in a book by Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene. Dawkins suggests that early Earth's atmosphere was composed of carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia and water. Under the pressure of sunlight energy, and possibly lightning and volcanic eruptions, these compounds would split the elementary and later reassembled to form amino acids. Several of these would gradually accumulated in the sea, then form compounds similar to proteins. Finally, Dawkins says, the sea became a "primordial soup" organic, although ancora privo di vita.

4 “A un certo punto”, sempre secondo la descrizione di Dawkins, “una molecola particolarmente ragguardevole”, una molecola dotata della capacità di riprodursi, “si formò accidentalmente”. Pur ammettendo che un simile evento accidentale sarebbe stato estremamente improbabile, Dawkins afferma che deve comunque essere avvenuto. Molecole affini si sarebbero raggruppate, e poi, per un evento fortuito estremamente improbabile, si sarebbero ricoperte di una parete protettiva formata da altre molecole proteiche a mo’ di membrana. Così, ci vien detto, si autogenerò la prima cellula vivente.2

5 A questo punto il lettore potrebbe cominciare a capire il sense of the claim that Dawkins makes in the introduction to his book: "This book should be read as if it were science fiction" .3 If you do a search on the subject, one realizes that this approach is not an isolated case. Most texts on the evolution of flying over the enormous difficulty of explaining how life may have originated from inanimate matter. Hence the words of William Thorpe, Institute of Zoology, University of Cambridge, to my colleagues: "All the speculation and simplistic arguments published in the last ten or fifteen years to explain how life originated has proved to be too naive and not very credible. In fact, the problem seems far from solution as much as before ".4

6 The explosive growth of scientific knowledge in recent years has done nothing but accentuate the chasm that separates the living from inanimate matter. Even the oldest known one-celled organisms have proved infinitely complex. "The problem for biology is to achieve a simple principle," say the astronomers Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe. "The fossil residues of ancient life forms found in the rocks do not reveal a simple principle. . . . Therefore, the theory of evolution lacks a proper basis ".5 And with the increase of knowledge is increasingly difficult to explain how they are able to come to the existence of microscopic life forms so incredibly complex.

7 main stages to arrive at the origin of life, according to evolutionary theory are: (1) the existence of suitable primitive atmosphere and (2) the concentration of a nutrient in the oceans of organic molecules "simple" necessary for life. (3) formed from these proteins and nucleotides (chemical complex) (4) aggregate and is covered with a membrane, after which (5) developed a genetic code and began to reproduce copies of themselves. These steps are consistent with the data available?

The primitive atmosphere
8 In 1953, Stanley Miller subjected to electric shocks an 'atmosphere' of hydrogen, methane, ammonia and water vapor. It produced some of the many existing and amino acids that constitute the building blocks they are made of proteins. Miller won only 4 of the 20 amino acids essential to life. More than thirty years later, scientists were not able to experimentally produce all 20 amino acids necessary conditions that could be considered plausible.

9 Miller was assumed that the primitive atmosphere of Earth was similar to that of the ball used in his experiment. Why? Because, as dissero in seguito lui e un suo collaboratore, “la sintesi dei composti di interesse biologico può verificarsi solo in condizioni riducenti [in assenza di ossigeno libero nell’atmosfera]”.6 Ma secondo le teorie di altri evoluzionisti, l’ossigeno c’era. Il dilemma che questo pone all’evoluzione è così riassunto da Hitching: “Se nell’aria c’era ossigeno, il primo amminoacido non si sarebbe mai formato; senza ossigeno, sarebbe stato eliminato dai raggi cosmici”.7

10 Il fatto è che qualsiasi tentativo di determinare la composizione dell’atmosfera primitiva della terra non può che essere congetturale. Nessuno sa con esattezza da cosa fosse composta.

could form a "soup" organic?
11 is highly unlikely that the alleged amino acids formed in the atmosphere they were going to end up in the oceans, and form a "stock" plan. The same energy that is supposed to have split the simple compounds in the atmosphere would more rapidly decomposed any amino acid complex has been determined. Interestingly, in his experiment of 'atmosphere' subjected to electric shocks, Miller saved the four amino acids obtained because they took off from where the lightning occurred. If I had left them, they would discharge decomposed. Assuming

12 however, that in some way the amino acids were able to reach the ocean and to find protection from the destructive ultraviolet radiation in the atmosphere, which would have happened? Hitching said: "Under the surface there would be enough energy to activate further chemical reactions, water inhibits the formation of ever more complex molecules" .8

13 Therefore, once in water, amino acids would leave due to form larger molecules and proteins useful in evolving to the formation of life. But once out of the water, they would have found exposed to the destructive ultraviolet rays! In other words, writes Hitching, "The probability theory to overcome even this relatively simple first stage [the formation of amino acids] in the evolution of life are infinitely small" .9

