Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dead Animal Smell In House How Long

3 - What does Genesis?

like other things misrepresented or misunderstood, the first chapter of the Bible deserves at least a physical examination. We must analyze it and see if it conforms to the available facts, without trying to manipulate it to match some theoretical framework. It should also be noted that the Genesis was not written to explain the "mechanism" of creation. Rather, it is the main events in a progressive manner, describing what things were formed and in what order, as well as at what time - or "day" - each appeared for the first time. 2

examining the Genesis account is good to keep in mind that the events are described in terms of who is on earth. That are described as would appear to human observers if there were. You can see how events are displayed in the fourth "day" of Genesis. The sun and moon are described as great luminaries in comparison to the stars. Yet many stars are much larger than our sun, and compared them to our moon is insignificant. But not for those who observe them from the earth. Seen from the earth, the sun appears as a 'star maggiore che domina il giorno’ e la luna come un ‘astro minore che domina la notte’. — Genesi 1:14-18.

3 La prima parte di Genesi indica che la terra poteva esistere già da miliardi di anni prima che iniziasse il primo “giorno” di Genesi, anche se non specifica da quanto. Descrive comunque qual era l’aspetto della terra prima che iniziasse quel “giorno”: “Or la terra era informe e vacua e c’erano tenebre sulla superficie delle ondeggianti acque; e la forza attiva di Dio si muoveva sulla superficie delle acque”. — Genesi 1:2.

Quanto è lungo un “giorno” di Genesi?
4 Molti pensano che la parola “giorno” usata nel primo capitolo di Genesi si riferisca a un giorno di 24 ore. Ma in Genesi 1:5 vien detto che Dio stesso divise il giorno in un periodo di tempo più corto, chiamando “Giorno” il solo periodo di luce. In Genesi 2:4 si fa riferimento a tutti i periodi creativi come a un solo “giorno”: “Questa è la storia dei cieli e della terra nel tempo in cui furono creati, nel giorno [tutt’e sei i periodi creativi] che Geova Dio fece la terra e il cielo”.

5 Il termine ebraico yohm, tradotto “giorno”, può riferirsi a periodi di tempo diversi. Fra i possibili significati l’Old Testament Word Studies di William Wilson include i seguenti: “Giorno; termine generalmente usato in riferimento al tempo in generale, o a un lungo periodo di tempo; un intero periodo oggetto di studio . . . Giorno è anche usato per una particolare stagione o tempo in cui si verificano avvenimenti straordinari”.1 Quest’ultima definizione sembra adattarsi ai “giorni” creativi, perché furono senz’altro periodi in cui, come descritto, si verificarono avvenimenti straordinari. Può anche abbracciare periodi molto più lunghi di 24 ore.

6 Il primo capitolo di Genesi usa le espressioni “sera” e “mattina” con riferimento ai periodi creativi. Non indica questo che erano di 24 ore? Non necessariamente. In certe lingue spesso ci si riferisce all’arco di vita di una persona come al suo “giorno”. Si usano espressioni come “al giorno di mio padre” o “al giorno di Shakespeare”. Questo “giorno” o arco di vita può essere suddiviso in periodi più brevi. Anche nella nostra lingua sono infatti in uso espressioni metaforiche come “l’alba del secolo” o “il crepuscolo della vita”. Perciò l’uso dell’espressione ‘sera e mattina’ nel capitolo uno di Genesi non limita il significato della parola “giorno” a un letterale periodo di 24 ore.

7 “Giorno”, nella Bibbia, può includere estate e inverno, il passar delle stagioni. (Zaccaria 14:8) Il “giorno della mietitura” dura molti giorni. (Confronta Proverbi 25:13 e Genesi 30:14). Mille anni sono paragonati a un giorno. (Salmo 90:4; II Pietro 3:8, 10) Il “Giorno del Giudizio” abbraccia molti anni. (Matteo 10:15; 11:22-24) Sembrerebbe ragionevole che, in modo analogo, i “giorni” di Genesi possano aver abbracciato lunghi periodi di tempo, millenni. Che cosa avvenne dunque in quelle ere creative? Il racconto che ne fa la Bibbia è scientifico? Elenchiamo di seguito gli avvenimenti verificatisi in quei “giorni” secondo la narrazione di Genesi.

