Tuesday, July 24, 2007

How Long Does Someone Keep A Retainer On For

16 - Why God would allow suffering?

a reason why many say they doubt the existence of a Creator is the preponderance of suffering in the world. Over the centuries there have been many incidents of cruelty, bloodshed and real evil, which caused great suffering to millions of innocent people. So many ask: 'If there is a God, because it allows all this?' Since, as we have seen, the biblical account is which corresponds most closely to the facts concerning the creation, the Bible can also help us understand why a powerful Creator would allow so much suffering for so long?

2 The first chapters of Genesis provide the basics to answer this question. Describe the creation of a world without suffering. The first man and first woman were placed in a paradise, a beautiful home in a garden called Eden, and was entrusted to them a pleasant and challenging work to be done. With regard to land, they were told to 'cultivate and care'. They were also instructed to take care 'of the fish of the sea and flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that moves over the earth '. - Genesis 1:28, 2:15.

3 Furthermore, having been designed with a perfect body and mind, the first human beings had no defect. There was therefore no reason that should never suffer from diseases, old age or death. Before them was instead the prospect of a future without end in an earthly paradise. - Deuteronomy 32:4. 4

the first couple was also told to 'be fruitful and multiply and the land empire'. As they had children, the human family would be increased and would extend the boundaries of Heaven, so that at the time it would embrace the entire earth. The human race would then form a family unita, i cui componenti sarebbero vissuti in perfetta salute su una terra paradisiaca.

Necessità di accettare il dominio di Dio
5 Comunque, perché questa armonia non fosse turbata, la prima coppia umana doveva riconoscere che il Creatore aveva il diritto di dirigere gli affari umani. In altre parole, ne dovevano accettare la sovranità. Innanzi tutto perché ciò era giusto. Al costruttore di una cosa spetta per diritto un certo controllo sulla cosa fatta. Questo principio è da secoli alla base delle leggi sulla proprietà. Inoltre, gli uomini dovevano accettare la guida del loro Fattore per questa fondamentale ragione: non erano stati creati con la capacità di autogovernarsi indipendentemente dal loro Creator, as well as they could not continue living without food, drink or breathe. History has confirmed the veracity of the Bible when it says: "It does not belong to earthling man his way. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " (Jeremiah 10:23) As long as man had remained within the limits set by the Creator, his life would continue without interruption and have brought satisfaction and happiness.

6 The man also was equipped with free will. It had not been done to react like a robot, or forced to do certain things more than anything by instinct, like animals or insects. This freedom, however, had to be relativa, non assoluta. Andava esercitata in maniera responsabile, entro i confini delle leggi di Dio che garantivano il bene comune. Si noti come questo principio è ribadito nella Bibbia: “Siate come liberi, eppure mantenendo la vostra libertà non come un manto per malizia morale, ma come schiavi di Dio”. (I Pietro 2:16) Senza una legge che regolasse i rapporti fra gli uomini, avrebbe regnato l’anarchia, con conseguenze negative per la vita di tutti.

7 Perciò, mentre una libertà relativa è desiderabile, troppa libertà non lo è più. Se a un bambino si dà troppa libertà, egli potrebbe andare a giocare in mezzo a una strada trafficata o mettere la mano sulla stufa accesa. Total freedom to take all decisions regardless of our Maker can give rise to all sorts of problems. This is what happened to the first human beings. They decided to misuse the freedom given to them. They tried, wrongly, to become independent and to be so by the Creator "like God". Believed to be able to decide for themselves what was right and what was wrong. - Genesis 3:5.

8 What happened when the first humans to escape the guidance of the Creator is comparable to what happens when you unplug the fan on. As long as it is connected to the outlet, the fan. But when it is removed, the fan slows and gradually stops. This is what happened to Adam and Eve when they broke away from their Creator, "the source of life." (Psalm 36:9) as they had deliberately chosen to live independently from their farms, this one left them to understand fully the consequences of their choice, abandoning them to themselves. A biblical principle says, 'If you leave God, he will leave you'. (II Chronicles 15:2) No longer supported by the power of their Creator, for they began a gradual deterioration of the mind and body. Over time, grow old and die. - Genesis 3:19, 5:5. 9

When Adam and Eve decided to become independent from their farms, lost perfection. Consequently, when they had children, they reflect its imperfection gained. So the first human couple became like a defective model. All that was produced by them was also defective. For this we are all born imperfect and inherit tares of old age, sickness and death. This defect, together with the distance from the Creator and its laws, opened the door to human folly. That is why human history is full of suffering, pain, disease and death. - Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12.