14 Although commonly say that life arose spontaneously in the oceans, water is not is not an environment conducive to the necessary chemical reactions. The chemist Richard Dickerson explains: "It is therefore difficult to imagine how it could have achieved cure [the union of simple molecules in most forms of greater] in the aqueous primitive ocean, since the presence of water favors depolymerization [ the breakdown of larger molecules in simpler molecules] rather than the reverse reaction ".10 The biochemist George Wald has the same opinion, and says:" The spontaneous dissolution is much more likely, and then proceeds much faster than the spontaneous synthesis. This means that you could not accumulate any organic soup! According to Wald, this is "the hardest problem for us [evolutionists] .11

15 But there is another big problem that the theory of evolution has to overcome. Please note that there are over 100 amino acids, which, however, only 20 are needed to proteins of life. Moreover, they are present in two configurations: Molecules sono “destrogire”, mentre altre sono “levogire”. Se si formassero a caso, come in un ipotetico “brodo primordiale”, molto probabilmente metà degli amminoacidi sarebbero destrogiri e metà levogiri. Non c’è inoltre alcuna ragione nota per cui nei viventi l’una o l’altra delle due forme debba essere preferibile. Eppure, dei 20 amminoacidi utilizzati nella sintesi delle proteine della vita, tutti sono levogiri!

16 Com’è possibile che, per caso, nel brodo si raggruppassero solo amminoacidi del tipo specificamente richiesto? Il fisico J. D. Bernal afferma: “Si deve ammettere che [ciò] . . . continua ad essere uno degli aspetti structural life more difficult to explain. " He concludes: "Perhaps we will never explain" 12

Protein spontaneous and probability
17 What are the odds that amino acids just unite to form a protein molecule? You could make an example of a big pile consists of an equal number of red beans and white beans well mixed. The pile of beans are also present in more than 100 varieties. If infilaste a shovel into the pile, are you going? To make the beans so that they represent the basic components of a protein, you should take only the red ones: either a white bean. Also, with the paddle should taking only 20 varieties of red beans, each of which should be in a particular point of the blade. In the world of proteins, a single mistake in any of these issues would prevent the protein to get to work properly. Continue to stir our hypothetical pile of beans and to insert the blade, we could finally get the right combination? No. How is it possible that this happened in the hypothetical organic soup?

18 proteins essential to life have very complex molecules. What are the odds that even one simple protein molecule is formed accidentally in an organic soup? Evolutionists admit that the odds would be soltanto una su 10113 (1 seguito da 113 zeri). Ma qualsiasi evento le cui probabilità di verificarsi siano anche solo una su 1050 viene scartato dai matematici nella convinzione che non si verificherà mai. Per avere un’idea delle probabilità in questione, si pensi che 10113 è un numero superiore a quello di tutti gli atomi presumibilmente esistenti nell’universo!

19 Alcune proteine servono come materiali strutturali e altre come enzimi. Queste ultime accelerano le reazioni chimiche necessarie alla vita cellulare. Senza questo aiuto la cellula morrebbe. Le proteine enzimatiche necessarie al suo funzionamento non sono poche: ne servono 2.000. Che probabilità ci sono che venissero a trovarsi tutte insieme per caso? Una su 1040.000! "A probability so immeasurably small," says Hoyle, "that there could be addressed even if the entire universe was formed by an organic soup." He adds: "If a person is not affected, or social beliefs or by their scientific training, thinking that life originated [spontaneously in] on Earth, this simple calculation should be sufficient to completely erase this idea" .13

20 In fact, the chances are even lower than this figure indicates that "disproportionately small". The cell must be surrounded by a membrane. But this membrane is extremely complex, formed by protein molecules, sugars and fats. The evolutionist Leslie Orgel writes: "Today's cell membranes are equipped with channels and pumps that regulate the entry and exit of nutrients, waste products, metals and so on. These channels require specialized proteins highly specific molecules that could not be present at the very beginning of the evolution of life ".14

The unique genetic code
21 are even more difficult to synthesize nucleotides, the structural units of DNA, which contains the genetic code. Five histones are associated with DNA (histones is expected to have to do with control of genes). The chances of an accidental short of even the most basic of them would be one in 20,100 histones, another huge number, "which exceeds the total of all atoms in all the stars and galaxies visible in the highest astronomical telescopes" .15

22 But the theory of evolution even greater difficulties as regards the source of the entire genetic code, which is essential for the reproduction of the cell. The old chicken and egg riddle is repeated about proteins and DNA. Hitching said: "The formation of proteins depends on the DNA. But DNA can not be formed without a pre-existing protein ".16 Hence the paradox mentioned by Dickerson, "To the question: 'There appeared the first one or the other? [Ie, the enzyme proteins or nucleic acids] 'must be answered:' We have developed in parallel '".17 In other words, is saying that the' egg 'and' hen 'must have evolved simultaneously, without the' the other one has failed. Sounds like a reasonable conclusion? A science writer sums up the matter with these words: "The origin of the genetic code is a puzzle similar to the egg and the chicken, which is a problem still to be resolved" .18 23 The chemical

