Tuesday, July 24, 2007

All Of Terkoiz Stick Fight Animations

9 - our majestic universe

for thousands of years the man observes admired the starry skies. In a clear night, stars appear as the beautiful jewels sparkling in the blackness of space. Even a full moon night has a special charm.

2 Those who reflect on what they see often ask, 'What's up there in space? How is it organized? You can find out how it all began? ' The answer to these questions would certainly better understand why the earth came into existence with all his human life, animal and plant, and what the future may have in Serbia. 3

Many centuries ago it was thought that the universe was formed by a few thousand stars visible to the naked eye. But now, with powerful tools to scrutinize the skies, scientists know that the universe is much, much larger. In reality, what has been observed is much more impressive than anyone could imagine. The human mind is bewildered in front of the immensity and complexity of the universe. Observed as National Geographic magazine, that man is learning about the universe "Leaves him stunned" .1

4 In recent centuries, astronomers were scanning the sky with telescopes noticed rudimentary formations nebulous, indistinct contours. They thought they were gas clouds close to us. But in the twenties, with the entry into operation of the largest and most powerful telescopes, it was discovered that these "gas" was something much more vast and interesting galaxies.

5 Galaxies are huge clusters of stars, gas and other substances that rotate around a central core. University were also called islands, because each is in itself a universe. Take for example the galaxy in which viviamo, la Via Lattea. Il nostro sistema solare, cioè il sole, la terra e gli altri pianeti con le relative lune, appartiene a questa galassia. Ma ne è solo una microscopica parte, perché la nostra galassia, la Via Lattea, contiene più di 100 miliardi di stelle! Secondo alcuni scienziati questo numero dovrebbe essere almeno di 200-400 miliardi. Uno scrittore scientifico addirittura dice: “Nella Via Lattea potrebbero esserci dai cinquemila ai diecimila miliardi di stelle”.2

6 Il diametro della nostra galassia è tale che, viaggiando alla velocità della luce (299.792 chilometri al secondo), ci vorrebbero 100.000 anni per attraversarla! Quanti chilometri sono? Ebbene, dato che la luce percorre circa novemilaseicento billion (9.600.000.000.000) kilometers per year, multiplied by 100,000 and you have the answer: our galaxy, the Milky Way, has a diameter of about 960 million billion (960. miles! It seems that the average distance between stars in the galaxy is about six light years, or about 58 trillion kilometers.

7 For the human mind is almost impossible to conceive of similar size and distance. Yet our galaxy is only the beginning of what is in space! There is something even more amazing: so many galaxies have been identified which are considered "are common as the grass in a meadow" .3 Nell’universo osservabile si trovano circa dieci miliardi di galassie! Ma ce ne sono molte altre che si trovano al di là della portata dei telescopi attuali. Alcuni astronomi calcolano che nell’universo vi siano 100 miliardi di galassie! E ogni galassia può contenere centinaia di miliardi di stelle!

Ammassi di galassie
8 Ma c’è dell’altro. Queste imponenti galassie non sono sparpagliate qua e là nello spazio. Di solito sono disposte raggruppate in ammassi ben definiti, come acini in un grappolo. Migliaia di questi ammassi galattici sono già stati osservati e fotografati.

9 Alcuni ammassi contengono un numero relativamente limitato di galassie. Per esempio, la Via Lattea is part of a cluster consisting of a dozen galaxies. Within this group there is a local galaxy "close" in a clear night you can see without a telescope. It is the Andromeda galaxy, which, like ours, is shaped like a spiral.

10 Other galaxy clusters are composed of tens, hundreds or even thousands of galaxies. One of these clusters contains, apparently, 10,000 galaxies! The average distance between galaxies within a cluster can reach a million light years. But the distance between a cluster of galaxies and the other may be a hundred times greater. And there is even reason to think that the clusters themselves are willing into "superclusters", as the grapes on a vine. What immense proportions and wonderful organization!

organization similar
11 Coming to our solar system, is another splendid example of an organization. The sun, which is a medium size star, is the "core" around which the second precise orbits the earth and other planets with their moons. Year after year, rotating with a mathematical precision that astronomers can accurately predict where you will find at any future time.