10 Does this mean that the evil was purely human origins? No, there's more. Men non erano le uniche creature intelligenti. Dio aveva già creato innumerevoli creature spirituali nei cieli. (Giobbe 38:4, 7) Essendo anch’esse dotate di libero arbitrio, dovevano similmente fare una scelta in quanto ad accettare o no la guida del loro Creatore. Una di queste creature spirituali decise di coltivare un desiderio di indipendenza. La sua ambizione si ingigantì a tal punto da indurlo a sfidare l’autorità di Dio. Disse a Eva, la moglie di Adamo, che avrebbero potuto impunemente infrangere la legge di Dio, e le garantì: “Positivamente voi non morrete”. (Genesi 3:4; Giacomo 1:13-15) Le sue dichiarazioni davano a intendere che essi non avessero bisogno del loro Creatore per continuare a vivere ed essere happy. Indeed, he told them, breaking the law of God, have even improved their situation, they would become like God, therefore He put in question the validity of the laws of God and raised doubts about the way in which God governs them. In fact doubted the right of the Creator to govern. Because of these allegations was called Satan, which means "opponent", and the Devil, which means "slanderer." Over the past six thousand years this attitude has affected satanic humanity, promoting a policy that is based on the criterion 'rule or ruin'. - Luke 4:2-8, 1 John 5:19, Revelation 12:9. But why

11 God did not destroy those rebels is just human that rebellious spirit? The answer is that before the whole intelligent creation were raised important issues. One centered on questions such as: independence from the sovereignty of God would have benefited last? It was better to be guided by God or act of his own head? The men could govern successfully this world regardless of their Creator? In essence, the men needed the guidance of God or not? These questions demanded answers that only the passage of time could give.

Why so long?
12 But because God has left to spend so much time - now about six thousand years - before answering those questions? They could not resolve satisfactorily long time ago? Well, if God had spoken long ago, one could suggest that the men had not had enough time to develop an effective government and the technology needed to bring peace and prosperity to all. In his wisdom, God knew that then, to resolve the issues raised it would take time, and gave him leave.

13 Over the centuries they have tested all types of government, any kind of social system and every type of economic system. In addition, men have had enough time to make significant advances in technology, leading to harness the atom and set foot on the moon. With what results? This has probably resulted in the creation of the world where the whole human family would need?

14 Not at all. Nothing that man has tried has brought true peace and happiness to all. On the contrary, after all this time the conditions are more precarious than ever. Crime, war, family crisis, economic problems, poverty and hunger, afflicting one country after another. It is in danger the very existence of humanity. Nuclear missiles with a terrifying destructive power could wipe out much of the human race, if not all. Therefore, despite thousands of years of trying, despite the many centuries of experience by which man could gain and despite the brilliant achievements in technology, humanity is still desperately struggling with its most basic problems.

15 The land itself has suffered. The man, his greed and neglect has turned some areas into deserts cutting down the forests that covered them. Chemicals and other waste products have polluted land, sea and air. The description that two thousand years ago the Bible said of life on earth is even more valid today: "All creation keeps on groaning together and is in pain together until now." - Romans 8:22.

What was shown?
16 What they have demonstrated beyond any doubt, the events succeeded in all this time? Have shown that the human domain independent from the Creator of man is unsatisfactory. It has been clearly shown that it is possible to effectively manage the affairs of the land without the help of the human factor. The story continues to confirm the objective assessment of human attempts to biblical government: "Man has dominated man to his injury." - Ecclesiastes 8:9.