Primo “giorno” 8 “‘Si faccia luce’. Quindi si fece luce. E Dio chiamava la luce Giorno, ma chiamò le tenebre Notte. E si fece sera e si fece mattina, un primo giorno”. — Genesi 1:3, 5.

9 Naturalmente il sole e la luna esistevano nello spazio già molto tempo prima di questo primo “giorno”, ma la loro luce non raggiungeva la superficie terrestre così da poter essere visibile a un osservatore situato sulla terra. Evidentemente si fece luce nel senso che essa divenne visibile sulla terra in questo primo “giorno”, e sulla terra, a motivo della sua rotazione, cominciarono a susseguirsi il giorno e la notte.

10 A quanto pare la luce subentrò con un processo graduale, che richiese un lungo periodo di tempo, e non all’istante come quando si accende una lampadina. La traduzione di Genesi a cura di J. W. Watts lo evidenzia dicendo: “E la luce venne gradualmente all’esistenza”. (A Distinctive Translation of Genesis) Questa luce proveniva dal sole, ma il sole stesso non era visibile attraverso il cielo coperto. Perciò la luce che raggiungeva la terra era “luce diffusa”, come indica un commento al versetto 3 nella Emphasised Bible di Rotherham. — Vedi la nota b sul versetto 14.

Secondo “giorno” 11 “‘Si faccia una distesa fra le acque e avvenga una divisione fra le acque e le acque’. Quindi Dio faceva la distesa e faceva a division between the waters that should be beneath the expanse and the waters that should be above the expanse. And he did so. And God called the expanse Heaven. " - Genesis 1:6-8. 12

Some translations use the word "firmament" instead of "lying". Hence the idea that the Genesis account has borrowed from the myths of creation that represent this "firmament" as it once was steel. Agreed, but even the Bible, which uses the term "firmament," reported in a footnote "a". This is because the Hebrew word Raqia ', translated as "relaxed", meaning' stretch ',' extend ', ‘espandere’.

13 Il racconto di Genesi dice che fu Dio a far questo, ma non dice come. Comunque avvenisse la separazione, l’aspetto era come se le ‘acque al di sopra’ fossero state sollevate dalla terra. E in seguito si poté dire che gli uccelli volavano nella “distesa dei cieli”, come menzionato in Genesi 1:20.

Terzo “giorno” 14 “‘Le acque sotto i cieli si raccolgano in un sol luogo e appaia l’asciutto’. E così si fece. E Dio chiamava l’asciutto Terra, ma la riunione delle acque Mari”. (Genesi 1:9, 10) Anche in questo caso il racconto non spiega come ciò venisse fatto. Certamente l’emergere OF DRY had to involve the movement of huge masses of land. Geologists explain these major upheavals with "catastrophic". But Genesis emphasizes the guidance and supervision by a Creator.

15 In the biblical account in which God asks Job about his knowledge of the earth, it mentions a number of developments relating to the history of the earth: its measurements, its masses of clouds, the seas and how these waves dall'asciutto were bounded, that is, various general aspects of creation, spanning long periods of time. Among other things, comparing the land to a building, the Bible says that God asked Job: "In what were its pedestals sunk with joint, or who laid the cornerstone? "- Job 38:6.

16 Interestingly, the earth's crust, such as "socket pedestals," is much thicker under the continents and even more in the mountain ranges, extending deep into the underlying mantle as the roots of a tree in the soil. "The idea that mountains and continents have roots has been repeatedly tested and has proven its usefulness," says Putnam's Geology.2 The oceanic crust has a thickness of about 8 km only, but the continental roots lie in the underground for more than 30 km, while the mountains reach a depth of approximately double. In addition, all layers of the earth pressing inward on the Earth's core, from all directions, making it, so to speak, a major cornerstone of support.