12 Looking to the infinitely small - atoms - we find the same accuracy. The atom is a marvel of order similar to the order of the solar system. It consists of a nucleus in which there are particles called protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons orbiting tiny. All matter is made of these building blocks for construction. What makes a substance differ on the other is the amount of protons and neutrons in the nucleus and the quantity and arrangement of electrons that go around. All this with an order so perfect that all the constituent elements of matter can be arranged in regular succession according to the number of building blocks which make up.

What is behind this organization?

13 As we have seen, the size of the universe are truly stunning. The same goes for the wonderful way in which it is organized. Infinitely large to the infinitely small, from clusters of galaxies to atoms, the universe is characterized by a superb organization. Discover magazine wrote: "we noticed with surprise the order, and our physicists and cosmologists continue to identify new and surprising ways. . . . We used to call it a miracle, and yet we are led to regard the entire universe as a wonder ".4 This ordered structure is emphasized by the word itself is commonly used in astronomy to describe the universe: “cosmo”. La definizione che ne dà un dizionario è: “L’intero universo . . . considerato un tutto armonico e ordinato”.5

14 L’ex astronauta John Glenn menzionò “l’ordine dell’intero universo” e il fatto che le galassie “viaggiano in orbite prestabilite l’una rispetto all’altra”. Dopo di che chiese: “Può essere avvenuto tutto per caso? È stato per un evento accidentale che un insieme di relitti galleggianti abbia improvvisamente cominciato a stabilire queste orbite di propria iniziativa?” Glenn concluse: “Non posso crederci. . . . Qualche Forza deve aver messo tutto questo in orbita e ve keeps ".6

15 In fact, the universe is arranged with such precision that humans can rely on celestial bodies to calculate the time. But any precision timing is obviously the work of a systematic mind have the capacity to design. A systematic mind can design can not exist if not an intelligent being. What about the structure much more complex and precision that characterize the entire universe? This also does not indicate the existence of a designer, a manufacturer of a mind, an intelligence? And you have some reason to believe that intelligence can exist without personal identity?

16 can not escape: an organization requires an extraordinary extraordinary organizer. In our experience we have never seen the organization producing the event. On the contrary, all experience teaches us that everything must have had organized an organizer. Each machine, computer, building, or even a pencil or a piece of paper, is the product of a builder, an organizer. The far more complex and amazing organization of the universe logically must have also requested an organizer.

Every law requires a legislator
17 Furthermore, the entire universe, from atom to galaxy, is governed by specific physical laws. For example, there are laws that regulate the heat, light, sound and gravity. The physicist Stephen W. Hawking said: "The more we look at the universe, the more we discover that it is not at the mercy of the arbitrary but obey precise laws that operate in various fields. It seems very reasonable to assume that there may be some unifying principle in the sense that all the laws is vested in some higher law ".7

18 The missile expert Wernher von Braun went further, saying:" The natural laws of the universe are so clear that we have no difficulty building a spaceship to go to the moon and can time it for the flight with an accuracy of a fraction of a second. These laws must have been set by someone ".8 To be able to put a missile into orbit around the Earth or the moon, scientists need to respect these universal laws.

19 When we think of the laws, we recognize that emanate from a legislative body. Behind the placement of a road sign to "Stop" is certainly a person or a group of people who have established that law. What about all the laws that govern the material universe? These laws designed carefully prove the existence of a highly intelligent legislator.

The organizational and legislative
After 20 aver menzionato tutti gli straordinari esempi di legge e ordine così evidenti nell’universo, Science News ha osservato: “La contemplazione di queste cose infastidisce i cosmologi perché sembra difficile che queste condizioni particolari e precise possano avere avuto un’origine casuale. Un modo di affrontare la questione è quello di dire che il tutto sia stato progettato, e attribuirlo alla divina Provvidenza”.9

21 Molte persone, fra cui tanti scienziati, non sono disposte ad ammettere una cosa simile. Ma altre riconoscono ciò che i fatti continuano a sottolineare: l’esistenza di un’intelligenza. Riconoscono che le immense proporzioni, la precisione e le leggi esistenti in tutto l’universo could never occur by chance. All these things can be attributed to a higher mind.

