Tuesday, July 24, 2007

M Jak Milosc Ogladaj Online

11 - Wonders living

When anthropologists in the course of their excavations, they find a flint triangular points, conclude that it must have been designed by someone who wanted to make the tip of an arrow. These objects designed for one purpose, say scientists, can not be mere coincidence.

2 Often But when it comes to living, is not followed the same logic. A designer is no longer necessary. But the simplest single-celled organism, or even just the DNA that contains the genetic code, is far more complex than a shaped flint. Yet evolutionists insist that these things have had a designer, but which have been formed for a series of random events.

3 Darwin, however, recognized the need for a structured strength and entrusted the task to natural selection. "You can say," he said, "that natural selection to submit to scrutiny, day by day and hour by hour, the slightest changes in the world, scartando ciò che è cattivo, conservando e sommando tutto ciò che è buono”.1 Questa opinione, però, va ora perdendo consensi.

4 Come riferisce Stephen Gould, ora molti evoluzionisti sostengono che “quantità sostanziali di mutamento genetico potrebbero non essere soggette alla selezione naturale e potrebbero diffondersi in modo casuale all’interno di popolazioni”.2 Gordon Taylor è d’accordo e dice: “La selezione naturale spiega una piccola parte di ciò che avviene: il grosso resta da spiegare”.3 Il geologo David Raup afferma: “Attualmente un’importante alternativa alla selezione naturale ha a che fare con gli effetti del puro caso”.4 Ma il “puro caso” è progettista? È in grado di produrre le complesse strutture in cui si articola la vita?

5 Lo zoologo Richard Lewontin dice che gli organismi “sembrano essere stati progettati con arte e attenzione”. Li definisce “la massima prova dell’esistenza di un Supremo Architetto”.5 Sarà utile considerare alcuni aspetti di questa prova.

Il mondo microscopico
6 Cominciamo dai più piccoli organismi viventi, quelli unicellulari. Secondo un biologo, gli animali unicellulari sono in grado di “procurarsi il cibo, digerirlo, eliminare i rifiuti, spostarsi, costruire abitazioni, svolgere un’attività sessuale”, e, pur “senza tissues, no organs, without a heart and a mind without actually have everything that we have ".6

7 Diatoms, unicellular organisms, using silicon and oxygen of sea water to produce a glassy substance with which to build tiny "boxes" that contain their green chlorophyll. A scholar enhances both the beauty and the importance of saying, "These green leaves are packed in boxes, nine-tenths of the food base of all that lives in the seas." The food value of diatoms is largely due to oil they produce, and which also serves to make them float near the surface where their clorofilla può usufruire della luce del sole.

8 I loro splendidi cofanetti vitrei, dice questo stesso studioso, si presentano in una “sbalorditiva varietà di forme — circolare, quadrata, romboidale, triangolare, ellittica, rettangolare — sempre squisitamente decorati con incisioni geometriche. Sono filigrane in vetro puro di una finezza tale che, per entrare negli spazi vuoti, un capello umano dovrebbe essere diviso in quattrocento parti nel senso della lunghezza”.7

9 Un gruppo di organismi animali che vivono negli oceani, i radiolari, producono anch’essi una sostanza vetrosa con cui costruiscono “formazioni silicee a raggiera, con lunghi e sottili elementi spiniformi, transparent, radiating from a central sphere of crystal. Or "props that support simple hexagons formed glass domes. With respect to a particular manufacturer microscopy was told: "This superarchitetto not satisfied with a single geodesic dome, has three concentric silica domes-embroidered lace" 8 Words are not enough to describe the beautiful designs: you see them.

10 Sponges are made up of millions of poorly differentiated cells. A university text explains: "The cells are not organized into tissues or organs, although there are some among them a recognition system that keeps them united and organized" .9 If you go una spugna attraverso un setaccio finissimo suddividendola così nei suoi milioni di cellule, queste cellule si riorganizzeranno e riformeranno la spugna. Certe spugne costruiscono scheletri vitrei di grande bellezza. Una delle più straordinarie è la “navicella di Venere”.

11 Al riguardo, uno studioso dice: “Quando osserviamo lo scheletro complesso di una spugna, come quello, formato di spicole silicee, noto come ‘navicella di Venere’ (Euplectella), la nostra immaginazione rimane confusa. Come è possibile che cellule microscopiche quasi indipendenti abbiano collaborato nella secrezione di un milione di frammenti vitrei e abbiano costruito una struttura tanto bella e complessa? Non lo sappiamo”.10 But one thing we know: it is not probable that the project is due to chance.