17 Whatever the means employed to bring out the dry surfaces, the important point is that both the Bible and science consider him one of the formative stages of the earth.

terrestrial vegetation on the third "day" 18 The biblical story goes on to say: "'Let the earth sprout grass, vegetation bearing seed, fruit trees yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in it, above the earth '. And he did so. " - Genesis 1:11.

19 Therefore, by the end of the third creative period had been created three broad categories of land plants. The scattered light was now becoming sufficiently strong enough to allow the photosynthesis process is essential to green plants. Incidentally, the story does not list here all the "species" of plants came into existence. Although not specifically mentioned, microorganisms, aquatic plants and others were probably created in this "day".

fourth "day" 20 "'Let the lights in the firmament of heaven to make a division between day and night: and they shall serve as signs and per le stagioni e per i giorni e gli anni. E dovranno servire come luminari nella distesa dei cieli per risplendere sopra la terra’. E così si fece. E Dio faceva i due grandi luminari, il luminare maggiore per dominare il giorno e il luminare minore per dominare la notte, e anche le stelle”. — Genesi 1:14-16.

21 Precedentemente, con riferimento al primo “giorno”, viene usata l’espressione “si faccia luce”. Lì la parola usata per “luce” è ’ohr, che significa luce in senso generale. Ma il quarto “giorno” la parola ebraica diventa ma’òhr, che si riferisce alla fonte della luce. Rotherham, in una nota su “Luminari” nell'Emphasised Bible says: "To see 3, 'or [' ohr], diffused light. " It continues by explaining that the Hebrew word ma'òhr, in verse 14, indicates that something which emanates light. " Apparently the first "day" diffused light streams through the bands that wrap around the planet, but the sources of that light would not be visible to an observer located on the ground, because of the layers of clouds that still surround the planet. Apparently in this fourth "day" the situation changed. 22

atmosphere initially rich in carbon dioxide may have led to a warm climate throughout the earth. But the lush vegetation growth in the third and fourth period would absorb the creative part of this blanket of carbon dioxide that trap heat. In turn, the vegetation would liberate oxygen, essential to animal life. - Psalm 136:7-9.

23 At that point any observer located on the ground would have been able to distinguish the sun, moon and stars, which were to "serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years." (Genesis 1:14) The moon would have marked the passing of the lunar months, and the sun that the solar year. The seasons that came into existence in this fourth "day" would certainly be much more lenient in how they became below. - Genesis 1:15, 8:20-22.

fifth "day" 24 "'Let the waters swarm of living souls and a swarm of flying creatures fly above the earth on the face of the expanse of heaven'. And God created great whales and every living soul that moves, which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. " - Genesis 1:20, 21.

25 Interestingly, the non-human creatures were swarming in the waters are called "living souls." This term also applied to the 'flying creatures that fly above the earth on the face of the expanse'. It included anche quelle forme di vita sia acquatiche che volatili, come i mostri marini, i cui resti fossili sono stati scoperti dagli scienziati in tempi recenti.

Sesto “giorno” 26 “‘Produca la terra anime viventi secondo la loro specie, animali domestici e animali che si muovono e bestie selvagge della terra secondo la loro specie’. E così si fece”. — Genesi 1:24.

27 Così nel sesto “giorno” fecero la loro comparsa gli animali terrestri, sia selvatici che domestici. Ma quest’ultimo “giorno” non era terminato. Doveva venire all’esistenza un’ultima notevole “specie”:

28 “E Dio went on to say: 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and keep in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and the whole earth and every living thing that moves upon the earth'. And God created man in His own image, the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. " - Genesis 1:26, 27.