17 What is the difference between the disastrous results of human effort and the precision and order that reigns in the universe governed by the laws of his Creator! It is clear that men need this kind of leadership in directing their own affairs, why not take account of God's guidance has proved disastrous. It was actually demonstrated, once and for all, we need the guidance of God as we need air, food and water. - Matthew 4:4.

18 Moreover, allowing sufficient time to resolve issues relating to human rule, God has set a valuable precedent for the future. It can be compared to a crucial court case discussed by the Supreme Court. The issue has been resolved once and for all: The human domain independent of God can not guarantee optimal conditions on earth. So, if futuro qualche creatura dotata di libero arbitrio dovesse sfidare il modo di agire di Dio, non sarebbe necessario concederle altre migliaia d’anni perché possa tentare di dimostrare la sua accusa. Tutto ciò che doveva essere provato è stato provato in questo periodo di circa seimila anni concesso da Dio. Perciò, per tutta l’eternità futura, a nessun ribelle sarà più permesso di turbare la pace e la felicità della vita sulla terra o di interferire nella sovranità di Dio in alcun altro luogo dell’universo. Come dice esplicitamente la Bibbia, “l’angustia non sorgerà una seconda volta”. — Naum 1:9.

La soluzione di Dio
19 La Bibbia fornisce then a reasonable explanation for the existence of suffering in a world created by God also clearly shows that it is near the time when God will use His omnipotence to eliminate those who cause such suffering. Proverbs 2:21, 22 says: "The righteous are those who reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones who will be left. As regards the wicked will be cut off from the earth, and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away. " Yes, God 'bring to ruin those ruining the earth'. (Revelation 11:18) This eventually also include the removal of Satan the Devil. (Romans 16:20) God will not allow for much that the wicked will spoil his wonderful creation, the earth. Anyone who fails to comply with its laws will be taken away. Only those who do the will of God will continue to live. (I John 2:15-17) Do not plant a garden in a field of weeds, nor bring foxes and hens in the same cage. So even God, when will restore Paradise to the right people, at the same time will not allow vandals to act freely.

20 Although these centuries of suffering have been painful for those who have demonstrated, have served a useful purpose. It could be compared to the case of a parent who allows the child suffers a painful surgery to fix a serious health problem. The lasting benefits outweigh far outweigh any temporary pain. Furthermore, the future that God has for this land in Serbia and its human inhabitants requires memory to be relieved from the burden of the past: "The former things will not call to mind, nor rise in heart." (Isaiah 65:17) Therefore, all men have experienced suffering, will finally be erased from the minds of those who will live when the domain of God will be extended to the whole earth. Then the joys no longer clouded by bad memories of the past, because God "'wipe every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither there will be mourning nor outcry nor pain. The former things have passed away '. And he that sat upon the throne said, 'Behold, I make all things new'. " - Revelation 21:4, 5.

21 Jesus Christ spoke of this coming new order as the "recreation". (Matthew 19:28) Those who were once victims of suffering and death will know then that God is really interested in them, because that era will also see the literal re-creation of those who lie in the grave. Jesus said: "All those in the memorial tombs. . . come out "being resurrected or brought back to life on earth. (John 5:28, 29) In this way, even the dead will be given the opportunity to submit to the righteous rule of God and receive the privilege of living forever in Paradise, "as he named him Jesus - Luke 23:43.

22 Even the animal kingdom live in peace. The Bible says that "the wolf and the lamb shall feed them together, and the lion will eat straw like the bull," and "a mere little boy will lead them." In the new order of God, the animals "will not do no harm nor cause any ruin, both among themselves and towards man. - Isaiah 11:6-9, 65:25.

23 Thus, in every sense, as Romans 8:21 says, "the creation itself will also yield freedom from slavery to corruption and have the glorious freedom of God's children. " In time the earth will become a paradise inhabited by perfect people, free from disease, pain and death. The suffering will forever be things of the past. All aspects of earthly creation of God will be brought into harmony with his purpose, hideous stain that has sullied your universe for thousands of years will be deleted.

24 This is the explanation that the Bible gives the reasons why God allowed the suffering and how he will solve the problem. But someone might object: 'Who tells me that the Bible is really trustworthy?'


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