12 cases are known many organisms that seem to have been designed to live together in pairs. This collaboration is called symbiosis ("living together"). Some fig wasps and some people need each other to reproduce. Termites eat wood, but to digest it, they need the protozoa living in their body. Similarly, cattle, goats and camels could not digest the cellulose contained in grass without the help of bacteria and protozoa that live in them. In a scientific journal reads: "The part of the stomach of a cow, where This is particularly digestion has a volume of about 136 liters and contains 10 [billion] of micro-organisms per drop ".11 The association of an alga with a fungus gives rise to the lichens. Only then can grow on bare rock and begin to transform it into the ground.

13 Pseudomyrma Some ants of the genus live in caves thorns of the acacias. Stay away from the tree insects that eat the leaves, and severed and killed the vines that try to wrap the tree. In return, the tree secretes a sugary liquid which the ants like, and also produces small pseudofrutti that ants use as food. He started the ant to protect the tree and then the tree he rewarded with the fruits? Or the tree has produced fruit for the ant, and then thanked him protecting this? Either two things occurred together by accident?

14 There are many examples of such cooperation between insects and flowers. The insects pollinate the flowers, and in return the flowers provide pollen and nectar to insects. Some flowers produce two types of pollen. A fertile seeds, the other is sterile, but has the insects that visit the flower. Many flowers have special signs and smells that guide insects to nectar. Along the way, insects pollinate the flower. Some flowers have a release mechanism. When the insect touches the stop, the device trips and they are affected by anthers containing pollen.

15 For example, the Aristolochia can not fertilize, but needs the insects that bear the pollen from another flower. The flower of this plant has a corolla tube coated with wax. The insects, attracted by the smell of flowers, land on the corolla and fall down the slippery wall, ending in a receptacle on the bottom. The mature stigmas receive pollen carried by insects, and so the pollination takes place. But for three days, the insects are trapped there by bristles and walls covered with wax. At that point, the pollen of the flower matures and smear insects. Only then bristles sag, and the chute folds up to be waxed level. The insects emerge and, with the new supply of pollen, flying to another flower to pollinate the same type. Insect's visit three days do not mind, since they can feast on nectar with preserved there for them. All this happened by chance? O is due to intelligent design?

16 petals of some orchids of the genus Ophrys reproduce the appearance of a female wasp, complete with eyes, antennae and wings. They give off even the smell of a female ready to mate! The male is to mate, and instead pollinates the flower. Another orchid, the kind Coryanthes produces a fermented nectar that the bee is staggering, the insect falls into a small bucket of liquid to escape, is forced to crawl under a bump that rubs it with pollen.

"Factories" natural
17 directly or indirectly, the green leaves of the plants feed the world. But they can not function without the help of fine roots. Millions of small roots - each fitted with a protective cap on tip-lubricated - they make their way into the soil. Located behind the root hairs absorb water and mineral oil cap, which, along nell'alburno tiny channels, they reach the leaves. The leaves are produced sugars and amino acids, and these nutrients are sent throughout the tree, including roots.

18 Certain characteristics of the circulatory system of the trees and plants are so stunning that many scientists consider them to be almost a miracle. First, like water to be pumped up to heights of 60-90 feet off the ground? Initially rooms for which it is subjected to pressure in the roots, but involved another mechanism in the drum. Water molecules adhere to cohesion. Because of this cohesion, as the water evaporates from the leaves of the slender columns of water are raised, such as ropes, cables ranging from roots to leaves, at a speed of 60 meters per hour. It is believed that this system could raise the water in a tall tree more than three km! As the excess water evaporates from the leaves (a process called transpiration), billions of tons of water are returned to the air then fall as rain: a system designed to perfection!

19 There is more. To produce the necessary amino acids, the leaves need to absorb from the soil nitrates and nitrites. In part, these accumulate in soil due to lightning and certain bacteria free. Nitrogen compounds are also produced in adequate amounts by legumes such as peas, clover, beans and grass care. Certain bacteria penetrate the roots, which provide them with carbohydrates, and bacteria transform, or fix, nitrogen del suolo in nitrati e nitriti utilizzabili, producendone intorno ai 225 chilogrammi per ettaro all’anno.

20 C’è dell’altro ancora. Le foglie verdi utilizzano l’energia del sole, l’anidride carbonica dell’aria e l’acqua assorbita dalle radici per produrre zucchero e liberare ossigeno. Questo processo è chiamato fotosintesi, e ha luogo in elementi cellulari chiamati cloroplasti, così piccoli che ce ne starebbero 400.000 sul punto alla fine di questa frase. Questo processo non è pienamente compreso dagli scienziati. “La fotosintesi comporta una settantina di diverse reazioni chimiche”, dice un biologo. “È qualcosa di veramente miracoloso”.12 Le piante verdi were defined as "factories" of nature: beautiful, quiet, clean, producing oxygen, recycling water and feeding the world. Are the work of chance? Is it credible assertion that?