Dickerson also makes this interesting statement: "The evolution of the genetic mechanism is the phase for which there are no laboratory models, so you can speculate endlessly, not being hampered by any inconvenient fact" .19 It is scientifically correct to put aside so easily this avalanche of ' inconvenient facts'? Leslie Orgel defines the existence of the genetic code "the most disconcerting aspect of the problem of the origins of life" .20 For his part, Francis Crick concludes: "The mechanism necessary to give effect to the genetic code, which is almost universal, is too complex to be born in one fell swoop ".21

24 The theory of evolution seeks to eliminate la necessità di far avvenire l’impossibile “in un colpo solo” presupponendo un processo graduale che abbia consentito alla selezione naturale di agire lentamente. Ma senza il codice genetico che permettesse di dare inizio alla riproduzione non poteva esistere il materiale sul quale la selezione naturale avrebbe dovuto operare.

La sorprendente fotosintesi
25 C’è un altro ostacolo che la teoria dell’evoluzione deve sormontare. A un certo punto la cellula primitiva dovette escogitare qualcosa che avrebbe rivoluzionato la vita sulla terra: la fotosintesi. Questo processo, mediante il quale le piante assorbono anidride carbonica e cedono ossigeno, non è ancora del tutto compreso dagli scienziati. As the biologist F. W. Went, "is a process that so far nobody has been able to reproduce in test tubes" .22 Yet some people believe that just a tiny cell is able to produce it by accident.

26 Thanks to photosynthesis, an atmosphere devoid of free oxygen turned into an atmosphere in which an oxygen molecule in five. This made possible the life of animals that breathe oxygen, and the formation of an ozone layer that protects all life from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. One can attribute this amazing set of circumstances to the case?

intelligence is needed?
27 Di fronte alle astronomiche probabilità contrarie alla formazione accidentale di una cellula vivente, alcuni evoluzionisti si vedono costretti a fare marcia indietro. Per esempio, Hoyle e Wickramasinghe, autori di Evoluzione dallo spazio, si arrendono, dicendo: “Questi problemi sono troppo complessi per poterli esprimere numericamente”. E aggiungono: “Non c’è alcun modo . . . di risolvere i nostri problemi disponendo semplicemente di un brodo organico maggiore e migliore, come noi stessi speravamo che fosse possibile solo un paio di anni fa. I numeri che abbiamo ottenuto sono tali da lasciare così poche speranze alla scala dell’universo come a quella terrestre”.23

28 Quindi, dopo have recognized that to give rise to life there must be some way desired intelligence, the authors say: "In fact such a theory is so obvious that one wonders why it is not accepted by all as evident. The reasons are psychological rather than scientific ".24 An observer might conclude that the only plausible explanation of why the majority of evolutionists prefer to believe a random source of life rather than - in the words of Dawkins -" on a drawing or a purpose or an intended direction, "25 is a barrier to the 'psychological'. Even Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, after acknowledging the need for intelligence, say they believe that the origin of life is attributable to a Creatore.26 According to their reasoning, intelligence is necessary prerequisite, but the idea of \u200b\u200ba Creator is unacceptable. There seems to be a contradictory attitude?

is science?

29 To be accepted as scientific fact, the spontaneous origin of life should be proved with scientific method, described as follows: Observe what is happening, on the basis of these observations a theory about what might be true as the theory with further observations and experiments, and see if the predictions based on it come true.

30 Wanting to apply the scientific method, it is not possible to observe the spontaneous generation of life. There is no evidence that this is happening now and, of course, no human observer was present when, according to evolutionists, this would happen. No theory on the matter was verified by observation. Laboratory experiments have failed to replicate. Predictions based on this theory were not fulfilled. Given the impossibility of applying the scientific method, it is scientifically correct to raise such a theory to the status of that? 31

other hand, there is ample evidence to support the conclusion that the generation spontaneous life from inanimate matter is not possible. "Just think of the vastness of this undertaking," admits George Wald, a professor at Harvard, "to conclude that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible." But then it says to believe this evolution? "Yet here we are: and I am convinced that we are a result of a spontaneous generation" .27 There seems to be a scientific or objective conclusion?

