Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Princess Cruise Lines Singer Auditions

1 - How did life originate?

TUTTO intorno a noi c’è vita. Ce lo dicono il ronzio degli insetti, il canto degli uccelli, il fruscio degli animaletti nel sottobosco. La vita è presente nelle gelide regioni polari così come negli aridi deserti. Prospera dall’assolata superficie dei mari fino agli abissi più tenebrosi. Minuscole creature svolazzano nelle alte regioni dell’atmosfera. Innumerevoli trilioni di microrganismi sono all’opera sotto i nostri piedi per rendere fertile il suolo su cui cresce la vegetazione che sostiene altri organismi viventi.

2 Le forme di vita sulla terra sono così numerose e varie da sfidare l’immaginazione. Come ha avuto origine tutto questo? Come è venuto all’esistenza our planet and all its inhabitants? More specifically, it originated as a man? We have evolved from ape-like animals or have been created? As we came into existence? And yet, the answer affect our future? For a long time the man asks questions like these, in the minds of many questions that remain unanswered.

3 You may think that these questions have not really practical consequences. You might think: 'Who cares how they came into existence? Exist. And probably I will live 60 or 70 years, maybe 80, maybe. That we were created or we evolved, does not change anything for me now '. On the contrary, could change much: As you live, how you live and under what conditions you live. Why? Because our whole conception of life and the future depends on our view of the origin of life. And certainly the way in which it started life affect the course of history and place that we will have in it.

conflicting opinions
4 For many who accept the theory of evolution, life will always be made of strong competition, strife, hatred, war and death. Some even think that humans will self-destruct in the near future. A well-known scientist writes: "It may be that missing just a few decades, the Day of Judgement. . . . weapons development Nuclear and their delivery systems, sooner or later will lead to global disaster ".1 Although this does not happen in the short term, many people think that death, when it comes, however, put an end forever to the existence of a person. Others believe that, in future, all life on earth will end. According to one theory, the sun will expand to become a red giant star, with the result that "the oceans boil, the atmosphere will evaporate into space and a catastrophe of immense proportions than overwhelm the planet" .2

5 I " scientific creationists "are not in agreement with these conclusions. But their interpretation of the story of content creation in Genesis leads them to believe that the earth has only 6,000 years and that the six "days" of Genesis Creative have been only 24 hours long each. This idea, however, accurately represent what the Bible says? The land, with all forms of life, was really created in six literal days? Or is there a reasonable alternative?

6 When considering questions about the origin of life, many are influenced by various popular ideas or feelings. To prevent this from happening, and to arrive at meaningful conclusions, we must examine the facts objectively. It is also interesting to note that even the best-known proponent of evolution, Charles Darwin, si mostrò consapevole dei limiti della sua teoria. Nella conclusione del suo libro intitolato L’origine delle specie, Darwin parlò della grandiosità della “concezione della vita, con i suoi diversi poteri, originariamente impressi dal Creatore in poche forme, [o] in una forma sola”,3 indicando così che l’argomento delle origini era suscettibile di ulteriori approfondimenti.

Non mettiamo in discussione la scienza
7 Prima di andare avanti, può essere utile chiarire una cosa: Non intendiamo mettere in discussione la scienza e i suoi successi. Ogni persona informata sa che gli scienziati hanno ottenuto risultati sorprendenti in molti campi. La ricerca scientifica has increased in an extraordinary way that our knowledge is of the earth and the universe of the living. The study of the human body has led to better treat disease and trauma. Rapid advances in electronics have helped us in the computer age, which is changing the way we live. Scientists have made extraordinary feats, even sending men to the moon and returning them to earth. It is only right to appreciate their skills, since they have greatly increased our knowledge of the world around us, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large.

8 At this point can also be useful to define the terms. By evolution, in this book, this is the organic evolution, the theory that the first living organism would have developed from inanimate matter. Breed, then it would be transformed into different species, giving rise eventually to all forms of life existed or exist on earth, including humans. All this would have happened without the guidance of an intelligent or supernatural intervention. By creating, instead, it refers to the belief that the appearance of living beings can only be explained by the existence of an Almighty God who has designed and created the universe and all basic life forms on earth. Key questions

9 There are of course great differences between the theory of evolution and the creation account in Genesis. Proponents of evolution claim that creation is not scientific. But in all honesty you might as well ask the same evolution is really science? On the other hand, it is true that Genesis, as claimed by many, is just one of many ancient myths of creation? Or is it in harmony with the discoveries of modern science? And what about other questions that puzzle many: If there is an Almighty Creator, because there are all these wars, famines and diseases that cause premature death of millions of people? Why would God allow all this suffering? Also, if there is a Creatore, ha rivelato cosa ci riserva il futuro?

10 Lo scopo di questo libro è quello di prendere in esame le suddette domande e argomenti attinenti. Gli editori sperano che ne esaminiate il contenuto con mente aperta. Perché è così importante farlo? Perché queste informazioni potrebbero avere per voi un valore molto più grande di quanto possiate immaginare.

Cose su cui riflettere

Il nostro mondo è pieno di meraviglie:

Cose grandi: Un tramonto che infiamma il cielo con uno sfolgorio di colori. Un cielo notturno costellato di astri. Una foresta di alberi maestosi rischiarata rays of light. Jagged mountain ranges, with snow-covered peaks glinting in the sun. Undulating ocean agitated by the wind. These things fascinate us and leave us speechless.

Small Things: A tiny bird, the Dendroica striata, which flies high over the Atlantic to Africa to arrive in South America at about 6,000 meters above sea level crosses a prevailing wind that pushes America South led by its migratory instinct, it follows the direction for several days and over 3,800 miles: 20 grams of courage covered with feathers! Felt great admiration and wonder.

nifty things: bats that use sonar. Eels produce electricity. Gabbiani che dissalano l’acqua marina. Vespe che fabbricano carta. Termiti che installano condizionatori d’aria. Polipi che si spostano con un sistema a reazione. Uccelli che tessono o costruiscono appartamenti. Formiche che coltivano l’orto, cuciono o allevano bestiame. Lucciole con flash incorporato. Ci stupiamo di tanta ingegnosità.

Cose semplici: Quando la vita volge al termine, spesso ci si sofferma sulle piccole cose, cose che molto spesso si erano prese per scontate: Un sorriso. Il tocco di una mano. Una parola gentile. Un fiore delicato. Il canto di un uccello. Il tepore del sole.

Quando riflettiamo su queste cose, le grandi che ci lasciano senza fiato, le piccole che destano la nostra ammirazione, le ingenious that fascinate us, the simple and too late we learn to appreciate what we attribute? How to explain? How did they come into existence?


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