Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Genital Herpes With Lupus

14 - The human miracle

DI TUTTE le meraviglie esistenti sulla terra, nessuna supera il cervello umano. Ad esempio, ogni secondo il cervello riceve circa 100 milioni di bit o unità di informazione provenienti dai vari sensi. Come fa il cervello a non remain paralyzed by the avalanche of information? If you can think of one thing at a time, how does the mind to handle these millions of simultaneous messages? It is clear that the mind is not only survives this assault, but absorbs it easily.

2 How do you succeed is just one of many prodigious capacity of the human brain. There are two factors involved. First, in the brain stem there is a network of neurons the size of a pinky finger, called the reticular formation. It acts as a traffic control, and process millions of messages sent to the brain, blocking those insignificant and selecting those that deserve the attention of the cerebral cortex. Every second this dense network allows only a few hundred messages to be endorsed at a conscious level.

3 Second, another focus of attention mechanism appears to consist of waves that pass through the brain from eight to twelve times per second. These waves result in periods of high sensitivity, during which the brain detects the strongest impulses and acts accordingly. It is believed that these waves through the brain is self-exploration, thus bringing into focus the essential information. Every second, then, our brains are engaged in extremely hectic!

a "wonderful thing"
4 In recent years, scientists have made enormous passi avanti nello studio del cervello. Con tutto ciò, quello che hanno imparato non è nulla in paragone con ciò che resta da scoprire. Un ricercatore ha detto che, dopo migliaia d’anni di congetture e decenni di intensa ricerca scientifica, il nostro cervello, al pari dell’universo, resta “sostanzialmente un mistero”.1 È molto probabile che il cervello umano sia la componente più misteriosa del miracolo umano, “miracolo” nel senso etimologico di “cosa meravigliosa”.

5 Il prodigio ha inizio nel grembo materno. Tre settimane dopo il concepimento cominciano a formarsi le cellule cerebrali. Crescono a ondate, a volte fino a 250.000 cellule al minuto. Dopo la nascita, il cervello continues to grow and develop its communications network. The chasm that separates the human brain from that of any animal becomes immediately clear: "The child's brain, unlike that of any other animal, tripling its size in the first year," says the book The Universe In time Within.2 , about 100 billion nerve cells, called neurons, as well as other types of cells are placed in the human brain, even though it represents only 2 percent of body weight.

6 The main nerve cells, neurons, are not actually in direct contact with each other. They are separated by small spaces, less than 25 millionths of a millimeter, called synapses. These spaces are filled with chemicals called neurotransmitters, are known thirty, but the brain possesses perhaps many more. These chemical signals are received at one end of the neuron by a maze of tiny filaments called dendrites. The signals are then transmitted to the other end of the neuron from a nerve fiber called an axon. Are electrical signals in neurons, and synapses are chemical. Thus the transmission of nerve signals is electrochemically. The strength of the pulse is always the same, but the signal intensity depends on the frequency of the impulses, who can touch the thousands per second.

7 Do not know exactly what physiological changes occur in the brain during learning. But experiments show that while you learn, especially in the first years of life, improve connections and was released a greater amount of those chemicals that fill the spaces between neurons. Repeated use strengthens the connections, thus improving learning. The "pathways that are activated are often somewhat strengthened," said Le Scienze.3 In this regard it is interesting to the biblical statement that the deep things are more easily understood by mature people "who through their use have perceptive powers exercised ". (Hebrews 5:14) Ricerche hanno rivelato che le facoltà mentali, se non vengono sfruttate, si intorpidiscono. Perciò il cervello, come un muscolo, è irrobustito dall’uso e indebolito dall’inattività.

8 Il gran numero di fibre nervose microscopiche che formano queste connessioni cerebrali costituisce il “cablaggio” del cervello. Esse sono sistemate con precisione in un labirinto incredibilmente complesso. Ma come vengano sistemate nei punti esatti previsti dal “diagramma di cablaggio” è un mistero. “È indubbio”, dice uno scienziato, “che l’argomento più importante non ancora risolto, nello sviluppo del cervello, sia la questione di come i neuroni stabiliscano specific frameworks of connections. . . The majority of connections are already established precisely at an early stage of development ".4 Another researcher adds that these" sets of specific plots of connections, like cable between topographically mapped areas have been identified some 'anywhere in the nervous system , but the particular provision of this cabling remains a major open problems ".5

9 The number of these connections is astronomical. Each neuron can lay thousands of connections with other neurons. There are only connections between neurons, but there are also microcircuits dendrites that connect directly with each other. "These 'microcomputer'" a neurologist says, "they add a whole new dimension to our already formidable understanding of the functioning of the brain" .6 Some researchers believe that the "billions and billions of nerve cells in the human brain can even form a quadrillion connections" With what ability .7 ? Carl Sagan said that the amount of information that the brain could accumulate "fill twenty million books, than there are in the greatest libraries of the world" .8