22 This is the conclusion reached by a biblical writer said about the physical heavens: "Raise your eyes high up and see. Who created these? One who is bringing forth the army even number, all calls to even name. " The "One" has spoken of "the Creator of Heaven and the Great that relaxes them." - Isaiah 40:26, 42:5.

The 23 universal laws governing matter exists. But where did all the matter? In his book Cosmos, Carl Sagan said: "At the universe there were no galaxies, stars or planets, life, or civilizations. " Sagan defines the transition from the current universe was "the most impressive transformation of mass and energy that we had the privilege of seeing"

.10 24 This is the key to understanding how the universe can come into existence: must have been a transformation of energy and matter. This relationship was demonstrated by Einstein's famous formula, E = mc2 (energy equals mass to the speed of light squared). This formula shows, inter alia, that the matter can be obtained from the energy, as well as the matter can produce an enormous quantità di energia, cosa quest’ultima dimostrata dalla bomba atomica. L’astrofisico Josip Kleczek afferma: “La maggioranza e forse tutte le particelle elementari possono essere create dalla materializzazione dell’energia”.11

25 L’evidenza scientifica indica quindi che una fonte di energia illimitata possederebbe la materia prima per creare la sostanza dell’universo. Il già citato scrittore biblico fa notare che questa fonte di energia è un’intelligenza vivente dotata di personalità, quando dice: “A motivo dell’abbondanza dell’energia dinamica, essendo egli anche vigoroso in potenza, non ne manca nessuna [con riferimento alle cose o corpi celesti]”. Therefore, from the biblical point of view, behind the event described in Genesis 1:1 there was this unlimited energy source: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

A chaotic start as
26 In general, scientists now recognize that the universe indeed had a beginning. Among the main theories that seek to explain these initiatives is the so-called "big bang" (big explosion). "Almost all the recent discussions on the origin of the universe are based on the theory of big bang," says Francis Crick.12 With reference to this "cosmic explosion," Jastrow says: "What was really the moment of creation ".13 But, as recognized by New Scientist astrophysicist John Gribbin, although scientists" prevail in the vast majority can describe in detail "what happened after that" moment ", what determines "the instant of creation remains a mystery." And, on reflection, he added: "After all, maybe it was really God to do so" .14

27 However, most scientists are not willing to attribute this to God "moment." So usually allege that the explosion had to create chaos, like the explosion of a nuclear device. But this kind of explosions never produce a higher level of organization? The bombs that fall on the city during the war may produce beautiful buildings, roads and road signs? On the contrary, these explosions cause devastation, disorder, chaos and disintegration. And when the kind of nuclear explosive device, the disorganization is total, as they experienced the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

28 A simple "explosion" can not therefore have created our universe with its majestic structure, its laws and its order overtime. Only a powerful organizer and legislator could drive the powerful forces at work in such a manner that an organization derived e delle leggi così meravigliose. L’evidenza scientifica e la ragione forniscono quindi un solido sostegno a questa dichiarazione biblica: “I cieli dichiarano la gloria di Dio; e la distesa annuncia l’opera delle sue mani”. — Salmo 19:1.

29 La Bibbia pertanto risolve problemi che la teoria dell’evoluzione non ha chiaramente affrontato. Anziché lasciarci all’oscuro su quel che c’è dietro l’origine di tutte le cose, la Bibbia ce ne dà la risposta in modo semplice e comprensibile. Conferma le osservazioni della scienza, come pure le nostre, secondo cui nulla viene all’esistenza da sé. Sebbene non fossimo personalmente presenti quando l’universo fu creato, it is evident that he must have had an excellent manufacturer, as the Bible says: "Every house is built by someone, but he that constructed all things is God." - Hebrews 3:4.


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