21 Some of the most famous scientists in the world find it hard to believe it. They see the natural world the impression of intelligence. Robert A. Millikan, Nobel Prize for physics, while believing in evolution told a meeting of the American Physical Society: "There's a divinity that shapes our ends. . . a purely materialistic philosophy, in my opinion, is the maximum non-intelligence. The wise men of all ages have always seen enough to manifest at least a reverent spirit. " In his speech, he quoted the famous words of Albert Einstein, who said he had tried "humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature" .13

22 All around us we see evidence of a project, with a ' infinite variety and extraordinary complexity, indicating the existence of a superior intelligence. This conclusion echoes the Bible, which gives the project a Creator whose "invisible qualities, even his eternal power and Godhead, are clearly seen from the creation of the world, because they are perceived by the things made, so that inexcusable. " - Romans 1:20.

23 By all evidence of a project in the forms of life that surround us, it looks really 'inexcusable' attributed this to the blind chance. It is certainly not unreasonable for the psalmist give credit to an intelligent Creator, when he says: "How many are your works, O Jehovah! In wisdom you made them all. The earth is full of your productions. As for this sea so great and wide, there are things that move without number, living creatures, both large and small. " - Psalm 104:24, 25.

Virtuosi singing

Mime multilingual è famoso per le sue capacità imitative. Un mimo imitò in un’ora 55 uccelli diversi. Ma ciò che lascia estasiati sono i melodiosi gorgheggi che il mimo poliglotta crea spontaneamente, e che vanno senz’altro molto più in là delle poche semplici note necessarie per ribadire i propri diritti territoriali. Che servano a rallegrare sia lui che noi?

Certi scriccioli canori dell’America del Sud sono altrettanto sorprendenti. Le coppie, come altri uccelli tropicali, cantano duetti. Riguardo alle loro eccezionali esecuzioni musicali, un’enciclopedia osserva: “La femmina e il maschio possono cantare le stesse melodie insieme, melodie diverse o brani diversi della stessa melodia alternativamente; possono be synchronized so that the entire melody seems to sing from a single bird. "How delicious to these delicate musical dialogues between pairs of wrens! Simple result of chance?

The surprising structure of semi

seeds mature and ready to go!

A variety of ingenious mechanisms to ensure dissemination. Orchid seeds are so light that float in the air like dust particles. Those of the dandelion (or "head") are equipped with parachutes, while the maple has wings and flutter like butterflies. Some aquatic plants produce seeds with floats to allow air them to navigate.

Some plants have pods, opening the shutter, catapulting the seeds. The seeds of witch hazel are first compressed and then shoot out from the fruit, like watermelon seeds that children play to crush between your thumb and forefinger. And the watermelon asinine (or "squirt") uses a hydraulic principle. As she gets older, the walls thicken inwards, compressing more and more central part liquid, and when the seeds are ripe, the pressure is such that it breaks the stalk as the cork of a bottle, and the seeds are shot out.

Semi measuring rainfall

The seeds of certain annual plants Desert refuse to germinate until they have fallen at least 12 mm of rain. He also seems to know which direction does the water: If you are sprouting from the top, if not from below. There are salts in the soil that prevent seeds from germinating. To dispel these salts takes the rain. The water that comes from below can not.

If these annual plants of the desert began to grow after a mere drizzle, would die. To protect plants from subsequent periods of drought, it takes a heavy rain that the ground enough bathrooms. So expect it to arrive. Chance or intentional design?

A giant in a tiny enclosure

One of the smaller seeds contains the largest living organism on earth: the giant sequoia. Exceeds 90 meters in height. A little more than a meter above the ground may have a diameter of 11 meters. A single tree can provide enough timber to build 50 houses of six rooms each. The cortex, a two feet thick, contains tannin, a compound that keeps insects away, and the structure of spongy, fibrous, making it almost as a fire-resistant asbestos. Its roots stretch over an acre and a half. He lives more than 3,000 years.

Yet the seeds that drop to the sequoia million are not much bigger than a pinhead surrounded by tiny wings. A man standing at the base of sequoia can only admire in silence the imposing grandeur. It makes sense to believe that this majestic giant and the tiny seed that contains it were not designed by anyone?


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