10 What separates man from any animal is the cerebral cortex . This pleated sheet, close against the skull, has a thickness of about 4.5 mm. Expanse, measure approximately 220,000 square millimeters, with approximately 1,000 miles of nerve fibers per cubic centimeter. The human cerebral cortex is not only much larger than that of any animal, but also has a dedicated area not much larger. This is an area that is not appointed to manage the physical functions of the body, but available for higher mental processes that distinguish humans from animals. "We are not only more intelligent than monkeys," said a researcher. Our mind makes us qualitatively different from all other forms of life ".9

Our superior ability
11" What distinguishes the human brain, "says one scientist, "Is the variety of specialized tasks that it is able to learn" .10 The computer science use the term "hard wiring" ("wiring") with respect to fixed circuitry features built into your computer, to distinguish them from the programmable functions. "Applied to human beings," writes one expert, "the hard wiring means the innate abilities or, at least, the arrangements" .11 The man has many innate ability to learn, but not the information itself. The animals, however, have an instinctive wisdom "wired", built-in but limited ability to learn with regard to new things.

12 The Universe Within The book notes that the most intelligent animals "never develop a mind like that of man. He lacks what we have: the pre-programming neural apparatus that allows us to form concepts from what we see, a language from what we hear from the experiences and thoughts that we do. " But, through the release of data derived from the environment, we need to program the brain, otherwise, as the book says, "will not grow anything like the human mind. . . Without immense infusion of experience, there is hardly a trace of intellect '.12 Thus, the human brain has the capacity necessary for the formation of the human intellect. And, unlike animals, we have free will and we can plan our intellect as they see fit, according to our knowledge, our values, our possibilities and our goals.

Language, prerogative of
13 A clear example of innate abilities that allow a great flexibility of programming on our part is language. The experts agree that "the human brain is genetically programmed to develop the language," 13 and that this "can only be explained with an innate ability to process of language in our brain ".14 In contrast to the rigidity of instinctive animal behavior, however, man can be used with great versatility this innate language faculty.

14 Our brain is not designed for a specific language, but we have the ability to learn languages \u200b\u200bcongenital. If you speak two languages \u200b\u200bin the family, the child can learn them both. If it comes into contact with a third language, can learn that too. A child is in contact, from early childhood, with various languages. In five years he was fluent in eight. In light of these innate abilities, not surprising that a linguist has said that the experiments of sign language made chimpanzee "in reality shows that chimpanzees are unable to use even the most rudimentary forms of human language" .15

15 A capacity so extraordinary could never have evolved from animal grunts and moans? The study of the oldest languages \u200b\u200bcategorically denied that such an evolution of language. One expert said that "there are no primitive languages" .16 The anthropologist Ashley Montagu was agreed that the so-called primitive languages \u200b\u200bare often much more complex and effective than the so-called advanced civilizations ".17

16 A neurologist has come to this conclusion: "The more we try to penetrate the mechanism of language, the more mysterious it seems to us ".18 Another researcher says:" The origin of language syntax is still a mystery ".19 And a third says:" The language, with its power to stimulate men and nations as no other force, clearly distinguishes man from animals. Yet, the origins of language remain one of the most elusive mysteries of the brain ".20 There are a mystery, however, for those who see in it the hand of a Creator that predispose certain areas of the brain for language processing.

Things can only explain the creation
17 According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the human brain "has a potential considerably higher than that used during the life of a person" .21 It was also reported that the human brain could learn to load and store any information which was submitted now, and a billion times much! But why evolution would have produced a similar disproportion? "In fact, this is the only existing example of a species that has been equipped with a body that has not yet learned to use," says one scientist. And then asks: "How can this be reconciled with the most basic evolutionary theory, that natural selection proceeds in small steps, each of which must give agency owner also benefits minimal, but still noticeable? "He adds that the development of the human brain" remains one of the most inexplicable of evolution '.22 Given that the evolutionary process would not produce and broadcast capabilities of this disproportionate brain, leaving not intended to be used ever, it is much more reasonable to conclude that man, with its unlimited capacity for learning, has been made to live forever?

18 Amazed by the ability of the human brain to accumulate information to 'fill twenty million books', Carl Sagan said: "The brain is really a place great in a very small space ".23 And what happens in this small space defies human understanding. Imagine, for example, the fate of a pianist in the brain while performing a difficult piece of music, employing all the fingers on the keyboard. What an incredible sense of movement must have its own brain to filter your fingers to beat the right keys at the right time with the right intensity, to match the notes he has in mind! And if you take a cue, the brain immediately makes you noticed. All of these incredibly complex operations have been programmed into his brain through years of practice. But this is only possible due to the fact that musical ability was preprogrammed in the brain human birth.