32 The British biologist Joseph Henry Woodger called this reasoning "real dogmatism: pretending you want to believe that what is actually happened" .28 What was that scientists sono arrivati ad accettare nella loro mente questa palese contraddizione del metodo scientifico? Il noto evoluzionista Loren Eiseley ammise: “Dopo aver rimproverato il teologo per la sua fiducia nel mito e nel miracolo, la scienza si è trovata nell’imbarazzante situazione di dover creare una propria mitologia, ovvero la supposizione che ciò che, nonostante lunghi tentativi, non si poteva dimostrare avvenisse oggi fosse realmente avvenuto nel passato primordiale”.29

33 Stando così le cose, si può dire che la teoria della generazione spontanea della vita trovi posto più nel reame della fantascienza che in quello dei fatti scientifici. A quanto pare molti suoi sostenitori hanno messo da parte in questo caso il metodo scientific to believe what they want to believe. Despite the overwhelming odds against accidental origin of life, a tenacious dogmatism prevails over caution normally suggested by the scientific method.

Not all scientists accept it

34 However, not all scientists reject a priori the alternative. The physicist H. S. Lipson, realizing the enormous odds against spontaneous origin of life, says: "The only plausible explanation is creation. I know this is taboo for physicists, as it is in fact for me, but we must not reject a theory that if we do not like is supported by the evidence experimental. " It also notes that, after Darwin's The Origin of Species, "evolution became in a sense a scientific religion, most scientists have accepted it and many are ready to 'touch up' the results of their observations to fit in it ".30 Sad but true.

35 Chandra Wickramasinghe, a professor at University College, Cardiff, said: "From the beginning of my scientific studies, have been subjected to a vigorous brainwashing because convince me that science can not accept any kind of deliberate creation. There has been very hard to leave due to the concept. The situation, the mental condition where I am now, it's pretty uncomfortable. But there is no logical way out. . . . Consider the life of the result of a chemical accident on earth is like looking for a particular grain of sand on the beaches of all the planets in the universe, and find him. " In other words, it is possible that life is the result of a chemical accident. Wickramasinghe then concludes: "There is no other way we can understand the exact order of chemical substances vital if not appealing to the creations on a cosmic scale" .31 36 As

says astronomer Robert Jastrow, "scientists have evidence that life was not the result an act of creation ".32

37 But even assuming that a first living cell is somehow coming into existence spontaneously, there is evidence that has evolved, giving life to all living creatures and lived on the earth? The fossils provide the answer, and the next chapter will examine what it says in fact the fossil record.

feedback on yesterday's and today's evolutionary origin of life

"The hypothesis that life developed from inorganic matter is still an article of faith." - JWN Sullivan, matematicod

"The chances that life originated by chance is comparable to the probability of a complete dictionary is formed as a result of an explosion in a printing press. " - Edwin Conklin, biologoe

"Just think of the vastness of this undertaking to conclude that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible." - George Wald, biochimicof

"An honest man, armed with all the current knowledge, can only say that for now, in a sense, the origin of life appears to be almost a miracle." - Francis Crick, biologog

"If a person is qualified, or social beliefs or by their scientific training, to think that life originated [spontaneously in] on Earth, this simple calculation [of mathematical probabilities otherwise] should be sufficient to completely erase this idea. " - Fred Hoyle and NC Wickramasinghe, astronomers

The incredible cell

A living cell is extraordinarily complex. The biologist Francis Crick, while trying to describe in simple terms the complex functioning of the cell, you realize you can only go up to a certain point, which invites the reader to 'do not try to master all the details'.

Le istruzioni contenute nel DNA della cellula, “se messe per iscritto, occuperebbero 1.000 volumi di 600 pagine l’uno”, dice National Geographic. “Ogni cellula è un mondo che trabocca di minuscoli aggregati di atomi chiamati molecole, il cui numero può arrivare a 200.000 miliardi. . . . I nostri 46 cromosomi, che hanno forma di filamenti, se allineati misurerebbero più di un metro e 80 centimetri. Eppure il nucleo in cui sono racchiusi ha un diametro inferiore a 10 millesimi di millimetro”.b

La rivista Newsweek, per dare un’idea dell’attività cellulare, fa questo esempio: “Ciascuna di questi 100.000 miliardi di cellule funziona come una città cinta da mura. Ci sono centrali elettriche che producono l’energia di cui la cellula ha bisogno. Ci sono fabbriche di proteine, elementi indispensabili per lo scambio chimico. Complessi sistemi di trasporto guidano particolari sostanze chimiche da un punto all’altro della cellula e fuori. Sentinelle ai posti di blocco controllano le esportazioni e le importazioni, e scrutano il mondo esterno in cerca di segnali di pericolo. Disciplinate truppe biologiche si tengono pronte a intervenire contro gli invasori. Un governo genetico centrale mantiene l’ordine”.c

Quando per la prima volta fu proposta la moderna teoria dell’evoluzione, gli scienziati avevano solo un’idea molto vaga della fantastica complessità di una cellula vivente. Nella pagina accanto sono illustrate alcune parti di una cellula tipo, tutte contenute in un involucro di soli 0,025 millimetri di diametro.