29 The second chapter of Genesis provides apparently more details. But it is not, as some think, a different account of creation as opposed to that of Chapter 1. Simply takes the narrative from one point to the third day after onset but before OF DRY creation of terrestrial plants, adding interesting details to the arrival of early man: the living soul Adam, the garden in which they live, Eden, and the woman Eve, his wife. - Genesis 2:5-9, 15-18, 21, 22.

30 We have mentioned this information to give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat Genesis says. And this very realistic story indicates that the creative process went forward not only for 144 hours (6 × 24), but for many millennia.

How did the writer of Genesis know that?
31 For many it is difficult to accept this account of creation. Say it comes from the creation myths common among primitive peoples, mainly those of ancient Babylon. But a recent Bible Dictionary notes: "I do not yet know what any myth that refers explicitly to the creation of the universe" and myths are characterized by polytheism and the struggles for supremacy among the gods, in sharp contrast to the monotheism of the Jewish [Genesis ] 1-2 ".3 By the Babylonian legends of creation, the curators of the British Museum had to say:" The fundamentals of the Babylonian and Hebrew documents are essentially different ".4

32 From what we have seen, the story of creation in Genesis is scientifically valid, a document shows. Mention the main categories of plants and animals, with their many varieties, which reproduce only "after their kind." The fossil record confirms this. In fact reveals the sudden appearance of each "species" with no actual transitional forms that linking to some "species" above, how would the theory of evolution.

33 All knowledge of the sages of Egypt could not provide to Moses, the writer of Genesis, no clue about the creative process. The creation myths of ancient peoples did not resemble at all to what Moses wrote in Genesis. Moses drew from what source all that information? Obviously by someone who was present.

34 Probability provides a striking proof that the story of creation in Genesis must have originated from a source familiar with the events. The story lists ten major stages, in this order: (1) a principle, (2) a land shrouded in darkness and dense primordial gas clouds and water, (3) light, (4) an expanse or atmosphere; (5 ) large areas of dry, (6) land plants; (7) visibility of the sun, moon and stars in the firmament and the beginning of the season, (8) sea monsters and flying creatures; (9) wild and domestic animals, mammals, ( 10) the man. Science agrees that these stadiums have succeeded in that general. What are the odds that the writer of Genesis guess this order by chance? The same extract at random from a box the numbers 1 through 10 in consecutive order. The probability of success on the first try is a 3,628,800! It is therefore not realistic to think that the writer of Genesis has the event listed in the right order for the events mentioned above, without being in some way acquainted with the facts.

35 But the theory of evolution does not admit the existence of a Creator who is present, know the facts and could then reveal to men. He attributes the appearance of life on earth to the spontaneous generation of organisms living from inanimate chemicals. But it is possible that chemical reactions do not drive and if they create at the mercy of the simple life? Scientists are just convinced that this is could be? Please read the next chapter.

The Babylonian myth of creation from which, according to some, the creation account in Genesis would have drawn inspiration:

The god Apsu and the goddess Tiamat created the other gods.

Later Apsu was angry with these gods and tried to kill them, but was himself killed by the god Ea.

Tiamat, for revenge, tried to kill Ea, but instead was killed by Marduk, the son of Ea.

Marduk split Tiamat's body into two: one half he made the heavens and the earth with each other.

Then Marduk, with the help of Ea, created humanity from the blood of another god, Kingu.a

you believe that this legend has some similarity with the story of creation in Genesis?

Here's what he said a well-known geologist on the creation account in Genesis:

"If as a geologist were called upon to explain briefly our modern ideas about the origin of the earth and the development of life on it a people of simple shepherds, as the tribes to which he addressed the Book of Genesis, hardly potrei fare di meglio che seguire piuttosto da vicino gran parte delle espressioni contenute nel primo capitolo della Genesi”.b Questo geologo, Wallace Pratt, fa pure notare che l’ordine degli avvenimenti — dall’origine degli oceani all’emergere dell’asciutto, alla comparsa della vita nei mari, agli uccelli e ai mammiferi — corrisponde essenzialmente alla successione delle principali ere geologiche.


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