19 No animal brain has ever conceived such things, much less is able to execute them. Nor is there any evolutionary theory provides an explanation. It is not clear that the intellectual faculties of man mirror those of a supreme intellect? This is in harmony with Genesis 1:27, which says: "God created man in His own image." The animals were not created in the image of God this man does not have the skills. Although the animals performed formidable feats thanks to strict predetermined instincts, do not hold the slightest confrontation with the man and his versatility of thought and action, or its ability to continue to build on previous knowledge. 20

quality human altruism is another problem for evolution. As observed by an evolutionist, 'everything that has evolved through natural selection should be selfish'. And there is no doubt that many men are selfish. But then the same evolutionary acknowledges: "It is also possible that another characteristic of man is his ability to feel really real and disinterested altruism" 24 Another student adds: "Altruism is innate in us." 25 Only the man shows him with the knowledge of the price that might cost or sacrifice.

We appreciate the miracle of human
21 Consider: The man has the mental faculty of abstraction, is consciously intended goals, makes plans to achieve them, work to accomplish and experience satisfaction when we make them. Created with the sense of beauty, with an ear for music, with a predisposition for art, with a keen desire to learn, with an insatiable curiosity and imagination can invent and create, a man feels joy and made you feel when you use these gifts. Try satisfaction in using his mental faculties and physical properties to solve problems that arise. It is also equipped with a moral sense that allows him to distinguish good from evil, and a consciousness that remorse when they fail. Try to give happiness and joy in loving and being loved. All these activities and enhance the quality of his zest for life and give meaning and purpose to his life.

22 The human being can contemplate the world of plants and animals, the majesty of the mountains and ocean, the vastness of the starry heavens, and realize its smallness. Has the concept of time and eternity, wonders where it came from and where it goes, and try to understand what is behind all this. No animal does these reflections, while the man is asked why and wherefore of things. All of this comes the fact that he was endowed with a brain that brings the extraordinary and 'image' of Him who created him. With amazing insight

23, the ancient psalmist David gave credit to the designer of the brain and to which he attributed the miracle of human birth. He wrote: "I will praise you because I am in fact a tremendously wonderful. Marvelous are your works, as my soul knows very well. My bones were not hidden from you when I was done in secret, when I was woven into the lower parts of the earth. Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in thy book were written all over it. " - Psalm 139:14-16.

24 Can we really say that the fertilized egg in the womb to contain, "written" means all parts of the body that will develop from it. The heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, ears, arms, legs, the amazing brain and other body parts, were "written" in the genetic code of the fertilized egg in the womb. This code also includes an internal program that defines the time in which they appear in these parts, each in the right order. This fact was mentioned in the Bible almost three thousand years before modern science discovered the genetic code!

25 The existence of man and his extraordinary brain is not really a miracle, a source of wonder? It is also clear that this miracle can be explained only with the creation, not evolution?

THE HUMAN BRAIN: A 'unsolved mystery'?

"The human brain is the most marvelous and mysterious object of the entire universe." - H. F. Osborn, antropologoa

"How does the brain generate thoughts? This is the biggest problem we have not yet been answered. " - C. Sherrington, fisiologob

'Despite the continued accumulation of knowledge very detailed, the manner in which the brain human work is still profoundly mysterious'. - F. Crick, biologoc

"Who is talking about a computer as an 'electronic brain' has never seen a brain." - I. S. Bengelsdorf, editor scientificod

"Our active memories store several billion times more information than a large modern computer science." - M. Hunt, writer scientificoe

"Because the brain is different and immensely more complicated than anything existing in the known universe, before you can explore the mysterious nature of the brain may have to forego some of our firmest convictions. " - R. M. Restak, neurologof

About the gulf that separates man from animals, Alfred R. Wallace, 'co' the theory of evolution, wrote to Darwin: "Natural selection would give the Wild a brain only slightly higher than that of the monkey, while he possesses one very little inferior to that of a representative average learned our society. " Annoyed by this admission, Darwin replied: "I hope you have not completely killed our common creation"

Claiming that the human brain evolved from that of some animal means challenging the ragione e i fatti. Assai più logica è questa conclusione: “Non ho altra scelta che riconoscere l’esistenza di un supremo Intelletto, responsabile del progetto e dello sviluppo dell’incredibile relazione cervello-mente, qualcosa che supera di gran lunga le possibilità di comprensione umane. . . . Devo credere che tutto questo abbia avuto un inizio intelligente, che Qualcuno lo abbia reso possibile”. — R. J. White, neurochirurgo


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